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Change log entry 82173
Processed by: richwarm (2024-02-29 05:01:35 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75816 - submitted by 'cws' >>

1) 一本本 is the same as 一本一本 as in this example:
(although the shorter form 一本本 is more common).

In general terms, it's a reduplicated form of the pattern "一 + {measure word}".

Here are a few examples:
(代) 這些乘著一代代記憶、從遠古口傳至今的名字,
(波) 大陸團體一波波到台灣公演,
(步) 一步步陷入這「不知是誰設下的大網」。
(張) 看老光華中一張張的圖片,
(集) 於是介紹「都市新貌」、「十項建設三年有成」、「日月潭風光」等一集集的光華畫報雜誌,就這樣出版,向海外寄發,初時發行量約是一萬份。

We have the most generic example of the pattern (一個個), but we aren't going to add an entry for each measure word. Having a dictionary isn't a substitute for learning the grammar.

2) The proposed definition is inaccurate because it doesn't indicate that 一本本 only applies to things whose measure word is 本, such as books, files etc.
# 一本本 一本本 [[yi1 ben3 ben3]] /one by one/
By MDBG 2024
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