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Change log entry 88332
Processed by: richwarm (2025-02-17 04:26:20 UTC)
Comment: v2
- 德律風 德律风 [de2 lu:4 feng1] /telephone (loanword)/
+ 德律風 德律风 [[de2lu:4feng1]] /(old) (loanword) telephone/

Change log entry 88331
Processed by: richwarm (2025-02-17 01:00:47 UTC)
Comment: << review queue entry 81141 - submitted by 'polaris' >>



# 一襲 一袭 [[yi1xi2]] /a suit of (clothes)/
+ 一襲 一袭 [[yi1xi2]] /an outfit of (clothing)/

Change log entry 88330
Processed by: richwarm (2025-02-16 23:57:33 UTC)
Comment: << review queue entry 81138 - submitted by 'polaris' >>
ref Google (a common variant)
+ 俄克拉荷馬 俄克拉荷马 [[E2ke4la1he2ma3]] /variant of 俄克拉何馬|俄克拉何马[E2ke4la1he2ma3]/

Change log entry 88329
Processed by: richwarm (2025-02-16 23:55:09 UTC)
Comment: << review queue entry 81140 - submitted by 'polaris' >>
ref Wiki, Google
(Note: 是否要加上 abbr. for 亚洲冬季运动会?)
+ 亞冬會 亚冬会 [[Ya4dong1hui4]] /Asian Winter Games/

Change log entry 88328
Processed by: richwarm (2025-02-16 23:53:32 UTC)
Comment: << review queue entry 81139 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
Example sign from a night market: "內餡是汁、甜中帶鹹芋頭裡存在著鹹蛋黃沙沙的口感"

包在米、麵、糕點等食物裡的材料。如菜、肉、豆沙、芝麻等。 例這家店的水餃,內餡鮮美,遠近馳名。

- 鳳梨酥百百種,內餡無論是冬瓜、鳳梨、蔓越莓或蛋黃,都叫鳳梨酥,
- 例如流心餅乾,意思是指這個餅乾的內餡(餅乾裡面的料)是液態的,會流動。
- 然後放入鳳梨內餡包裹起來,
- 採日本甜奶油和法國巧克力豆為內餡
# 內餡 内馅 [[nei4xian4]] /(Tw) filling, stuffing (of pastries etc)/
+ 內餡 内馅 [[nei4xian4]] /(Tw) filling; stuffing (in pastries, dumplings etc)/

Change log entry 88327
Processed by: kbaiko (2025-02-16 13:13:41 UTC)
Comment: << review queue entry 80895 - submitted by 'monigeria' >>
Saw this headline from Caixin the other day:
小红书中美用户开启“早C晚A” 平台如何应对汹涌流量
文|财新 包云红,吕娅霆(实习)


Originally, the saying "早C晚A" refers to a popular skincare concept upheld by a flock of influencers and skincare aficionados in China. It literally means "Vitamin C for morning (skincare) and Vitamin A for evening," or to be explicit, to use skincare products that contain Vitamin C as antioxidants in the morning and those containing Vitamin A to delay the process of skin aging in the evening.

Earlier this month, the saying was updated with another interpretation. Here, C stands for coffee and A for alcohol. Together, they account for two daily necessities for a growing number of young Chinese, especially urban dwellers. Some even joked that morning coffee to wake up and late night drinks for better sleep are two must-haves for the younger generation to "extend (their working) life."


Seems like this got submitted twice
# 早C晚A 早C晚A [[zao3 C wan3 A]] /(skincare routine) Vitamin C in the morning, Vitamin A in the evening/(drink culture) coffee in the morning, alcohol in the evening/(social media) Chinese active in the mornings, Americans active in the evenings/

Change log entry 88326
Processed by: richwarm (2025-02-16 08:50:43 UTC)
Comment: << review queue entry 81137 - submitted by 'polaris' >>
ref 《现代汉语规范词典》、《漢語大詞典》、《中国大百科全书》、《辭海》

Editor: "The reclassification of the cotton bollworm from Heliothis armigera to Helicoverpa armigera occurred in 1983. This change was proposed by entomologists Hardwick and Matthews, who conducted a comprehensive review of the genus Heliothis and identified significant differences between species within the group."
# 棉鈴蟲 棉铃虫 [[mian2ling2chong2]] /cotton bollworm; Heliothis armigera/
+ 棉鈴蟲 棉铃虫 [[mian2ling2chong2]] /cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera)/

Change log entry 88325
Processed by: kbaiko (2025-02-15 23:56:01 UTC)
Comment: << review queue entry 81129 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 日活用戶 日活用户 [ri4 huo2 yong4 hu4] /daily active users (of a website, service etc)/
+ 日活用戶 日活用户 [[ri4huo2 yong4hu4]] /daily active users (of a website, service etc)/
- 有朝 有朝 [you3 zhao1] /one day; sometime in the future/
+ 有朝 有朝 [[you3zhao1]] /one day; sometime in the future/
- 杜興氏肌肉營養不良症 杜兴氏肌肉营养不良症 [Du4 xing1 shi4 ji1 rou4 ying2 yang3 bu4 liang2 zheng4] /Duchenne muscular dystrophy/
+ 杜興氏肌肉營養不良症 杜兴氏肌肉营养不良症 [[Du4xing1shi4 ji1rou4 ying2yang3 bu4liang2zheng4]] /Duchenne muscular dystrophy/
- 樂感 乐感 [yue4 gan3] /musicality; feel for music/
+ 樂感 乐感 [[yue4gan3]] /musicality; feel for music/
- 氤氳 氤氲 [yin1 yun1] /(literary) (of smoke, mist) dense; thick/
+ 氤氳 氤氲 [[yin1yun1]] /(literary) (of smoke, mist) dense; thick/

Change log entry 88324
Processed by: kbaiko (2025-02-15 18:04:10 UTC)
Comment: << review queue entry 81123 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 二號電池 二号电池 [er4 hao4 dian4 chi2] /C size battery (Tw)/PRC equivalent: 三號電池|三号电池[san1 hao4 dian4 chi2]/
+ 二號電池 二号电池 [[er4hao4 dian4chi2]] /(Tw) C size battery (PRC equivalent: 三號電池|三号电池[san1hao4 dian4chi2])/
- 亡國 亡国 [wang2 guo2] /(of a nation) to be destroyed; to be subjugated/vanquished nation/
+ 亡國 亡国 [[wang2guo2]] /(of a nation) to be destroyed; to be subjugated/a fallen nation/
- 亨德爾 亨德尔 [Heng1 de2 er3] /Handel (name)/George Frideric Handel (1685-1759), German-born British composer/
+ 亨德爾 亨德尔 [[Heng1de2er3]] /George Frideric Handel (1685-1759), German-born British composer/
- 備 备 [bei4] /(bound form) to prepare; to equip/(literary) fully; in every possible way/
+ 備 备 [[bei4]] /(bound form) to prepare; to equip/(literary) fully; completely/
- 兩虎相鬥,必有一傷 两虎相斗,必有一伤 [liang3 hu3 xiang1 dou4 , bi4 you3 yi1 shang1] /lit. when two tigers fight, one will get injured (idiom)/fig. if it comes to a fight, someone will get hurt/
+ 兩虎相鬥,必有一傷 两虎相斗,必有一伤 [[liang3hu3-xiang1dou4, bi4you3-yi1shang1]] /lit. when two tigers fight, one will get injured (idiom)/fig. if it comes to a fight, someone will get hurt/

Change log entry 88323
Processed by: kbaiko (2025-02-15 11:50:07 UTC)
Comment: << review queue entry 81128 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 得手 得手 [de2 shou3] /to go smoothly; to come off; to succeed/
+ 得手 得手 [[de2shou3]] /to go smoothly; to come off; to succeed/
- 德高望重 德高望重 [de2 gao1 wang4 zhong4] /(idiom) a person of virtue and prestige; a person of good moral standing and reputation/
+ 德高望重 德高望重 [[de2gao1-wang4zhong4]] /(idiom) a person of virtue and prestige; a person of good moral standing and reputation/
- 抓大放小 抓大放小 [zhua1 da4 fang4 xiao3] /(PRC, mid-1990s) to restructure the large state-owned enterprises (SOEs) controlled by the central government and privatize smaller SOEs at the local level/
+ 抓大放小 抓大放小 [[zhua1da4-fang4xiao3]] /(PRC, mid-1990s) to restructure the large state-owned enterprises (SOEs) controlled by the central government and privatize smaller SOEs at the local level/
- 抹香鯨 抹香鲸 [mo3 xiang1 jing1] /sperm whale; cachalot (Physeter macrocephalus)/
+ 抹香鯨 抹香鲸 [[mo3xiang1jing1]] /sperm whale; cachalot (Physeter macrocephalus)/
- 撿拾 捡拾 [jian3 shi2] /to pick up; to gather/
+ 撿拾 捡拾 [[jian3shi2]] /to pick up; to gather/
- 擤 擤 [xing3] /to blow (one's nose)/
+ 擤 擤 [[xing3]] /to blow (one's nose)/

Change log entry 88322
Processed by: kbaiko (2025-02-15 11:47:28 UTC)
Comment: << review queue entry 81126 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 呼哱哱 呼哱哱 [hu1 bo1 bo1] /(coll.) hoopoe/
+ 呼哱哱 呼哱哱 [[hu1bo1bo1]] /(coll.) hoopoe/
- 單射 单射 [dan1 she4] /(math.) one-to-one function; injective map/
+ 單射 单射 [[dan1she4]] /(math.) one-to-one function; injective map/
- 壓服 压服 [ya1 fu2] /to compel sb to obey; to force into submission; to subjugate/
+ 壓服 压服 [[ya1fu2]] /to compel sb to obey; to force into submission; to subjugate/
- 多目的 多目的 [duo1 mu4 di4] /multipurpose/
+ 多目的 多目的 [[duo1mu4di4]] /multipurpose/
- 失火 失火 [shi1 huo3] /to catch fire; to be on fire/
+ 失火 失火 [[shi1huo3]] /to catch fire; to be on fire/

Change log entry 88321
Processed by: kbaiko (2025-02-15 11:46:31 UTC)
Comment: << review queue entry 81125 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 假體 假体 [jia3 ti3] /(medicine) prosthesis; implant/
+ 假體 假体 [[jia3ti3]] /(medicine) prosthesis; implant/
- 停車格 停车格 [ting2 che1 ge2] /parking bay/
+ 停車格 停车格 [[ting2che1ge2]] /parking bay/
- 傻愣愣 傻愣愣 [sha3 leng4 leng4] /staring stupidly; petrified/
+ 傻愣愣 傻愣愣 [[sha3leng4leng4]] /staring stupidly; petrified/
- 公之於世 公之于世 [gong1 zhi1 yu2 shi4] /(idiom) to announce to the world; to make public; to let everyone know/
+ 公之於世 公之于世 [[gong1zhi1yu2shi4]] /(idiom) to announce to the world; to make public; to let everyone know/
- 反應鍋 反应锅 [fan3 ying4 guo1] /(chemical engineering) reaction vessel; reaction tank/
+ 反應鍋 反应锅 [[fan3ying4guo1]] /(chemical engineering) reaction vessel; reaction tank/

Change log entry 88320
Processed by: kbaiko (2025-02-15 11:45:12 UTC)
Comment: << review queue entry 81124 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 一分一毫 一分一毫 [yi1 fen1 yi1 hao2] /(idiom) the tiniest bit/
+ 一分一毫 一分一毫 [[yi1fen1-yi1hao2]] /(idiom) the tiniest bit/
- 中銀 中银 [Zhong1 Yin2] /Bank of China (abbr. for 中國銀行|中国银行[Zhong1 guo2 Yin2 hang2])/
+ 中銀 中银 [[Zhong1-Yin2]] /Bank of China (abbr. for 中國銀行|中国银行[Zhong1guo2 Yin2hang2])/
- 乾物女 干物女 [gan1 wu4 nu:3] /single girl who lives a lackadaisical life, uninterested in relationships (orthographic borrowing from Japanese 干物女 "himono onna")/
+ 乾物女 干物女 [[gan1wu4nu:3]] /single girl who lives a lackadaisical life, uninterested in relationships (orthographic borrowing from Japanese 干物女 "himono onna")/
- 人字拖 人字拖 [ren2 zi4 tuo1] /flip-flops (abbr. for 人字拖鞋[ren2 zi4 tuo1 xie2])/
+ 人字拖 人字拖 [[ren2zi4tuo1]] /flip-flops (abbr. for 人字拖鞋[ren2zi4 tuo1xie2])/
- 修真 修真 [xiu1 zhen1] /to practice Taoism; to cultivate the true self through spiritual exercises/
+ 修真 修真 [[xiu1zhen1]] /to practice Taoism; to cultivate the true self through spiritual exercises/

Change log entry 88319
Processed by: kbaiko (2025-02-15 11:44:36 UTC)
Comment: << review queue entry 81115 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
+ 記牢 记牢 [[ji4lao2]] /to commit to memory/

Change log entry 88318
Processed by: kbaiko (2025-02-15 11:43:00 UTC)
Comment: << review queue entry 81130 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 無病呻吟 无病呻吟 [wu2 bing4 shen1 yin2] /(idiom) to moan and groan despite not being sick; to feign illness; to complain without cause; (of writing) to indulge in confected sentimentality/
+ 無病呻吟 无病呻吟 [[wu2bing4-shen1yin2]] /(idiom) to moan and groan despite not being sick; to feign illness; to complain without cause; (of writing) to indulge in confected sentimentality/
- 理工男 理工男 [li3 gong1 nan2] /geek; techie/
+ 理工男 理工男 [[li3gong1nan2]] /geek; techie/
- 痴醉 痴醉 [chi1 zui4] /to be fascinated; to be spellbound/
+ 痴醉 痴醉 [[chi1zui4]] /to be fascinated; to be spellbound/
- 發件人 发件人 [fa1 jian4 ren2] /(mail or email) sender/
+ 發件人 发件人 [[fa1jian4ren2]] /(mail or email) sender/
- 百般刁難 百般刁难 [bai3 ban1 diao1 nan4] /(idiom) to put up innumerable obstacles; to create all kinds of difficulties/
+ 百般刁難 百般刁难 [[bai3ban1-diao1nan4]] /(idiom) to put up innumerable obstacles; to create all kinds of difficulties/

Change log entry 88317
Processed by: kbaiko (2025-02-15 11:40:55 UTC)
Comment: << review queue entry 81131 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 盡力 尽力 [jin4 li4] /to strive one's hardest; to spare no effort/
+ 盡力 尽力 [[jin4li4]] /to strive one's hardest; to spare no effort/
- 砝 砝 [fa3] /used in 砝碼|砝码[fa3 ma3]/
+ 砝 砝 [[fa3]] /used in 砝碼|砝码[fa3ma3]/
- 空殼公司 空壳公司 [kong1 ke2 gong1 si1] /shell company; shell corporation/
+ 空殼公司 空壳公司 [[kong1ke2 gong1si1]] /shell company; shell corporation/
- 空氣炸鍋 空气炸锅 [kong1 qi4 zha2 guo1] /air fryer/
+ 空氣炸鍋 空气炸锅 [[kong1qi4 zha2guo1]] /air fryer/
- 粘皮帶骨 粘皮带骨 [nian2 pi2 dai4 gu3] /(old) (idiom) muddled; indecisive; plodding/
+ 粘皮帶骨 粘皮带骨 [[nian2pi2-dai4gu3]] /(old) (idiom) muddled; indecisive; plodding/
- 結黨營私 结党营私 [jie2 dang3 ying2 si1] /(idiom) to form a clique for self-serving purposes/
+ 結黨營私 结党营私 [[jie2dang3-ying2si1]] /(idiom) to form a clique for self-serving purposes/

Change log entry 88316
Processed by: kbaiko (2025-02-15 11:35:17 UTC)
Comment: << review queue entry 81133 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
成语, according to Baidu, though I think 绿叶成荫 is the more common version of it
- 綠樹成蔭 绿树成荫 [[lu:4shu4 cheng2yin1]] /(of an area) to have trees with shade-giving foliage; (of a road) to be tree-lined/
+ 綠樹成蔭 绿树成荫 [[lu:4shu4-cheng2yin1]] /(idiom) (of an area) to have trees with shade-giving foliage; (of a road) to be tree-lined/

Change log entry 88315
Processed by: kbaiko (2025-02-15 11:26:53 UTC)
Comment: << review queue entry 81132 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 綠樹成蔭 绿树成荫 [lu:4 shu4 cheng2 yin1] /(of an area) to have trees with shade-giving foliage; (of a road) to be tree-lined/
+ 綠樹成蔭 绿树成荫 [[lu:4shu4 cheng2yin1]] /(of an area) to have trees with shade-giving foliage; (of a road) to be tree-lined/
- 網警 网警 [wang3 jing3] /Internet police (abbr. for 網絡警察|网络警察[wang3 luo4 jing3 cha2])/
+ 網警 网警 [[wang3jing3]] /Internet police (abbr. for 網絡警察|网络警察[wang3luo4 jing3cha2])/
- 美耐皿 美耐皿 [mei3 nai4 min3] /(Tw) (loanword) melamine/
+ 美耐皿 美耐皿 [[mei3nai4min3]] /(Tw) (loanword) melamine/
- 群演 群演 [qun2 yan3] /extra (actor engaged to appear in a crowd scene) (abbr. for 群眾演員|群众演员[qun2 zhong4 yan3 yuan2])/
# + 群演 群演 [[qun2yan3]] /extra (actor engaged to appear in a crowd scene) (abbr. for 群眾演員|群众演员[qun2zhong4 yan3 yuan2])/
- 膽魄 胆魄 [dan3 po4] /boldness; daring/
+ 膽魄 胆魄 [[dan3po4]] /boldness; daring/
- 莊嚴 庄严 [zhuang1 yan2] /solemn; dignified; stately/
+ 莊嚴 庄严 [[zhuang1yan2]] /solemn; dignified; stately/
# Editor:
+ 群演 群演 [[qun2yan3]] /extra (actor engaged to appear in a crowd scene) (abbr. for 群眾演員|群众演员[qun2zhong4 yan3yuan2])/

Change log entry 88314
Processed by: richwarm (2025-02-15 10:02:32 UTC)
Comment: v2
- 山寨貨 山寨货 [shan1 zhai4 huo4] /a fake; imitation or counterfeit product/
+ 山寨貨 山寨货 [[shan1zhai4huo4]] /a fake; imitation or counterfeit product/

Change log entry 88313
Processed by: richwarm (2025-02-15 04:01:38 UTC)
Comment: << review queue entry 81031 - submitted by 'monigeria' >>
Has been brought to the spotlight recently due to the death of Barbie Hsu



標題[閒聊] 吃腐素
時間Wed Nov 23 12:23:23 2016


Editor: Google only displays 80 results. Looking over all of them, and weeding out the ones that don't support your definition (such as the two I quote below), I spotted only one that was not published in the past few days -- your second quote.


Hakka Tofu (V)|路口客家⾖腐(素)
# 腐素 腐素 [[fu3 su4]] /decomposing veganism (a diet in which only vegan foods which have begun naturally rotting are eaten as the practitioners believe there is a “life force” in non-decomposed foods)/

Change log entry 88312
Processed by: richwarm (2025-02-15 03:58:28 UTC)
Comment: << review queue entry 80884 - submitted by 'polaris' >>
# 幹你娘 干你娘 [[gan4ni3niang2]] /(Tw) fuck your mother (vulgar)/
+ 幹你娘 干你娘 [[gan4 ni3 niang2]] /(Tw) (vulgar) fuck you! (literally, "fuck your mother")/

Change log entry 88311
Processed by: richwarm (2025-02-15 03:48:26 UTC)
Comment: << review queue entry 76442 >>
removing "for this sense" since it's implied by the syntax already and not the convention in other entries
- 勞 劳 [lao2] /to toil/labor/laborer/to put sb to trouble (of doing sth)/meritorious deed/to console (Taiwan pr. [lao4] for this sense)/
# + 勞 劳 [lao2] /to toil/labor/laborer/to put sb to trouble (of doing sth)/meritorious deed/to console (Taiwan pr. [lao4])/
+ 勞 劳 [lao2] /(bound form) to toil; labor/(bound form) laborer/(bound form) meritorious deed/(bound form) fatigue/to put sb to the trouble (of doing sth)/to express one's appreciation (Taiwan pr. [lao4])/

Change log entry 88310
Processed by: richwarm (2025-02-15 03:27:30 UTC)
Comment: << review queue entry 80920 - submitted by 'monigeria' >>
Saw this headline from Caixin the other day:
小红书中美用户开启“早C晚A” 平台如何应对汹涌流量
文|财新 包云红,吕娅霆(实习)


Originally, the saying "早C晚A" refers to a popular skincare concept upheld by a flock of influencers and skincare aficionados in China. It literally means "Vitamin C for morning (skincare) and Vitamin A for evening," or to be explicit, to use skincare products that contain Vitamin C as antioxidants in the morning and those containing Vitamin A to delay the process of skin aging in the evening.

Earlier this month, the saying was updated with another interpretation. Here, C stands for coffee and A for alcohol. Together, they account for two daily necessities for a growing number of young Chinese, especially urban dwellers. Some even joked that morning coffee to wake up and late night drinks for better sleep are two must-haves for the younger generation to "extend (their working) life."

Editor: Left out the 3rd sense for now -- let's see if that usage lasts.
(btw, for that sense, the wording would need to be improved to make the meaning clear.)
# 早C晚A 早C晚A [[zao3 C wan3 A]] /(skincare routine) Vitamin C in the morning, Vitamin A in the evening/(drink culture) coffee in the morning, alcohol in the evening/(social media) Chinese active in the mornings, Americans active in the evenings/
+ 早C晚A 早C晚A [[zao3-C wan3-A]] /(skincare regimen) Vitamin C in the morning, Vitamin A in the evening (original meaning)/(jocular) coffee in the morning, alcohol in the evening/

Change log entry 88309
Processed by: richwarm (2025-02-15 03:00:09 UTC)
Comment: v2
- 保養品 保养品 [bao3 yang3 pin3] /(Tw) beauty product; skincare product/
+ 保養品 保养品 [[bao3yang3pin3]] /(Tw) beauty product; skincare product/

Change log entry 88308
Processed by: richwarm (2025-02-15 02:50:57 UTC)
Comment: << review queue entry 80198 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
First two are used like verbs:

Last three are nouns:
- 杞人憂天 杞人忧天 [Qi3 ren2 you1 tian1] /man of Qǐ fears the sky falling (idiom); groundless fears/
+ 杞人憂天 杞人忧天 [[Qi3ren2-you1tian1]] /lit. like the man of 杞[Qi3] who feared the sky would fall (idiom)/fig. to entertain groundless fears/
- 杞國憂天 杞国忧天 [Qi3 guo2 you1 tian1] /man of Qǐ fears the sky falling (idiom); groundless fears/
+ 杞國憂天 杞国忧天 [[Qi3guo2-you1tian1]] /see 杞人憂天|杞人忧天[Qi3ren2-you1tian1]/
- 杞人之憂 杞人之忧 [Qi3 ren2 zhi1 you1] /man of Qǐ fears the sky falling (idiom); groundless fears/
+ 杞人之憂 杞人之忧 [[Qi3ren2 zhi1 you1]] /lit. the fear held by a man of 杞[Qi3] that the sky would fall (idiom)/fig. groundless fears/
- 杞國之憂 杞国之忧 [Qi3 guo2 zhi1 you1] /man of Qǐ fears the sky falling (idiom); groundless fears/
+ 杞國之憂 杞国之忧 [[Qi3guo2 zhi1 you1]] /see 杞人之憂|杞人之忧[Qi3ren2 zhi1 you1]/
- 杞天之慮 杞天之虑 [Qi3 tian1 zhi1 lu:4] /man of Qǐ fears the sky falling (idiom); groundless fears/
+ 杞天之慮 杞天之虑 [[Qi3tian1 zhi1 lu:4]] /see 杞人之憂|杞人之忧[Qi3ren2 zhi1 you1]/

Change log entry 88307
Processed by: richwarm (2025-02-15 02:14:15 UTC)
Comment: << review queue entry 80457 - submitted by 'beansprout' >>

- MoE Revised: "1. 害怕。如:「在這麼陰暗的房子裡,心裡總覺得毛毛的。」" (https://dict.revised.moe.edu.tw/dictView.jsp?ID=29196)
- "(adj.) spooky; creepy 害怕的感觉" with the example "这房子好暗,我(心里)觉得毛毛的。This house was so dark. It creeped me out." (https://www.youtube.com/live/3_UyZ5ONT2U?si=NVtHnej-fVlu1FF8&t=1132)
- "令人“毛”骨悚然," "“毛毛的”是指汗毛(因恐惧、惊慌等)竖起来的样子😃," "有说法叫-心里发毛,就是怕怕的感觉。用来形容虽然没有事情发生,但是很害怕。" (https://hinative.com/questions/18338013)

This sense also shows up in Key and Wiktionary (https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/毛毛).

I included the 的 in the headword based on MoE & Key, and 毛毛的 does seem to be predominant (e.g., 心里毛毛地's ~11,300 Google results vs. 心里毛毛的's ~119,000, and some of the former use 地 simply as the equivalent of 的). I did find a few examples in which 毛毛地 occurs adverbially, as in "当时是自己的移民业务严重萎缩,持续很长时间都没有了订单,心里【毛毛】地发慌,又一时半会无法找到其他工作。" (https://vocus.cc/article/62a3f727fd897800017bfb01), though, so I wasn't sure whether it would be better to have 毛毛的 or just 毛毛 as the headword.

Other possible glosses might be "uneasy," "on edge," or "unnerved."

Usage examples for 毛毛的:

> "在國立高雄科技大學第一校區內,有一整排的圓形石碑,但不少學生表示,每次經過都覺得【毛毛的】,更被學生們稱作「墓碑大道」。" (https://tw.news.yahoo.com/高科大驚見整排墓碑-學生-毛毛的-校方說明背後原因-072700124.html)
> "高雄市有一輛公車,上面貼著符咒,寫著亂按鈴、亂丟垃圾當掉,下車請按鈴,有民眾說看到符在公車上,不免有點【毛毛的】,不過駕駛說,他是希望透過有趣的方式,禁止學生錯誤的行為。" (https://tw.news.yahoo.com/毛毛的-公車門貼符咒-亂按鈴-亂丟垃圾當掉-062654856.html)
> "他每天都會固定帶孫子來這裡散步,以前整條路是廢棄鐵道,經過整建成自行車道後,讓這裡明亮不少,但旁邊是荒廢的墓地,每次經過心中不免「【毛毛的】」。" (https://www.ctee.com.tw/news/20241112701690-431401)
> "为什么我总觉得心里【毛毛的】?总感到很不安?有时候连睡觉都不安稳" (https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/577401855.html)
> "只有始终保持清醒的头脑,时刻警惕心里【“毛毛”的】萌芽,并及时解决它,才能成为一名真正的共产党员..." (https://www.mct.gov.cn/whzx/zxgz/djgz/200602/t20060215_797241.htm)



# 毛毛的 毛毛的 [[mao2mao2de5]] /creeped out; unsettled/
+ 毛毛的 毛毛的 [[mao2mao2 de5]] /creeped out; unnerved; uneasy/

Change log entry 88306
Processed by: richwarm (2025-02-15 02:01:00 UTC)
Comment: << review queue entry 80162 - submitted by 'encn' >>



最是 has another usage



最是那一低头的温柔, 像一朵水莲花不胜凉风的娇羞。
# 最是 最是 [[zui4shi4]] /most; to the superlative degree/(literary) the thing that has the superlative degree of a particular quality is/
# Editor:
+ 最是 最是 [[zui4shi4]] /(before an adjective, to indicate superlative degree) the most .../(literary) what exemplifies this particular quality to the highest degree is .../

Change log entry 88305
Processed by: richwarm (2025-02-15 01:15:24 UTC)
Comment: << review queue entry 80470 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
- 裝神弄鬼 装神弄鬼 [zhuang1 shen2 nong4 gui3] /lit. to pretend to be in contact with supernatural beings (idiom)/fig. to engage in hocus-pocus/
# + 裝神弄鬼 装神弄鬼 [[zhuang1shen2-nong4gui3]] /lit. to pretend to be in contact with supernatural beings (idiom)/fig. to engage in hocus-pocus/
+ 裝神弄鬼 装神弄鬼 [[zhuang1shen2-nong4gui3]] /lit. to pretend to be in contact with supernatural beings (idiom); fig. to create a false sense of mystery; to play tricks to deceive or scare others; to engage in hocus-pocus/

Change log entry 88304
Processed by: richwarm (2025-02-15 01:10:03 UTC)
Comment: << review queue entry 79806 - submitted by 'polaris' >>
高䠷 - 《重編國語辭典修訂本》


raised high (LA~高高揚起)

# 高䠷 高䠷 [[gao1tiao3]] /slender; thin and tall/
# Editor:
- 高挑 高挑 [[gao1tiao3]] /slender; thin and tall/
+ 高挑 高挑 [[gao1tiao3]] /raised high/(of a person) slender; tall and thin (Taiwan pr. [gao1tiao1])/
+ 高䠷 高䠷 [[gao1tiao3]] /(of a person) slender; tall and thin/
+ 䠷 䠷 [[tiao3]] /used in 高䠷[gao1tiao3]/

Change log entry 88303
Processed by: richwarm (2025-02-15 00:46:54 UTC)
Comment: v2
- 跳高 跳高 [tiao4 gao1] /high jump (athletics)/
+ 跳高 跳高 [[tiao4gao1]] /(athletics) high jump/

Change log entry 88302
Processed by: richwarm (2025-02-15 00:42:01 UTC)
Comment: << review queue entry 80588 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
影音設備 audiovisual equipment
TW term


AV software is very difficult to produce,

To research Cai Yuan­pei, I read more than 400,000 words—and that doesn’t include the audiovisual sources.
- 影音 影音 [ying3 yin1] /recorded media (CD and DVD)/sound and movies/
# + 影音 影音 [[ying3 yin1]] /recorded media (CD and DVD)/sound and movies/(TW) audio and video; audiovisual/
+ 影音 影音 [[ying3yin1]] /(Tw) audio and video; audiovisual/

Change log entry 88301
Processed by: richwarm (2025-02-15 00:28:00 UTC)
Comment: << review queue entry 80837 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
<< resubmitted review queue entry 80836 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
- 礡 礴 [bo2] /to fill/to extend/
+ 礡 礴 [[bo2]] /used in 磅礡|磅礴[pang2bo2]/
# 磅礡 磅礴 [[pang2bo2]] /majestic; boundless/to fill; to pervade/

Change log entry 88300
Processed by: richwarm (2025-02-15 00:26:00 UTC)
Comment: << review queue entry 80161 - submitted by 'encn' >>


# 很是 很是 [[hen3shi4]] /very; quite/
+ 很是 很是 [[hen3shi4]] /(formal) very; quite; deeply (usu. followed by a two-syllable adjective or verb)/

Change log entry 88299
Processed by: kbaiko (2025-02-14 22:53:16 UTC)
Comment: << review queue entry 81122 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 利基 利基 [li4 ji1] /asset that gives a competitive advantage; a strength/(market) niche/
+ 利基 利基 [[li4ji1]] /asset that gives a competitive advantage; a strength/(market) niche/
- 嘗鮮 尝鲜 [chang2 xian1] /to taste (fresh food or a delicacy)/(fig.) to try sth new/
+ 嘗鮮 尝鲜 [[chang2xian1]] /to taste (fresh food or a delicacy)/(fig.) to try sth new/
- 嚯 嚯 [huo4] /(onom.) expressing admiration or surprise/(onom.) sound of a laugh/
+ 嚯 嚯 [[huo4]] /(onom.) expressing admiration or surprise/(onom.) sound of a laugh/
- 奇點 奇点 [qi2 dian3] /(astronomy, math.) singularity/also pr. [ji1 dian3]/
+ 奇點 奇点 [[qi2dian3]] /(astronomy, math.) singularity/also pr. [ji1dian3]/
- 對子 对子 [dui4 zi5] /pair of antithetical phrases/antithetical couplet/
+ 對子 对子 [[dui4zi5]] /pair of antithetical phrases/antithetical couplet/

Change log entry 88298
Processed by: kbaiko (2025-02-14 22:51:48 UTC)
Comment: << review queue entry 81121 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 山 山 [shan1] /mountain; hill (CL:座[zuo4])/(coll.) small bundle of straw for silkworms to spin cocoons on/
+ 山 山 [[shan1]] /mountain; hill (CL:座[zuo4])/(coll.) small bundle of straw for silkworms to spin cocoons on/
- 抽絲剝繭 抽丝剥茧 [chou1 si1 bo1 jian3] /lit. to unwind the silk thread from the cocoon (idiom)/fig. to unravel a mystery; to painstakingly follow the clues to eventually get to the bottom of the matter/
+ 抽絲剝繭 抽丝剥茧 [[chou1si1-bo1jian3]] /lit. to unwind the silk thread from the cocoon (idiom)/fig. to unravel a mystery; to painstakingly follow the clues to eventually get to the bottom of the matter/
- 流動資產 流动资产 [liu2 dong4 zi1 chan3] /(financial reporting) current assets/liquid assets/
+ 流動資產 流动资产 [[liu2dong4 zi1chan3]] /(financial reporting) current assets/liquid assets/
- 源流 源流 [yuan2 liu2] /(of watercourses) source and course/origin and development/
+ 源流 源流 [[yuan2liu2]] /(of watercourses) source and course/origin and development/
- 狀況 状况 [zhuang4 kuang4] /condition; state; situation/CL:個|个[ge4]/
+ 狀況 状况 [[zhuang4kuang4]] /condition; state; situation/CL:個|个[ge4]/

Change log entry 88297
Processed by: richwarm (2025-02-14 22:51:18 UTC)
Comment: << review queue entry 78736 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>

Editor: I think 化裝師 is likely a miswrite rather than a true variant of 化妝師.


誠真創意作為政府部門與品牌企業的化妝師(Spin Doctor),我們專注於資訊管理、危機處理、媒體關係和品牌塑造。我們提煉核心信息,預測並快速反應危機管理,確保傳遞一致且正面的消息。
# 化妝師‎ 化妆师 [hua4zhuang1shi1] /make-up artist/(fig.) PR person or department/
# 化裝師 化装师 [hua4zhuang1shi1] /variant of 化妝師‎|化妆师[hua4zhuang1shi1]/
+ 化妝師 化妆师 [[hua4zhuang1shi1]] /make-up artist/(fig.) spin doctor; reputation manager/

Change log entry 88295
Processed by: kbaiko (2025-02-14 22:50:00 UTC)
Comment: << review queue entry 81120 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 琢 琢 [zuo2] /used in 琢磨[zuo2 mo5]/Taiwan pr. [zhuo2]/
+ 琢 琢 [[zuo2]] /used in 琢磨[zuo2mo5]/Taiwan pr. [zhuo2]/
- 環視 环视 [huan2 shi4] /to look around (a room etc)/(fig.) to take a comprehensive look at/
+ 環視 环视 [[huan2shi4]] /to look around (a room etc)/(fig.) to take a comprehensive look at/
- 留言 留言 [liu2 yan2] /to leave a message; to leave one's comments/message/
+ 留言 留言 [[liu2yan2]] /to leave a message; to leave one's comments/message/
- 致 致 [zhi4] /(literary) to send; to transmit; to convey/(bound form) to cause; to lead to; consequently/
+ 致 致 [[zhi4]] /(literary) to send; to transmit; to convey/(bound form) to cause; to lead to; consequently/
- 虧欠 亏欠 [kui1 qian4] /to have a deficit; to be in the red/to owe/
+ 虧欠 亏欠 [[kui1qian4]] /to have a deficit; to be in the red/to owe/

Change log entry 88294
Processed by: kbaiko (2025-02-14 22:48:56 UTC)
Comment: << review queue entry 81119 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 護生 护生 [hu4 sheng1] /nursing student/(Buddhism) to preserve the lives of all living beings/
+ 護生 护生 [[hu4sheng1]] /nursing student/(Buddhism) to preserve the lives of all living beings/
- 奭 奭 [shi4] /(literary) majestic; magnificent/(literary) rich, deep red/(literary) angry; furious/
+ 奭 奭 [[shi4]] /(literary) majestic; magnificent/(literary) rich, deep red/(literary) angry; furious/
- 疾 疾 [ji2] /(bound form) disease; ailment/(bound form) swift/(literary) to hate; to abhor/
+ 疾 疾 [[ji2]] /(bound form) disease; ailment/(bound form) swift/(literary) to hate; to abhor/
- 親熱 亲热 [qin1 re4] /affectionate; intimate; warmhearted/to show affection for/(coll.) to get intimate with sb/
+ 親熱 亲热 [[qin1re4]] /affectionate; intimate; warmhearted/to show affection for/(coll.) to get intimate with sb/
- 判 判 [pan4] /(bound form) to differentiate; to distinguish/(bound form) clearly (different)/to judge; to decide; to grade/(of a judge) to sentence/
+ 判 判 [[pan4]] /(bound form) to differentiate; to distinguish/(bound form) clearly (different)/to judge; to decide; to grade/(of a judge) to sentence/

Change log entry 88293
Processed by: kbaiko (2025-02-14 22:46:39 UTC)
Comment: << review queue entry 81118 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 博物館 博物馆 [bo2 wu4 guan3] /museum/
+ 博物館 博物馆 [[bo2wu4guan3]] /museum/
- 博物院 博物院 [bo2 wu4 yuan4] /museum/
+ 博物院 博物院 [[bo2wu4yuan4]] /museum/

Change log entry 88292
Processed by: richwarm (2025-02-14 21:58:02 UTC)
Comment: v2
listed in LA, at least
- 博蒂 博蒂 [bo2 di4] /birdie (one stroke under par in golf)/
+ 博蒂 博蒂 [[bo2di4]] /birdie (one stroke under par in golf)/

Change log entry 88291
Processed by: richwarm (2025-02-14 21:55:36 UTC)
Comment: v2
- 博徒 博徒 [bo2 tu2] /gambler/
+ 博徒 博徒 [[bo2tu2]] /gambler/

Change log entry 88290
Processed by: richwarm (2025-02-14 21:54:31 UTC)
Comment: foraging
- 水草 水草 [[shui3cao3]] /aquatic plants/water and grass (i.e. favorable grazing land for livestock or wild animals)/(Malaysia) (coll.) drinking straw/
+ 水草 水草 [[shui3cao3]] /aquatic plants/water and grass (i.e. favorable foraging land for livestock or wild animals)/(Malaysia) (coll.) drinking straw/

Change log entry 88289
Processed by: richwarm (2025-02-14 21:50:16 UTC)
Comment: v2
- 博鰲鎮 博鳌镇 [Bo2 ao2 zhen4] /Bo'ao seaside resort, Hainan/
+ 博鰲鎮 博鳌镇 [[Bo2ao2 Zhen4]] /Bo'ao, coastal town in Hainan, a tourist destination and the site of the annual Boao Forum for Asia/
- 博鰲 博鳌 [Bo2 ao2] /see 博鰲鎮|博鳌镇[Bo2 ao2 zhen4]/
+ 博鰲 博鳌 [[Bo2ao2]] /see 博鰲鎮|博鳌镇[Bo2ao2 Zhen4]/

Change log entry 88288
Processed by: richwarm (2025-02-14 21:43:43 UTC)
Comment: v2
- 博鰲亞洲論壇 博鳌亚洲论坛 [Bo2 ao2 Ya4 zhou1 Lun4 tan2] /Bo'ao Forum for Asia (since 2001)/
+ 博鰲亞洲論壇 博鳌亚洲论坛 [[Bo2ao2 Ya4zhou1 Lun4tan2]] /Boao Forum for Asia, founded in 2001/

Change log entry 88287
Processed by: richwarm (2025-02-14 21:35:53 UTC)
Comment: << review queue entry 81088 - submitted by 'polaris' >>


- 水草 水草 [shui3 cao3] /water plants/habitat with water source and grass/
# + 水草 水草 [[shui3cao3]] /water plants/habitat with water source and grass/(Malaysia) (drinking) straw/
+ 水草 水草 [[shui3cao3]] /aquatic plants/water and grass (i.e. favorable grazing land for livestock or wild animals)/(Malaysia) (coll.) drinking straw/

Change log entry 88286
Processed by: kbaiko (2025-02-14 21:35:33 UTC)
Comment: << review queue entry 81116 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- BP機 BP机 [B P ji1] /(loanword) beeper; pager/
+ BP機 BP机 [[BP-ji1]] /(loanword) beeper; pager/
- 一路貨色 一路货色 [yi1 lu4 huo4 se4] /(pejorative) as detestable as each other; birds of a feather; cut from the same cloth/
# + 一路貨色 一路货色 [[yi1lu4 huo4se4]] /(pejorative) as detestable as each other; birds of a feather; cut from the same cloth/
- 七彎八拐 七弯八拐 [qi1 wan1 ba1 guai3] /twisting and turning/tricky and complicated/
# + 七彎八拐 七弯八拐 [[qi1wan1-ba1guai3]] /twisting and turning/tricky and complicated/
- 七灣八拐 七湾八拐 [qi1 wan1 ba1 guai3] /variant of 七彎八拐|七弯八拐[qi1 wan1 ba1 guai3]/
+ 七灣八拐 七湾八拐 [[qi1wan1-ba1guai3]] /variant of 七彎八拐|七弯八拐[qi1wan1-ba1guai3]/
- 代數式 代数式 [dai4 shu4 shi4] /(math.) algebraic expression/
+ 代數式 代数式 [[dai4shu4shi4]] /(math.) algebraic expression/
- 來得及 来得及 [lai2 de5 ji2] /to have enough time; can do it in time; can still make it/
+ 來得及 来得及 [[lai2de5ji2]] /to have enough time; can do it in time; can still make it/
# Editor:
+ 一路貨色 一路货色 [[yi1lu4-huo4se4]] /(idiom) (pejorative) as detestable as each other; birds of a feather; cut from the same cloth/
+ 七彎八拐 七弯八拐 [[qi1wan1-ba1guai3]] /(idiom) twisting and turning/(idiom) tricky and complicated/

Change log entry 88285
Processed by: kbaiko (2025-02-14 21:34:07 UTC)
Comment: << review queue entry 81117 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 依然如故 依然如故 [yi1 ran2 ru2 gu4] /(idiom) back to where we were; absolutely no improvement; things haven't changed at all/
+ 依然如故 依然如故 [[yi1ran2-ru2gu4]] /(idiom) back to where we were; absolutely no improvement; things haven't changed at all/
- 做廳長 做厅长 [zuo4 ting1 zhang3] /(jocular) to sleep on the couch; to sleep in the living room/
+ 做廳長 做厅长 [[zuo4 ting1zhang3]] /(jocular) to sleep on the couch; to sleep in the living room/
- 傳遞者 传递者 [chuan2 di4 zhe3] /messenger; transmitter (of information)/
+ 傳遞者 传递者 [[chuan2di4zhe3]] /messenger; transmitter (of information)/
- 儉以養廉 俭以养廉 [jian3 yi3 yang3 lian2] /(idiom) frugality makes honesty/
+ 儉以養廉 俭以养廉 [[jian3yi3yang3lian2]] /(idiom) frugality makes honesty/
- 兩國 两国 [liang3 guo2] /both countries; two countries/
+ 兩國 两国 [[liang3guo2]] /both countries; the two countries/
- 刌 刌 [cun3] /(literary) to cut off; to sever/
+ 刌 刌 [[cun3]] /(literary) to cut off; to sever/

Change log entry 88284
Processed by: richwarm (2025-02-14 21:04:04 UTC)
Comment: << review queue entry 81111 - submitted by 'polaris' >>

# 固網 固网 [[gu4wang3]] /(telecom) fixed network; landline (abbr. for 固定網絡|固定网络[gu4ding4 wang3luo4])/
+ 固網 固网 [[gu4wang3]] /(telecommunications) fixed network; landline (abbr. for 固定網絡|固定网络[gu4ding4 wang3luo4])/

Change log entry 88283
Processed by: richwarm (2025-02-14 20:52:29 UTC)
Comment: v2
- 封鎖線 封锁线 [feng1 suo3 xian4] /blockade line; cordon/CL:道[dao4]/
+ 封鎖線 封锁线 [[feng1suo3xian4]] /blockade line; cordon/CL:道[dao4]/

Change log entry 88282
Processed by: richwarm (2025-02-14 20:50:02 UTC)
Comment: << review queue entry 80589 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
+ 朱筆 朱笔 [[zhu1bi3]] /brush dipped in red ink (used in former times for writing official documents, grading papers etc)/

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