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Change log entry 86352 | |
Processed by: | kbaiko (2024-09-11 10:37:24 GMT) |
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<< review queue entry 78446 - submitted by 'encn' >> 改款车型是指在原有车型的基础上,对车辆的外观、内饰、配置以及动力系统等方面进行调整和升级的车型。 感觉我们公司小伙伴非常喜欢问界新 M5 这辆车,基本提车没多久我就端午休假+出差了,刚看了一下已经开出去 1500 公里了,感觉这次改款升级以后确实非常贴合年轻人的喜好 AirPods Pro 会是全系第一款更改接口的,其他耳机产品也会陆续迎来改款。 |
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+ 改款 改款 [[gai3kuan3]] /to make modifications to a product's model or design/ |
Change log entry 86351 | |
Processed by: | kbaiko (2024-09-11 10:32:10 GMT) |
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<< review queue entry 79359 - submitted by 'polaris' >> 打頭陣 - 《重编国语辞典修订本》 打头阵 - 《现代汉语词典》、《现代汉语规范词典》、《汉语大词典》 ---------- Editor: >不过跟在江军的后面,不敢去打头阵罢了。 >三营提出“有战斗我们打头阵!”各连战士热烈酝酿,夜深不息 >咱嘉祥万梁庄年青小伙子都叫老蒋给抓光了,打仗叫新兵打头阵当炮灰! >这次打头阵的,不是伪军而是美军。 |
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# 打頭陣 打头阵 [[da3tou2zhen4]] /lit. to fight in the van/ fig. to take the lead/ # Editor: + 打頭陣 打头阵 [[da3 tou2zhen4]] /to take the lead/ |
Change log entry 86350 | |
Processed by: | kbaiko (2024-09-11 10:13:31 GMT) |
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<< review queue entry 79568 - submitted by 'moon' >> From novel 凤双飞 大哥还要我如何建功立业?接下来我回京述职,皇上必然会叫我交出兵权 ---------- Editor: >驻土大使威尔逊奉杜鲁门之召返国述职,已于十八日及十七日分别离开雅典与安哥拉 >中央人民政府外交部副部长章汉夫和现在回国述职的我国驻蒙古人民共和国大使吉雅泰 >陈家康在不久前回国述职,最近回到开罗 >喀布尔突然电召卡尔迈勒等大使一起回国“紧急述职”,这六名大使感到形势不妙,拒绝回国 >个多月前,上野君要回东京去向公司述职,跟我们商量他什么时候再来合适 >二月中旬,上野君返回公司述职,决定四月再来 |
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# 述職 述职 [[shu4 zhi1]] /report to senior on one's work or progress/ # Editor: + 述職 述职 [[shu4zhi2]] /to report on one's work or duties (to a supervisor)/ |
Change log entry 86349 | |
Processed by: | kbaiko (2024-09-11 10:01:58 GMT) |
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<< review queue entry 79570 - submitted by 'moon' >> From novel 凤双飞 霍风华那一瞬间才恍然悟道:“原来你不是公公?那凤天纵还让你跟在苏泽杨身边伺候?” |
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# 悟道 悟道 [[wu4dao4]] /(literary) grasp the truth/ # Editor: + 悟道 悟道 [[wu4dao4]] /to comprehend the truth; to become enlightened/ |
Change log entry 86348 | |
Processed by: | kbaiko (2024-09-11 07:00:38 GMT) |
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<< review queue entry 79588 - submitted by 'richwarm' >> The "free word" label never got off the ground. Users are supposed to regard a headword as a free word unless it's labeled "bound form" or "literary". |
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- 櫓 橹 [lu3] /scull (single oar worked from side to side over the stern of a boat) (free word)/ + 櫓 橹 [[lu3]] /scull (single oar worked from side to side over the stern of a boat)/ # - 謄 誊 [teng2] /to transcribe/to copy out/(free word)/ + 謄 誊 [[teng2]] /to transcribe; to copy out/ |
Change log entry 86347 | |
Processed by: | richwarm (2024-09-11 06:55:41 GMT) |
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<< review queue entry 79567 - submitted by 'polaris' >> 中国近海有害藻华研究现状与展望 海洋有害藻华研究进展 有害藻华:核技术帮助减少毒性,防止健康影响 |
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+ 藻華 藻华 [[zao3hua2]] /algal bloom/ |
Change log entry 86346 | |
Processed by: | richwarm (2024-09-11 05:03:01 GMT) |
Comment: | shift label |
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- 基本點 基本点 [[ji1ben3dian3]] /key point; crux/basis point (finance), abbr. to 基點|基点[ji1dian3]/ + 基本點 基本点 [[ji1ben3dian3]] /key point; crux/(finance) basis point, abbr. to 基點|基点[ji1dian3]/ |
Change log entry 86345 | |
Processed by: | richwarm (2024-09-11 05:02:04 GMT) |
Comment: | shift label |
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- 平滑字 平滑字 [[ping2hua2zi4]] /sans serif (typography)/ + 平滑字 平滑字 [[ping2hua2zi4]] /(typography) sans serif/ |
Change log entry 86344 | |
Processed by: | richwarm (2024-09-11 05:00:45 GMT) |
Comment: | v2 |
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- 打坐坡 打坐坡 [da3 zuo4 po1] /(of a horse, dog etc) to sit back on one's haunches and refuse to be coaxed forward/(of a person) to brace oneself to resist being made to go forward; (fig.) to dig one's heels in/ + 打坐坡 打坐坡 [[da3 zuo4po1]] /(of a horse, dog etc) to sit back on one's haunches and refuse to be coaxed forward/(of a person) to brace oneself to resist being made to go forward; (fig.) to dig one's heels in/ # - 充其量 充其量 [chong1 qi2 liang4] /at most; at best/ + 充其量 充其量 [[chong1qi2liang4]] /at most; at best/ # - 專業性 专业性 [zhuan1 ye4 xing4] /professionalism; specialization/ + 專業性 专业性 [[zhuan1ye4xing4]] /professionalism; specialization/ # - 就是說 就是说 [jiu4 shi4 shuo1] /in other words; that is/ + 就是說 就是说 [[jiu4shi4shuo1]] /in other words; that is/ # - 平滑字 平滑字 [ping2 hua2 zi4] /sans serif (typography)/ + 平滑字 平滑字 [[ping2hua2zi4]] /sans serif (typography)/ # - 徵信社 征信社 [zheng1 xin4 she4] /(Tw) private investigator; credit bureau/ + 徵信社 征信社 [[zheng1xin4she4]] /(Tw) private investigator; credit bureau/ # - 憲兵隊 宪兵队 [xian4 bing1 dui4] /military police corps/ + 憲兵隊 宪兵队 [[xian4bing1dui4]] /military police corps/ # - 白眼狼 白眼狼 [bai2 yan3 lang2] /thankless wretch; an ingrate/ + 白眼狼 白眼狼 [[bai2yan3lang2]] /thankless wretch; an ingrate/ # - 神經科 神经科 [shen2 jing1 ke1] /neurology department/ + 神經科 神经科 [[shen2jing1ke1]] /neurology department/ # - 莫須有 莫须有 [mo4 xu1 you3] /groundless; baseless/ + 莫須有 莫须有 [[mo4xu1you3]] /groundless; baseless/ # - 雞霍亂 鸡霍乱 [ji1 huo4 luan4] /fowl cholera/ + 雞霍亂 鸡霍乱 [[ji1huo4luan4]] /fowl cholera/ # - 駕駛室 驾驶室 [jia4 shi3 shi4] /cab (of a locomotive, truck etc); driver's compartment; wheelhouse/ + 駕駛室 驾驶室 [[jia4shi3shi4]] /cab (of a locomotive, truck etc); driver's compartment; wheelhouse/ # - 基本點 基本点 [ji1 ben3 dian3] /key point; crux/basis point (finance), abbr. to 基點|基点[ji1 dian3]/ + 基本點 基本点 [[ji1ben3dian3]] /key point; crux/basis point (finance), abbr. to 基點|基点[ji1dian3]/ # ...[click view changes to see the full diff]... |
Change log entry 86343 | |
Processed by: | richwarm (2024-09-11 02:44:17 GMT) |
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<< review queue entry 79585 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >> Add trad in reference |
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# 包藏禍心 包藏祸心 [[bao1cang2-huo4xin1]] /(idiom) to harbor evil intentions; to conceal malice/ # - 苞藏禍心 苞藏祸心 [[bao1cang2-huo4xin1]] /variant of 包藏祸心[bao1cang2-huo4xin1]/ + 苞藏禍心 苞藏祸心 [[bao1cang2-huo4xin1]] /variant of 包藏禍心|包藏祸心[bao1cang2-huo4xin1]/ |
Change log entry 86342 | |
Processed by: | richwarm (2024-09-10 23:14:23 GMT) |
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<< review queue entry 79569 - submitted by 'moon' >> From novel 凤双飞 豫京城禁军统领名叫何忠平,是王初外甥的大舅子,沾亲带故,总归是王家那一脉的人。 ---------------- Editor: 如今他發財了,所有沾親帶故的人都來跟他攀交情。 小琉球分成八個村落,總共十大姓氏,宗族觀念極強。又由於孤懸海外,島內彼此通婚的結果,大家都沾親帶故,人情味也特別濃厚。 紅杜鵑,此時又成為代罪之身。有人說,杜鵑花和杜鵑啼血沾親帶故,代表悲劇。 如今眾多信徒擔心簽賭會慘遭「槓龜」,管它新例未設,舊例不滅,賭徒避龜唯恐不及,與龜沾親帶故的各式糕餅,據說生意大減。 |
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# 沾親帶故 沾亲带故 [[zhan1 qin1 dai4 gu4]] /related in some ways; have ties of kinship or friendship/ + 沾親帶故 沾亲带故 [[zhan1qin1-dai4gu4]] /(idiom) to have some sort of connection (personal or familial etc)/ |
Change log entry 86341 | |
Processed by: | kbaiko (2024-09-10 22:57:18 GMT) |
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<< review queue entry 79587 - submitted by 'richwarm' >> 1) HI NATIVE: 体育生 是什么意思? A1: 比起学习语文数学外语等科目,对自己的体育方面更加有信心从而在初中升学高中、高中升学大学的考试中选择以体育科目代替物理、历史、化学等文化科目进行升学考试的学生。 这些学生在每日的学习中会一边以体育项目的练习为重心加强锻炼身体,一边学习语文数学外语三科必考科目,为升学考试做准备。 A2: 是一种特长生。 如果一个学生很擅长体育运动,那么他可以选择成为体育特长生,通过自己优秀的体育成绩,取得部分大学破格录取、降分录取的资格。 A3: 擅长某项“体育运动”的学生。 擅长=特长 A4: Students who are majoring in sports in college/university. (A2 looks similar to "student athlete", but as for the other 3 answers, not so much.) 2) Here's a snippet that looks like it's from Taiwan. 什麼是體育生 在一個專長項目超過兩年以上叫體育生 什麼是體育生 有專業的教練師資帶領叫體育生 什麼是體育生 在學校每天要晨操 下午專長訓 晚上夜訓 一天練三餐才叫體育生 媽的不是參加個什麼社團就能自稱體育生欸腦殘們 一堆連運動休閒和運動學概論都沒上過的還敢說自己體育生 真的很可悲 你那不叫體育生 叫過動小孩 3) Video titled 体育生:人,应该要有一身正气! (about a student at 武汉体育学院 - 健身健美专业) * * * Not necessarily male: 女朋友是体育生是一种什么体验? 符合大家对女体育生的印象吗? |
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- 體育生 体育生 [[ti3yu4sheng1]] /student athlete/ + 體育生 体育生 [[ti3yu4sheng1]] /student who engages in regular training for a sport/student who takes physical education as a subject/ |
Change log entry 86340 | |
Processed by: | richwarm (2024-09-10 20:44:43 GMT) |
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<< review queue entry 79582 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >> << resubmitted review queue entry 79578 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >> ----------------------- Editor: Yes, "its prey" is better. I believe females are primarily responsible for hunting and providing food for themselves and their cubs, while the male's role is more like territorial guardian. "glare" is usually associated with anger. "fix one's eyes on sth" works better, I think. 「印象最深刻的是,手中捧個空碗、拿雙筷子坐在小板凳上,然後虎視眈眈看火爐上那個隨季節飄著各種奇特香味的鍋子。」 |
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- 虎視眈眈 虎视眈眈 [hu3 shi4 dan1 dan1] /to glare like a tiger watching his prey (idiom)/to eye covetously/ # + 虎視眈眈 虎视眈眈 [[hu3shi4-dan1dan1]] /lit. to glare like a tiger watching its prey (idiom)/fig. to eye covetously/ + 虎視眈眈 虎视眈眈 [[hu3shi4-dan1dan1]] /lit. to fix one's eyes on sth like a tiger watching its prey (idiom)/fig. to eye covetously/ |
Change log entry 86339 | |
Processed by: | richwarm (2024-09-10 20:26:16 GMT) |
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<< review queue entry 79579 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >> - v2 - variant - Same trad/simp in reference |
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- 隔三差五 隔三差五 [ge2 san1 cha4 wu3] /every few days (idiom)/ + 隔三差五 隔三差五 [[ge2san1-cha4wu3]] /(idiom) every few days; every once in a while/ # - 隔三岔五 隔三岔五 [ge2 san1 cha4 wu3] /see 隔三差五|隔三差五[ge2 san1 cha4 wu3]/ + 隔三岔五 隔三岔五 [[ge2san1-cha4wu3]] /variant of 隔三差五[ge2san1-cha4wu3]/ |
Change log entry 86338 | |
Processed by: | richwarm (2024-09-10 20:25:06 GMT) |
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<< review queue entry 79580 >> The standard English term seems to be Hokkien. ---------------------- Editor: That comment makes it sound like you think Hokkien is the same thing as Southern Min. The Wikipedia article describes Hokkien as one variety of Southern Min. There are other Southern Min languages such as Teochew and Zhongshan. But people do also use 閩南語 to mean Hokkien (泉漳片), since it's the most widely spoken Southern Min language. As Wikipedia says, 泉漳片,即狹義的閩南語,... |
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- 閩南語 闽南语 [Min3 nan2 yu3] /Southern Min, a Sinitic language spoken in southern Fujian and surrounding areas/ # + 閩南語 闽南语 [[Min3 nan2 yu3]] /Southern Min, a Sinitic language spoken in southern Fujian and surrounding areas/Hokkien/ # + 閩南語 闽南语 [[Min3nan2yu3]] /Southern Min, a Sinitic language spoken in southern Fujian and surrounding areas/Hokkien, the most widely spoken variety of Southern Min/ |
Change log entry 86337 | |
Processed by: | richwarm (2024-09-10 19:41:42 GMT) |
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<< review queue entry 79581 >> ---------------- Editor: See Ex. 如八年前開放在電視上使用台語,就給了他製作廣告的一大片天空。 從小在新加坡長大的小邱,本來就會國語、台語、英語;西班牙話則是無師自通。 |
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# 臺語 台语 [[tai2 yu3]] /Taiwanese Hokkien; Taiwanese/ |
Change log entry 86336 | |
Processed by: | richwarm (2024-09-10 18:51:01 GMT) |
Comment: | v2 |
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- 成教 成教 [cheng2 jiao4] /adult education, abbr. for 成人教育[cheng2 ren2 jiao4 yu4]/ + 成教 成教 [[cheng2jiao4]] /adult education (abbr. for 成人教育[cheng2ren2 jiao4yu4])/ |
Change log entry 86335 | |
Processed by: | richwarm (2024-09-10 01:17:08 GMT) |
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<< review queue entry 77481 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >> Fix simplified character |
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- 韓復榘 韩复榘 [Han2 Fu4 ju3] /Han Fuju (1890-1938), Nationalist Kuomintang (KMT) army general and governor of Shandong, executed by Chiang Kai-shek 蔣介石|蒋介石[Jiang3 Jie4 shi2] after he abandoned Jinan to the Japanese/ # + 韓復榘 韩复矩 [[Han2 Fu4ju3]] /Han Fuju (1890-1938), Nationalist Kuomintang (KMT) army general and governor of Shandong, executed by Chiang Kai-shek 蔣介石|蒋介石[Jiang3 Jie4shi2] after he abandoned Jinan to the Japanese/ # - 榘 矩 [ju3] /variant of 矩[ju3]/ + 榘 矩 [[ju3]] /variant of 矩[ju3]/ # + 韓復榘 韩复榘 [[Han2 Fu4ju3]] /Han Fuju (1890-1938), Nationalist Kuomintang (KMT) army general and governor of Shandong, executed by Chiang Kai-shek 蔣介石|蒋介石[Jiang3 Jie4shi2] after he abandoned Jinan to the Japanese/ |
Change log entry 86334 | |
Processed by: | richwarm (2024-09-10 01:05:53 GMT) |
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<< review queue entry 79564 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >> >名人原是师友或亲朋,自然要傍,即便素昧平生,八竿子打不着,也要千方百计往上贴 >如果不是那个偶然,这辈子,我俩八竿子打不着。 >眼球与经济——一个是生理器官,一个是物质生产和再生产的活动及收益,两个八竿子打不着的概念, 被莫名其妙地联系在一起,带来的却不仅仅是一个新名词。 |
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# 八竿子打不著 八竿子打不着 [[ba1 gan1zi5 da3 bu4 zhao2]] /(coll.) unrelated; lacking any connection/ # + 八竿子打不著 八竿子打不着 [[ba1 gan1zi5 da3bu4zhao2]] /(coll.) unrelated; lacking any connection/ + 八杆子打不著 八杆子打不着 [[ba1 gan1zi5 da3bu4zhao2]] /variant of 八竿子打不著|八竿子打不着[ba1 gan1zi5 da3bu4zhao2]/ |
Change log entry 86333 | |
Processed by: | kbaiko (2024-09-10 00:41:00 GMT) |
Comment: |
<< review queue entry 79563 - submitted by 'richwarm' >> 形容勇敢倍增。 如:「這次投資成功使他勇氣百倍,決定放膽經營。」 面對冒險的心,我們給予祝福。 評審感言. 林少雯. 這是一篇讀了讓人勇氣百倍和充滿希望的童話。 但這東西讀了馬上會讓你勇氣百倍,明白這種事情絕對不是你的問題! 沙遊訓練這三年是我的人生中最豐富最精采也最重要的過程,我在這段時間非常快速的經歷了人生重要的許多階段,好幾次差一點跨不過去,梁老師堅定的禱告,我對梁老師的信心,更重要的是梁老師的專業,我終於走過陰冷漆黑的日子,枯木逢春,重見靈光。現在的我勇氣百倍,每天都充滿新奇、挑戰,目標明確過的很充實。 懷著期待又忐忑的心情,媽媽們在後台都非常緊張,但正式走秀開始時,媽媽們好像突然勇氣百倍,配合著輕快的音樂、踩著阿瘦集團為每個人精心挑選的鞋子 ... 所以當齊兵擊第三次鼓的時候,他們的兵士已沒有了勇氣,而我們才開始第一次擊鼓,兵士們勇氣百倍,當然可以打敗他們了。 傳說中有著鼓舞力量的金色泉水,喝下去似乎就能勇氣百倍。 讀了本書,您會勇氣百倍,信心大增,向新事業旅程邁開大步,視生命的每一個轉彎處為新契機。 曾經健康無憂的活潑男孩廖帝傑,不知名的病痛讓他現在靠輪椅代步,為了證明自己的存在,就算有病痛也想幫助他人的心願,讓他勇氣百倍。 金錢是個好兵士,有了它就可以使人勇氣百倍; ---------- Editor: Pasting your examples from the comments: Ex. a hundredfold (literal sense), e.g. 豐水期與枯水期的雨量差距可達百倍以上。// 貴上十到百倍。 (fig.) markedly - e.g. 論寫作才華,司馬中原承認慶璋姊高過他百倍, /to increase markedly (transitive or intransitive) (often in reference to abstract attributes)/ > intransitive: 島內的政治運作未上軌道,無奈對岸的虎視眈眈,更讓情勢複雜百倍。 > transitive: 百倍警惕 // 百倍努力 (examples from NA) |
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# 勇氣百倍 勇气百倍 [[yong3qi4-bai3bei4]] /(idiom) to feel a surge of courage/ # Editor: - 百倍 百倍 [[bai3bei4]] /a hundredfold; a hundred times/ + 百倍 百倍 [[bai3bei4]] /a hundredfold; (fig.) markedly/to increase markedly (transitive or intransitive) (often in reference to abstract attributes)/ |
Change log entry 86332 | |
Processed by: | richwarm (2024-09-10 00:02:52 GMT) |
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<< review queue entry 79268 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >> Could also remove 楞头青 since we have 楞 as variant of 愣 |
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- 楞頭青 楞头青 [[leng4tou2qing1]] /reckless young person/ + 楞頭青 楞头青 [[leng4tou2qing1]] /variant of 愣頭青|愣头青[leng4tou2qing1]/ # # 愣頭青 愣头青 [[leng4tou2qing1]] /reckless young person/ |
Change log entry 86331 | |
Processed by: | richwarm (2024-09-09 21:31:09 GMT) |
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<< review queue entry 79565 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >> >“深蒙指点,感激的很。但兄弟与张老公,素昧平生,少不得还要你老哥做介绍人呢。” >是这么一回事,你听我说,我跟你先生素昧平生,可是我听辛楣讲起你的学问人品种种 >我和这两位大名鼎鼎的学术界和文艺界的革命巨子是素昧平生的。这次得有机会见面, 在我一方面,真是愉快万分 >而且,把自己的女儿卖给一个素昧平生的人,在做父亲的看来是不算什么的 >把全车八百多名素昧平生的旅客紧紧团结在一起,互相帮助,向困难作斗争 |
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- 素昧平生 素昧平生 [su4 mei4 ping2 sheng1] /to have never met sb before (idiom); entirely unacquainted/a complete stranger/not to know sb from Adam/ + 素昧平生 素昧平生 [[su4mei4-ping2sheng1]] /(idiom) to have never met sb before; entirely unacquainted/ |
Change log entry 86330 | |
Processed by: | richwarm (2024-09-09 21:25:45 GMT) |
Comment: | << review queue entry 79566 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >> |
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- 欺世盜名 欺世盗名 [qi1 shi4 dao4 ming2] /(idiom) to fool the world and usurp a good name/ + 欺世盜名 欺世盗名 [[qi1shi4-dao4ming2]] /(idiom) to fool the world and usurp a good name/ |
Change log entry 86329 | |
Processed by: | kbaiko (2024-09-09 13:50:36 GMT) |
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<< review queue entry 79004 - submitted by 'encn' >> 后以“鳌抃”形容欢欣鼓舞。 where is to dance? |
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- 鰲抃 鳌抃 [ao2 bian4] /to clap and dance with joy/ # Editor: + 鰲抃 鳌抃 [[ao2bian4]] /(literary) elated and excited; overjoyed/ |
Change log entry 86327 | |
Processed by: | kbaiko (2024-09-09 13:41:18 GMT) |
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<< review queue entry 78606 - submitted by 'encn' >> 一般人的理解,刀上的血槽是为了放血而留,指由于刀剑刺入人体或猎物体内后,拔刀时会由于血液的黏度和张力在刀的接触面产生负压。 他有一把匕首,短而锋利;刃光雪亮,一侧带着狰狞的血槽,被他贴身藏在怀里。 修士们都觉着匕首无用,用匕首防身的阿青在他们眼里,也像一只张牙舞爪的无害小猫。 邓紫棋就是游戏中卡bug的存在吗[笑cry]氪金玩家都打不过的那种,满身装备技能拉满都能给你秒了[允悲]就像平平无奇的npc站在那里,你一碰自己血槽就空了 血槽已空,网络流行词,在游戏中本指游戏人物的血量已所剩无几,到了即将死亡的状态。而在后来,人们在现实生活中引用这一词语。主要是用来表示自己此时此刻的状态很差,已经到了快崩溃的状态。 骑了几次车,味蕾彻底被打开,从早吃到晚,但吃进去的都白搭,血槽依旧空空,难以回满 ---------- Editor: The correct term is "fuller", apparently. I think your first example is also explaining why "blood groove" is called that, but it's a misconception. >I hate to tell you this, because this term really sells knives, there is no such thing as a blood groove and there is no sucking action that will hang up a knife in a victims body. The term is "Fuller"; this is a groove that lightens the blade without sacrificing the too much strength. |
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# 血槽 血槽 [[xue4cao2]] /blood groove/(gaming) health bar/ # Editor: + 血槽 血槽 [[xue4cao2]] /fuller; blood groove (on a blade)/(gaming) health bar/ |
Change log entry 86326 | |
Processed by: | kbaiko (2024-09-09 13:36:29 GMT) |
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<< review queue entry 78605 - submitted by 'encn' >> 游戏中角色的血量显示,通常表现为长条状。 根本打不动。对面元流之子出了双鞋出了个斧子剩下的全是肉装,血条厚的要死。一个二技能我半管血没了我请问还打什么王者荣耀你脑子有病吗 生活给我的感觉就像费劲全力把boss血条打空后,刚摆出胜利的姿势,结果一阵强劲的音乐响起,boss进入了二阶段,血条长到超出了屏幕。 下山之后喜提二🐑,血条慢速恢复中 |
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+ 血條 血条 [[xue4tiao2]] /(gaming) health bar/ |
Change log entry 86325 | |
Processed by: | kbaiko (2024-09-09 13:25:30 GMT) |
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<< review queue entry 78442 - submitted by 'encn' >> 科班 /kēbān/ 名词 旧时培养儿童成为戏曲演员的训练班;现比喻正规的训练和教育。「科班出身」 我所接触的中医不算少了,从国医大师到村民,从科班院校到自小跟师,从中医到道医到佛医,但是...真的在我认知范围内,能称得上厉害的,也就两位。 本人目前工作状态: 教计算机科班的人机械,教机械科班的人编程 ---------- Editor:科班 >科班的童伶宜于唱全本的大武戏,中年的演员才能担得起大出的轴子戏,只因他到中年才能真懂得戏的内容。 >从小的时候,就入科班学戏,毕业后搭班演戏 >现在的彭福娥、龙福凤、杨福刚、张福梅等等都是这个科班出来的。旧社会看不起“戏子”, 尤其是“女戏子”,那些有钱有势的家伙们多方破坏、欺侮她们 >再和艺人的积极性结合起来,花钱不多,费力不大,而民办科班在培养戏曲后继人材上所起的作用 >他向我叙述当年在科班学戏时,老师怎样教就怎样做,别的什么都不知道 |
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# 科班 科班 [[ke1ban1]] /formal professional education or training/ # Editor: + 科班 科班 [[ke1ban1]] /(old) school for Chinese opera/formal professional education or training/ |
Change log entry 86324 | |
Processed by: | kbaiko (2024-09-09 13:04:17 GMT) |
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<< review queue entry 79554 - submitted by 'richwarm' >> From tubbums32 ---------- Editor: Already in CC-CEDICT |
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# 眾怒 众怒 [[zhong4 nu4]] /Public wrath/public indignation/ # Editor: # 眾怒 众怒 [[zhong4nu4]] /public anger; public outrage/ |
Change log entry 86323 | |
Processed by: | kbaiko (2024-09-09 12:55:46 GMT) |
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<< review queue entry 79556 - submitted by 'richwarm' >> From tubbums32 ---------- Editor: >天玉子哼道“若是这神兽跑了,我天机阁数万年基业,毁于一旦!” >好几代人一文钱一文钱,一斤粮食一斤粮食的积攒起来的,十分不容易,万一出了个败家子, 多年的心血就会毁于一旦。 >会不会让这个繁荣和传承了数百年的圣都,让这个拉波纳城在无情的战火中毁于一旦?” >有的人则怕在批判过程中对自己的学术成就,被全盘否定,以致数十年心血,毁于一旦 >勃列日涅夫一类上台,却使几十年的革命成果毁于一旦 >我们伟大的领袖毛主席和老一辈革命家为我们开创的无产阶级革命事业就会中途夭折, 许多革命先辈抛头颅洒热血打下来的红色江山就会毁于一旦 |
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# 毀於一旦 毁于一旦 [[hui3 yu2 yi1 dan4]] /Be wiped out overnight/ruined overnight/ # Editor: + 毀於一旦 毁于一旦 [[hui3yu2yi1dan4]] /(idiom) ruined in a short time (esp. of sth that took a long time or great effort to achieve)/ |
Change log entry 86322 | |
Processed by: | kbaiko (2024-09-09 11:58:44 GMT) |
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<< review queue entry 79557 - submitted by 'richwarm' >> From tubbums32 |
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# 家庭影院 家庭影院 [[jia1 ting2 ying3 yuan4]] /Home cinema/home theater/ # Editor: + 家庭影院 家庭影院 [[jia1ting2 ying3yuan4]] /home cinema; home theater/ |
Change log entry 86321 | |
Processed by: | kbaiko (2024-09-09 11:51:14 GMT) |
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<< review queue entry 79562 - submitted by 'encn' >> = 拳击手套🥊 一时不知道我和教练到底谁在揍谁 戴拳套都给手打麻了 |
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+ 拳套 拳套 [[quan2tao4]] /boxing glove/ |
Change log entry 86320 | |
Processed by: | richwarm (2024-09-09 10:03:45 GMT) |
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<< review queue entry 79551 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >> Editor: hyphen |
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- 不自量力 不自量力 [bu4 zi4 liang4 li4] /(idiom) to overestimate one's capabilities/ # + 不自量力 不自量力 [[bu4zi4-liang4li4]] /(idiom) to overestimate one's capabilities/ + 不自量力 不自量力 [[bu4zi4liang4li4]] /(idiom) to overestimate one's capabilities/ |
Change log entry 86319 | |
Processed by: | richwarm (2024-09-09 09:43:39 GMT) |
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<< review queue entry 79561 - submitted by 'richwarm' >> v2 |
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- 不已 不已 [bu4 yi3] /(used after a verb) endlessly; incessantly/ + 不已 不已 [[bu4yi3]] /(used after a verb) endlessly; incessantly/ # - 冗員 冗员 [rong3 yuan2] /excess personnel; superfluous staff/ + 冗員 冗员 [[rong3yuan2]] /excess personnel; superfluous staff/ # - 割禮 割礼 [ge1 li3] /circumcision (male or female)/ + 割禮 割礼 [[ge1li3]] /circumcision (male or female)/ # - 創制 创制 [chuang4 zhi4] /to formulate; to institute; to create/ + 創制 创制 [[chuang4zhi4]] /to formulate; to institute; to create/ # - 勤快 勤快 [qin2 kuai4] /diligent; hardworking/ + 勤快 勤快 [[qin2kuai4]] /diligent; hardworking/ # - 匪穴 匪穴 [fei3 xue2] /bandit den; rebel stronghold/ + 匪穴 匪穴 [[fei3xue2]] /bandit den; rebel stronghold/ # - 孬種 孬种 [nao1 zhong3] /coward; useless scoundrel/ + 孬種 孬种 [[nao1zhong3]] /coward; useless scoundrel/ # - 定居 定居 [ding4 ju1] /to settle (in some city, country etc); to take up residence/ + 定居 定居 [[ding4ju1]] /to settle (in some city, country etc); to take up residence/ # - 帶動 带动 [dai4 dong4] /to spur; to provide impetus; to drive/ + 帶動 带动 [[dai4dong4]] /to spur; to provide impetus; to drive/ # - 挾制 挟制 [xie2 zhi4] /to exploit sb's point of weakness to force them to do one's bidding/ + 挾制 挟制 [[xie2zhi4]] /to exploit sb's point of weakness to force them to do one's bidding/ # - 據此 据此 [ju4 ci3] /accordingly; in view of the above/ + 據此 据此 [[ju4ci3]] /accordingly; in view of the above/ # - 牙粉 牙粉 [ya2 fen3] /tooth powder/ + 牙粉 牙粉 [[ya2fen3]] /tooth powder/ # - 突然 突然 [tu1 ran2] /sudden; abrupt; unexpected/ + 突然 突然 [[tu1ran2]] /sudden; abrupt; unexpected/ # - 立時 立时 [li4 shi2] /right away; quickly; immediately/ + 立時 立时 [[li4shi2]] /right away; quickly; immediately/ # - 給藥 给药 [ji3 yao4] /to administer medicine/ + 給藥 给药 [[ji3yao4]] /to administer medicine/ # - 翼瓣 翼瓣 [yi4 ban4] /(botany) alae; wing petals (of a papilionaceous flower)/ + 翼瓣 翼瓣 [[yi4ban4]] /(botany) alae; wing petals (of a papilionaceous flower)/ # - 老千 老千 [lao3 qian1] /swindler; cheat (in gambling)/ ...[click view changes to see the full diff]... |
Change log entry 86318 | |
Processed by: | richwarm (2024-09-09 09:28:18 GMT) |
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<< review queue entry 79560 - submitted by 'richwarm' >> v2 |
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- 嫉妒 嫉妒 [ji2 du4] /to be jealous of; to envy/ + 嫉妒 嫉妒 [[ji2du4]] /to be jealous of; to envy/ # - 抵用 抵用 [di3 yong4] /to exchange for (sth of equal value or utility); to use in lieu; to redeem (a coupon etc); to use to offset (an amount owed etc)/ + 抵用 抵用 [[di3yong4]] /to exchange for (sth of equal value or utility); to use in lieu; to redeem (a coupon etc); to use to offset (an amount owed etc)/ # - 王儲 王储 [wang2 chu3] /crown prince/ + 王儲 王储 [[wang2chu3]] /crown prince/ # - 蕎麥 荞麦 [qiao2 mai4] /buckwheat/ + 蕎麥 荞麦 [[qiao2mai4]] /buckwheat/ # - 軟禁 软禁 [ruan3 jin4] /to place under house arrest/ + 軟禁 软禁 [[ruan3jin4]] /to place under house arrest/ # - 配色 配色 [pei4 se4] /to coordinate colors/ + 配色 配色 [[pei4se4]] /to coordinate colors/ # - 圓環 圆环 [yuan2 huan2] /ring (any circular object)/(math.) annulus/(Tw) traffic circle; rotary/ + 圓環 圆环 [[yuan2huan2]] /ring (any circular object)/(math.) annulus/(Tw) traffic circle; rotary/ |
Change log entry 86317 | |
Processed by: | richwarm (2024-09-09 06:57:55 GMT) |
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<< review queue entry 79559 - submitted by 'polaris' >> 水华 - 《现代汉语词典》、《现代汉语规范词典》 |
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+ 水華 水华 [[shui3hua2]] /algal bloom; water bloom/ |
Change log entry 86316 | |
Processed by: | richwarm (2024-09-09 06:52:18 GMT) |
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<< review queue entry 79558 - submitted by 'polaris' >> There's no "algal bloom" meaning in all Chinese dictionaries. I think it's a sense of "水華/水华". |
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- 水花 水花 [shui3 hua1] /splash/algal bloom/chickenpox (dialect)/ # + 水花 水花 [[shui3hua1]] /splash/chickenpox (dialect)/ + 水花 水花 [[shui3hua1]] /spray of water; splash/(dialect) chickenpox/ |
Change log entry 86315 | |
Processed by: | richwarm (2024-09-09 03:52:18 GMT) |
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<< review queue entry 79263 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >> << resubmitted review queue entry 79262 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >> |
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# 摩挲 摩挲 [[ma1sa5]] /(coll.) to remove (crinkles, dirt) with the palm of the hand/Taiwan pr. [mo2suo1]/ + 摩 摩 [[ma1]] /used in 摩挲[ma1sa5]/ + 挲 挲 [[sa1]] /used in 摩挲[ma1sa5]/ |
Change log entry 86314 | |
Processed by: | richwarm (2024-09-09 03:51:30 GMT) |
Comment: | << review queue entry 79264 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >> |
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- 摩挲 摩挲 [mo2 suo1] /to stroke/to caress/ + 摩挲 摩挲 [[mo2suo1]] /to stroke; to caress/ # - 挲 挲 [suo1] /feel/to fondle/ + 挲 挲 [[suo1]] /used in 摩挲[mo2suo1]/ |
Change log entry 86313 | |
Processed by: | richwarm (2024-09-09 03:48:28 GMT) |
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<< review queue entry 76996 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >> Taiwanese street food, fried pie stuffed with shredded daikon/radish |
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+ 蘿蔔絲餅 萝卜丝饼 [[luo2bo5si1bing3]] /shredded daikon pie/ |
Change log entry 86312 | |
Processed by: | richwarm (2024-09-09 03:38:12 GMT) |
Comment: | v2 |
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- 體校 体校 [ti3 xiao4] /sports college/school of physical training/ + 體校 体校 [[ti3xiao4]] /sports school; physical education school (abbr. for 體育學校|体育学校[ti3yu4 xue2xiao4])/ |
Change log entry 86311 | |
Processed by: | richwarm (2024-09-09 02:57:51 GMT) |
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<< review queue entry 79552 - submitted by 'richwarm' >> From tubbums32 ------------------- Editor: chiseled stone, according to NA |
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# 麻石 麻石 [[ma2 shi2]] /Cut-stone (used in construction)/chiseled slate/ + 麻石 麻石 [[ma2shi2]] /chiseled stone (used in construction)/ |
Change log entry 86310 | |
Processed by: | richwarm (2024-09-09 02:50:09 GMT) |
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<< review queue entry 79478 - submitted by 'richwarm' >> From tubbums32 --------------------- Editor: 挂绳的英文翻译为:Lanyard (with pic) 手机挂绳 吊挂于手机上的一种装饰品,有时也有方便携带、防止遗失等实用功能 TAGS* Logo Lanyard 綠寶石名牌掛繩 * Taiwan Association of Greater Seattle 可掛名牌,手機或相機,既台味又高雅,上班出遊都少不了他。附安全扣環,避免拉扯意外。 This elegant lanyard can hold a badge, name tag, phone or camera. Useful on many occasions. Comes with a strong safety break to avoid accidents. |
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# 掛繩 挂绳 [[gua4 sheng2]] /Lanyard/ + 掛繩 挂绳 [[gua4sheng2]] /lanyard/ |
Change log entry 86309 | |
Processed by: | richwarm (2024-09-09 02:35:49 GMT) |
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<< review queue entry 79441 - submitted by 'richwarm' >> v2 Example for 函送法辦: 多名調查員在高檢署查黑中心檢察官指揮下,進入勁永位於中和的辦公室大舉搜索;第二天,勁永被打入全額交割股,當時兼任董事長與總經理的呂美月先是遭到限制出境,還被函送法辦。 Special investigators from the Taiwan High Court's Public Prosecutor's Office raided PQI's Chungho head office looking for evidence. The following day, PQI shares were placed under restricted trading, and CEO and Board Chair Jance Lu was indicted on financial fraud charges. |
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- 三蘇 三苏 [San1 Su1] /the Three Su's (famous Song dynasty writers Su Xun 蘇洵|苏洵[Su1 Xun2] and his sons Su Shi 蘇軾|苏轼[Su1 Shi4] and Su Zhe 蘇轍|苏辙[Su1 Zhe2])/ + 三蘇 三苏 [[San1 Su1]] /the Three Su's (famous Song dynasty writers Su Xun 蘇洵|苏洵[Su1 Xun2] and his sons Su Shi 蘇軾|苏轼[Su1 Shi4] and Su Zhe 蘇轍|苏辙[Su1 Zhe2])/ # - 內分泌腺 内分泌腺 [nei4 fen1 mi4 xian4] /endocrine gland/ + 內分泌腺 内分泌腺 [[nei4fen1mi4xian4]] /endocrine gland/ # - 函送法辦 函送法办 [han2 song4 fa3 ban4] /to bring to justice; to hand over to the law/ + 函送法辦 函送法办 [[han2song4-fa3ban4]] /(idiom) to bring to justice; to hand over to the law/ - 函辦 函办 [han2 ban4] /see 函送法辦|函送法办[han2 song4 fa3 ban4]/ + 函辦 函办 [[han2ban4]] /to bring to justice; to hand over to the law (abbr. for 函送法辦|函送法办[han2song4-fa3ban4])/ # - 及其 及其 [ji2 qi2] /(conjunction linking two nouns) and its ...; and their ...; and his ...; and her .../ + 及其 及其 [[ji2 qi2]] /(conjunction linking two nouns) and its ...; and their ...; and his ...; and her .../ # - 反動份子 反动分子 [fan3 dong4 fen4 zi3] /reactionaries; reactionary elements/ + 反動份子 反动分子 [[fan3dong4 fen4zi3]] /reactionaries; reactionary elements/ # - 吹哨人 吹哨人 [chui1 shao4 ren2] /whistleblower/ + 吹哨人 吹哨人 [[chui1shao4ren2]] /whistleblower/ # - 天課 天课 [tian1 ke4] /zakat/ + 天課 天课 [[tian1ke4]] /zakat/ # - 對詞 对词 [dui4 ci2] /(of actors) to practice lines together; to rehearse a dialogue/ + 對詞 对词 [[dui4ci2]] /(of actors) to practice lines together; to rehearse a dialogue/ # - 捐卵 捐卵 [juan1 luan3] /to donate eggs (from one's ovaries)/ + 捐卵 捐卵 [[juan1luan3]] /to donate eggs (from one's ovaries)/ # - 明達 明达 [ming2 da2] /reasonable; of good judgment/ + 明達 明达 [[ming2da2]] /reasonable; of good judgment/ # - 滑板車 滑板车 [hua2 ban3 che1] /kick scooter; push scooter/ + 滑板車 滑板车 [[hua2ban3che1]] /kick scooter; push scooter/ # - 盲盒 盲盒 [mang2 he2] /blind box; mystery box/ + 盲盒 盲盒 [[mang2he2]] /blind box; mystery box/ # ...[click view changes to see the full diff]... |
Change log entry 86308 | |
Processed by: | richwarm (2024-09-09 02:32:39 GMT) |
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<< review queue entry 78584 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >> taiwanese term --------------------- Editor: I do agree that it deserves the (Tw) label, but ... > "[Google] seems to do a lot of mangling for trad/simp during indexing which i'm sure messes up stats even more." Sounds like you're not using the same search method as me. As I mentioned, I'm using Google's "Verbatim" option, which returns only pages that contain the specific form you search for, ignoring variant forms. Click the Tools menu and toggle from "All results" to "Verbatim". > "if the difference were a factor 100x [560k] that'd be more credible starting point to investigate" That would be 56,000,000 hits for the simplified form 欧姆蛋 before you'd be prepared to consider whether it might be in use on the mainland! That's a much higher count than for words like 煎蛋 or 水饺. |
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- 歐姆蛋 欧姆蛋 [ou1 mu3 dan4] /omelette/ + 歐姆蛋 欧姆蛋 [[ou1mu3dan4]] /(Tw) omelette/ |
Change log entry 86307 | |
Processed by: | richwarm (2024-09-09 00:42:17 GMT) |
Comment: | v2 |
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- 毫米 毫米 [hao2 mi3] /millimeter/ + 毫米 毫米 [[hao2mi3]] /millimeter/ |
Change log entry 86306 | |
Processed by: | kbaiko (2024-09-08 20:21:23 GMT) |
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<< review queue entry 79549 - submitted by 'richwarm' >> |
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- 塗脂抹粉 涂脂抹粉 [tu2 zhi1 mo3 fen3] /to put on makeup/to prettify/ + 塗脂抹粉 涂脂抹粉 [[tu2zhi1-mo3fen3]] /(idiom) to put on makeup/(idiom) to prettify/ |
Change log entry 86305 | |
Processed by: | kbaiko (2024-09-08 15:12:19 GMT) |
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<< review queue entry 79494 - submitted by 'polaris' >> 吃回扣 - 《现代汉语词典》、《汉语大词典》 |
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# 吃回扣 吃回扣 [[chi1hui2kou4]] /to receive a kickback; to draw a commission/ # Editor: + 吃回扣 吃回扣 [[chi1 hui2kou4]] /to receive a kickback; to draw a commission/ |
Change log entry 86304 | |
Processed by: | kbaiko (2024-09-08 15:07:58 GMT) |
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<< review queue entry 78855 - submitted by 'encn' >> Day 53 沙袋拳击打卡✅ 练拳真的很有意思,除了强健体魄,也能感受到自然界中的弱肉强食。 不管在什么地方,都要让自己变强。 练习综合格斗三个月,发力越来越大,打教练手靶还好,打沙袋时候拳峰太痛,换一付保护更好的毒液巨人拳套,也更换了绑带,家里领导说:差生文具多。 |
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- 沙袋 沙袋 [sha1 dai4] /sandbag/ + 沙袋 沙袋 [[sha1dai4]] /sandbag/punching bag (trad. filled with sand)/ |
Change log entry 86303 | |
Processed by: | kbaiko (2024-09-08 15:06:56 GMT) |
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<< review queue entry 78850 - submitted by 'encn' >> 武术沙包并非“舶来品”,中国古代的武者在长期的习武实践中早已学会了使用沙包来增进功力。在2000年,许多不富裕的散打王名将也会借助这种“原始”的沙袋练习功夫。 沙包多以结实防水的帆布制成,内装河滩细沙30斤,一般会设置4个沙袋,用四方的木架悬挂起来。沙包的高度与胸部齐平。 6月22日凌晨,广东英德市委市政府组织协调英德监狱干警、清远军分区民兵、部分志愿者紧急奔赴北江大堤,星夜堆砌沙包防御洪水。 目击者刘先生告诉记者,发生自燃的越野车被卡在一个沙包上,一开始用一辆皮卡车进行救援但是没有成功,最后用一台装载机将自燃车辆拖了下来,随后周围的明火也被扑灭。 ---------- Editor: One more扔沙包/10159337 |
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# 沙包 沙包 [[sha1bao1]] /sandbag/punching bag (trad. filled with sand)/sand dune/ # Editor: + 沙包 沙包 [[sha1bao1]] /sandbag/punching bag (trad. filled with sand)/sand dune/footbag; hacky sack/ |
Change log entry 86302 | |
Processed by: | kbaiko (2024-09-08 13:53:18 GMT) |
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<< review queue entry 78743 - submitted by 'encn' >> 颜艺(日文:顔芸(かおげい)),日语借词。是指人物在某些情况下,面部表情极度扭曲的样子,并带有喜感。现在也作为萌属性出现在ACG次文化中。 至今游戏王依然保持着颜艺的良好传统并且成为一大特色,基本上大部分主要反派立死亡flag或者在主角命运抽(印)卡前都会颜艺+嘴炮。所以,颜艺也被认为虽然能拉高时髦值,但却会严重降低智商。 【妹控老哥好烦】 内容如标题所示,很可爱的兄妹日常,暂时没有其他恋爱线,dmzj可看。哥哥一张帅脸负责了全场的颜艺。 【家里三只猫丑图对比】感觉白猫这个品种就是生来更会搞颜艺 看赛马娘印象就是平常大家和和气气一派呆萌电波锻炼努力,结果一上赛场就颜艺狰狞重女不甘心可恶啊为什么追赶不到 |
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# 顏藝 颜艺 [[yan2yi4]] /(ACG) art of making humorously exaggerated facial expressions/ # Editor: + 顏藝 颜艺 [[yan2yi4]] /(ACG) art of making humorously exaggerated facial expressions (loanword from Japanese 顔芸 "kaogei")/ |
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