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CC-CEDICT Editor is a web application which allows distributed maintenance of the CC-CEDICT dictionary.


Allows you to search the latest version of CC-CEDICT.

You can edit entries by clicking the icon next to an entry. Multiple entries can be edited simultaneously in native CC-CEDICT format by selecting them using the checkboxes on the left side and clicking the "Batch edit the selected entries" button.

Add / change CC-CEDICT entry

Allows you to add or change a CC-CEDICT entry. Submitted entries will be queued for reviewing by the editors.

Add / change CC-CEDICT entries (native CC-CEDICT format)

Allows you to add or change CC-CEDICT entries. Submitted entries will be queued for reviewing by the editors.

Change log

Lists the actual changes to CC-CEDICT reviewed and processed by the editors.

By MDBG 2025
Privacy and cookies
Help wanted: the CC-CEDICT project is looking for new volunteer editors!