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Change log entry 87540
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-12-06 15:50:49 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80166 - submitted by 'encn' >>
揭开...的神秘面纱 is a common saying, which i believe was the translation of to lift the veil of mystery.
+ 神秘面紗 神秘面纱 [[shen2mi4 mian4sha1]] /veil of mystery/

Change log entry 87539
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-12-06 15:27:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80070 - submitted by 'encn' >>

name 古丽 is so popular that many people use it to refer to any Uyghur woman or girl.

+ 古麗 古丽 [[Gu3li4]] /Gül (common female Uyghur name)/

Change log entry 87538
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-12-05 18:54:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80585 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
- 屏 屏 [bing1] /see 屏營|屏营[bing1 ying2]/
+ 屏 屏 [[bing1]] /used in 屏營|屏营[bing1ying2]/

Change log entry 87537
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-12-05 17:52:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80068 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
- 帡 帡 [ping2] /to cover/screen/awning/
+ 帡 帡 [[ping2]] /used in 帡幪[ping2meng2]/
- 幪 幪 [meng2] /cover/
+ 幪 幪 [[meng2]] /used in 帡幪[ping2meng2]/
# 帡幪 帡幪 [ping2 meng2] /(literary) tent/to shelter/

Change log entry 87536
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-12-05 17:43:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80583 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
<< resubmitted review queue entry 76166 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
- 繆 缪 [mou2] /to wind round/
+ 繆 缪 [[mou2]] /used in 綢繆|绸缪[chou2mou2]/
# 綢繆 绸缪 [chou2 mou2] /to be sentimentally attached to sb or sth/
# 未雨綢繆 未雨绸缪 [wei4 yu3 chou2 mou2] /lit. before it rains, bind around with silk (idiom, from Book of Songs 詩經|诗经); fig. to plan ahead/to prepare for a rainy day/

Change log entry 87535
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-12-05 17:35:05 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80581 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
- 冰釋前嫌 冰释前嫌 [[bing1shi4 qian2xian2]] /to forget previous differences; to bury the hatchet/
+ 冰釋前嫌 冰释前嫌 [[bing1shi4-qian2xian2]] /(idiom) to forget previous differences; to bury the hatchet/

Change log entry 87534
Processed by: richwarm (2024-12-05 09:40:00 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80576 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>


Other liquid



/(of a color) deep; rich/
- according to M HDC K SCM

釅紫 is 深紫色, according to Z.
Might be literary, though.
- 釅 酽 [yan4] /strong (of tea)/
# + 釅 酽 [[yan4]] /(of tea, wine etc) strong; (of ink, aroma etc) thick/
+ 釅 酽 [[yan4]] /(of tea, wine etc) strong; (of ink, aroma etc) thick; (of a color) deep; rich/

Change log entry 87533
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-12-05 08:12:57 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80564 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
v2, post 2022-04
- 鳳尾蕨 凤尾蕨 [feng4 wei3 jue2] /brake (fern of genus Pteris)/(esp.) spider fern (Pteris multifida)/
+ 鳳尾蕨 凤尾蕨 [[feng4wei3jue2]] /brake (fern of genus Pteris)/(esp.) spider fern (Pteris multifida)/
- 主旋律 主旋律 [zhu3 xuan2 lu:4] /(music) theme; principal melody/(fig.) central theme; main idea/(of a movie) created with the purpose of promoting Party values and point of view/
+ 主旋律 主旋律 [[zhu3xuan2lu:4]] /(music) theme; principal melody/(fig.) central theme; main idea/(of a movie) created with the purpose of promoting Party values and point of view/
- 重磅 重磅 [zhong4 bang4] /(of a bomb) powerful/(of news) impactful; significant/(of fabric) heavy-duty/
+ 重磅 重磅 [[zhong4bang4]] /(of a bomb) powerful/(of news) impactful; significant/(of fabric) heavy-duty/
- 原創 原创 [yuan2 chuang4] /to create (sth original)/original/originality/original work/
+ 原創 原创 [[yuan2chuang4]] /to create (sth original)/original/originality/original work/
- 機關 机关 [ji1 guan1] /mechanism; gear/machine-operated/office; agency; organ; organization; establishment; institution; body/stratagem; scheme; intrigue; plot; trick/CL:個|个[ge4]/
+ 機關 机关 [[ji1guan1]] /mechanism; gear/machine-operated/office; agency; organ; organization; establishment; institution; body/stratagem; scheme; intrigue; plot; trick/CL:個|个[ge4]/
- 畫 画 [hua4] /to draw; to paint/picture; painting (CL:幅[fu2],張|张[zhang1])/to draw (a line) (variant of 劃|划[hua4])/stroke of a Chinese character (variant of 劃|划[hua4])/(calligraphy) horizontal stroke (variant of 劃|划[hua4])/
+ 畫 画 [[hua4]] /to draw; to paint/picture; painting (CL:幅[fu2],張|张[zhang1])/to draw (a line) (variant of 劃|划[hua4])/stroke of a Chinese character (variant of 劃|划[hua4])/(calligraphy) horizontal stroke (variant of 劃|划[hua4])/
- 爛 烂 [lan4] /soft; mushy/well-cooked and soft/to rot; to decompose/rotten/worn out/chaotic; messy/utterly; thoroughly/crappy; bad/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 87532
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-12-05 08:12:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80561 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>



+ 轉製 转制 [[zhuan3zhi4]] /to convert; to reprocess; to turn (sth) into/

Change log entry 87531
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-12-05 08:12:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80566 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
v2, post 2022-04
- 一字巾 一字巾 [yi1 zi4 jin1] /headband; strip of cloth worn around the head/
+ 一字巾 一字巾 [[yi1zi4jin1]] /headband; strip of cloth worn around the head/
- 不可置信 不可置信 [bu4 ke3 zhi4 xin4] /unbelievable; incredible/
+ 不可置信 不可置信 [[bu4ke3 zhi4xin4]] /unbelievable; incredible/
- 乏善可陳 乏善可陈 [fa2 shan4 ke3 chen2] /(idiom) to be nothing to write home about/
+ 乏善可陳 乏善可陈 [[fa2shan4-ke3chen2]] /(idiom) to be nothing to write home about/
- 交通燈 交通灯 [jiao1 tong1 deng1] /traffic light/
+ 交通燈 交通灯 [[jiao1tong1deng1]] /traffic light/
- 人格神 人格神 [ren2 ge2 shen2] /personal god/
+ 人格神 人格神 [[ren2ge2shen2]] /personal god/
- 仿生 仿生 [fang3 sheng1] /to design an artificial system, taking inspiration from a living organism; bionic; biomimetic/
+ 仿生 仿生 [[fang3sheng1]] /to design an artificial system, taking inspiration from a living organism; bionic; biomimetic/
- 假掰 假掰 [gei1 bai1] /(Tw) affected; pretentious; to put on a display of histrionics (from Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [ké-pai])/
+ 假掰 假掰 [[gei1bai1]] /(Tw) affected; pretentious; to put on a display of histrionics (from Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [ké-pai])/
- 冰釋前嫌 冰释前嫌 [bing1 shi4 qian2 xian2] /to forget previous differences; to bury the hatchet/
+ 冰釋前嫌 冰释前嫌 [[bing1shi4 qian2xian2]] /to forget previous differences; to bury the hatchet/
- 地窄人稠 地窄人稠 [di4 zhai3 ren2 chou2] /small and densely populated/
+ 地窄人稠 地窄人稠 [[di4zhai3-ren2chou2]] /small and densely populated/
- 嬰兒猝死綜合症 婴儿猝死综合症 [ying1 er2 cu4 si3 zong1 he2 zheng4] /sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS); crib death/
+ 嬰兒猝死綜合症 婴儿猝死综合症 [[ying1er2 cu4si3 zong1he2zheng4]] /sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS); crib death/
- 後廚 后厨 [hou4 chu2] /kitchen (of a restaurant or hotel etc); commercial kitchen/
+ 後廚 后厨 [[hou4chu2]] /kitchen (of a restaurant or hotel etc); commercial kitchen/

Change log entry 87530
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-12-05 08:12:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80568 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
"hired gun" is ambiguous:
1. One, especially a professional killer, who is hired to kill another person.
2. One hired to fight for or protect another.
3. One with special knowledge or expertise, as in business, law, or government, who is hired to resolve particularly difficult or complex problems.

... and none of them seems apt, although there is a non-military sense for 傭兵 mentioned in LA
1. 受僱替別的國家賣命打仗的人。
2. 受僱替別的國家從事某項競賽的人。


(although the sports sense may be Tw-specific)
- 雇傭兵 雇佣兵 [gu4 yong1 bing1] /mercenary/hired gun/
+ 雇傭兵 雇佣兵 [[gu4yong1bing1]] /(military) mercenary/
- 傭兵 佣兵 [yong1 bing1] /mercenary/hired gun/
+ 傭兵 佣兵 [[yong1bing1]] /(military) mercenary/(sports) player hired from another country/

Change log entry 87529
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-12-05 08:11:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80569 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Misspelling -- there's only one "d" in "Ayeyarwady".

"依洛瓦底" - 10k
"伊洛瓦底" - 980k

伊洛瓦底江 = 伊洛瓦底 + 江

伊洛瓦底三角洲 = 伊洛瓦底 + 三角洲
- 依洛瓦底 依洛瓦底 [Yi1 luo4 wa3 di3] /Irrawaddy or Ayeyarwady River, the main river of Myanmar/
- 伊洛瓦底 伊洛瓦底 [Yi1 luo4 wa3 di3] /Irrawaddy or Ayeyarwaddy River, the main river of Myanmar (Burma)/
+ 伊洛瓦底 伊洛瓦底 [[Yi1luo4wa3di3]] /Irrawaddy or Ayeyarwady, the main river of Myanmar/
- 伊洛瓦底江 伊洛瓦底江 [Yi1 luo4 wa3 di3 Jiang1] /Irrawaddy or Ayeyarwaddy River, the main river of Myanmar (Burma)/
- 伊洛瓦底三角洲 伊洛瓦底三角洲 [Yi1 luo4 wa3 di3 San1 jiao3 zhou1] /Irrawaddy Delta in south Myanmar (Burma)/

Change log entry 87528
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-12-05 08:11:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80570 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
1. 祭祀的儀式。例 「祭儀遵照今制」。
2. 祭祀供奉的物品。例 「香燭紙馬,花果祭儀」。
+ 祭儀 祭仪 [[ji4yi2]] /sacrificial ceremony/sacrificial offering/

Change log entry 87527
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-12-05 08:10:49 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80575 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 也就是 也就是 [ye3 jiu4 shi4] /that is/i.e./
+ 也就是 也就是 [[ye3 jiu4shi4]] /in other words; i.e./

Change log entry 87526
Processed by: richwarm (2024-12-04 20:44:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80571 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
- Singular
- Noun sense of 镊 is bound
- Verb sense of 镊 has to be done with a 镊子
- nippers/pliers: I think those are too big for 镊子

- https://baike.baidu.com/item/手术镊/4531509

> Like scissors I guess
Yes. Also, tongs, trousers, binoculars etc.

/to use tweezers (to grasp, pick up, or pull out etc, depending on whether the following resultative verb is 住[zhu4] or 起[qi3] or 出[chu1] etc)/
- 用镊子镊住猪毛,顺着猪毛的生长方向,用力一拔就可以将猪毛去除干净。
- 用镊子镊住支架下部,向下拉至前部,

pick up

pull out
- 把刺到手指頭裡的玻璃碎片鑷出來
- 用钳子将他的断裂肋骨精淮地从肺部组织里镊出,予以悬吊,整个过程中丝毫没有损伤
- 鑷 镊 [nie4] /tweezers/forceps/nippers/pliers/to nip/to pick up with tweezers/to pluck out/
# + 鑷 镊 [[nie4]] /(bound form) tweezer; forcep/to pinch with a tweezer/
- 鑷子 镊子 [nie4 zi5] /tweezers/nippers/pliers/
# + 鑷子 镊子 [[nie4zi5]] /tweezer; forcep/
# + 手術鑷 手术镊 [[shou3shu4nie4]] /forcep/
+ 鑷 镊 [[nie4]] /(bound form) tweezers/to use tweezers (to grasp, pick up, or pull out etc, depending on whether the following resultative verb is 住[zhu4] or 起[qi3] or 出[chu1] etc)/
+ 鑷子 镊子 [[nie4zi5]] /tweezers; forceps/
+ 手術鑷 手术镊 [[shou3shu4nie4]] /surgical forceps/
- 產鉗 产钳 [chan3 qian2] /obstetric forceps/
+ 產鉗 产钳 [[chan3qian2]] /obstetric forceps/

Change log entry 87525
Processed by: richwarm (2024-12-04 18:43:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 77650 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
>一 1918年2月25日,恽代英结婚不到三年的爱妻沈葆秀因难产而死。这个突然的变故,惊得恽代英嗒然,茫然,无以自主。他向匆忙赶来的岳父、岳母跪下恸哭,是他误了葆秀

- 嗒 嗒 [ta4] /to despair/
+ 嗒 嗒 [[ta4]] /used in 嗒然[ta4ran2] and 嗒喪|嗒丧[ta4sang4]/
+ 嗒然 嗒然 [[ta4ran2]] /(literary) despondent; depressed/
+ 嗒喪 嗒丧 [[ta4sang4]] /(literary) disheartened; disappointed/

Change log entry 87524
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-12-04 16:26:08 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80574 - submitted by 'polaris' >>
華佗 的书 应该多称 《青囊书》,不过没有传世,感觉不需要收录

- 青囊經 青囊经 [Qing1 nang2 Jing1] /Qingnang Jing, a book on medical practice written by 華佗|华佗[Hua4 Tuo2]/

Change log entry 87523
Processed by: richwarm (2024-12-04 08:40:58 GMT)
Comment: -a
- 下酒菜 下酒菜 [[xia4jiu3cai4]] /a dish that goes well with alcoholic drinks; a snack eaten with drinks/
+ 下酒菜 下酒菜 [[xia4jiu3cai4]] /dish that goes well with alcoholic drinks; snack eaten with drinks/

Change log entry 87522
Processed by: richwarm (2024-12-04 06:37:54 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 下酒菜 下酒菜 [xia4 jiu3 cai4] /a dish that goes well with alcoholic drinks/
+ 下酒菜 下酒菜 [[xia4jiu3cai4]] /a dish that goes well with alcoholic drinks; a snack eaten with drinks/

Change log entry 87521
Processed by: richwarm (2024-12-03 22:36:50 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 簽約 签约 [qian1 yue1] /to sign a contract or agreement/
+ 簽約 签约 [[qian1yue1]] /to sign a contract or agreement/

Change log entry 87520
Processed by: richwarm (2024-12-03 22:12:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80565 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
The trad form of [gu4yong1] is commonly written as 僱傭 as well as 雇傭.
(based on M, LA, TP)
- 僱用 雇用 [gu4 yong4] /to employ/to hire/
+ 僱用 雇用 [[gu4yong4]] /to employ; to hire/
- 雇傭 雇佣 [gu4 yong1] /to employ/to hire/
+ 雇傭 雇佣 [[gu4yong1]] /to employ; to hire/
+ 僱傭 雇佣 [[gu4yong1]] /to employ; to hire/

Change log entry 87519
Processed by: richwarm (2024-12-03 18:40:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80334 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
- Most dictionaries I have say something like "used in 眈眈". One actually says
"used in 虎视眈眈".
- My corpus has about 4000 hits for 虎视眈眈 and a small handful of X视眈眈 where
X is some other animal, but not much else.
- Adverb as opposed to a verb
- 眈 眈 [dan1] /gaze intently/
+ 眈 眈 [[dan1]] /used in 眈眈[dan1dan1]/
+ 眈眈 眈眈 [[dan1dan1]] /(to gaze) intently/
# 虎視眈眈 虎视眈眈 [[hu3shi4-dan1dan1]] /lit. to fix one's eyes on sth like a tiger watching its prey (idiom)/fig. to eye covetously/

Change log entry 87518
Processed by: richwarm (2024-12-03 18:37:41 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 撫卹 抚恤 [fu3 xu4] /(of an organization that has a duty of care) to give financial support to relatives of sb who has died or suffered serious injury/
+ 撫卹 抚恤 [[fu3xu4]] /(of an organization that has a duty of care) to give financial support to relatives of sb who has died or suffered serious injury/

Change log entry 87517
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-12-03 12:15:34 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80276 - submitted by 'polaris' >>
fluticasone -氟替卡松 音译词
- 丙酸氟替卡鬆 丙酸氟替卡松 [bing3 suan1 fu2 ti4 ka3 song1] /fluticasone propionate/
+ 丙酸氟替卡松 丙酸氟替卡松 [[bing3suan1 fu2ti4ka3song1]] /fluticasone propionate/

Change log entry 87516
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-12-03 12:11:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80042 - submitted by 'polaris' >>
- 華陀 华陀 [Hua4 Tuo2] /Hua Tuo (c. 140-208), ancient Chinese physician from the Eastern Han period/
+ 華陀 华陀 [[Hua4 Tuo2]] /variant of 華佗|华佗[Hua4 Tuo2]/
# Editor:
- 華佗 华佗 [Hua4 Tuo2] /Hua Tuo (?-208), famous doctor at the end of Han Dynasty/
+ 華佗 华佗 [[Hua4 Tuo2]] /Hua Tuo (c. 145-208), physician of the Eastern Han dynasty/

Change log entry 87515
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-12-03 11:56:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80473 - submitted by 'polaris' >>
# 中國大陸 中国大陆 [[Zhōngguó dàlù]] /mainland China; China's mainland; Chinese mainland/
# Editor:
+ 中國大陸 中国大陆 [[Zhong1guo2 da4lu4]] /mainland China/

Change log entry 87514
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-12-03 11:53:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80541 - submitted by 'polaris' >>
- 一切事物 一切事物 [yi1 qie4 shi4 wu4] /everything/

Change log entry 87513
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-12-03 11:45:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80549 - submitted by 'polaris' >>
《现代汉语词典 》同文身,《现代汉语规范词典》 「现在一般写作文身」。

「紋」字一般是名词,指「丝织品上的花纹」,和「文身」、「刺青」、「to tatoo」的意思有差别。
- 文身 文身 [wen2 shen1] /to tattoo/
# + 文身 文身 [wen2shen1] /to tattoo/tattoo/
- 紋身 纹身 [wen2 shen1] /tattoo/
# + 紋身 纹身 [wen2shen1] /variant of 文身[wen2shen1]/
# Editor:
+ 文身 文身 [[wen2shen1]] /to tattoo/tattoo/
+ 紋身 纹身 [[wen2shen1]] /variant of 文身[wen2shen1]/

Change log entry 87512
Processed by: richwarm (2024-12-03 01:46:15 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80562 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
On food labels

Editor: I don't think it's clear to users what "E950" refers to in "(artificial sweetener, E950)".
At any rate, I had to look it up -- it's the European food additive code for acesulfame-K.
I decided to leave that out.
# 醋磺內酯鉀 醋磺内酯钾 [[cu4huang2nei4zhi3jia3]] /acesulfame potassium; acesulfame K (artificial sweetener, E950)/
+ 醋磺內酯鉀 醋磺内酯钾 [[cu4huang2nei4zhi3jia3]] /acesulfame potassium; acesulfame K (an artificial sweetener)/

Change log entry 87511
Processed by: richwarm (2024-12-03 01:17:13 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80557 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
+ 轉職 转职 [[zhuan3zhi2]] /to change job or profession/

Change log entry 87510
Processed by: richwarm (2024-12-03 01:02:31 GMT)
Comment: v2

麦肯锡·克鲁克(Mackenzie Crook),1971年9月29日生于英国英格兰肯特美斯顿,英国影视演员,主要作品有《丁丁历险记》。

麦肯锡·伊·布朗(英语:Mackenzie Yee Brown,1995年3月14日—)是一名美国女子射箭运动员。

//After graduation, Yang found a position with McKin­sey & Company, but in 2012 he moved to EVA Air as a flight crew first officer.//
- 麥肯錫 麦肯锡 [Mai4 ken3 xi1] /MacKenzie/McKinsey/
+ 麥肯錫 麦肯锡 [[Mai4ken3xi1]] /(name) MacKenzie; McKinsey/

Change log entry 87509
Processed by: richwarm (2024-12-03 00:21:47 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 音樂節 音乐节 [yin1 yue4 jie2] /music festival/
+ 音樂節 音乐节 [[yin1yue4jie2]] /music festival/

Change log entry 87508
Processed by: richwarm (2024-12-03 00:20:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80560 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
Batch 68 of administrative divisions of China
- Add 市 to capital

1. Now that prefecture-level city entries are converted to v2, all city entries
(such as 杭州) point to the entry with the suffix (杭州市). So I think it makes
more sense to just add 市 to the capital.

2. Technically not having 市 could be ambiguous, for example

江西省 江西省 [[Jiang1xi1 Sheng3]] /Jiangxi Province, capital Nanchang 南昌[Nan2chang1] (abbr. to 灨|赣[Gan4])/
南昌 has two senses: /see 南昌市[Nan2chang1 Shi4]/see 南昌縣|南昌县[Nan2chang1 Xian4]/

The first one is "obviously" right but may as well remove ambiguity
- 河北省 河北省 [[He2bei3 Sheng3]] /Hebei Province, capital Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄[Shi2jia1zhuang1] (abbr. to 冀[Ji4])/
+ 河北省 河北省 [[He2bei3 Sheng3]] /Hebei Province, capital Shijiazhuang 石家莊市|石家庄市[Shi2jia1zhuang1 Shi4] (abbr. to 冀[Ji4])/
- 山西省 山西省 [[Shan1xi1 Sheng3]] /Shanxi Province, capital Taiyuan 太原[Tai4yuan2] (abbr. to 晉|晋[Jin4])/
+ 山西省 山西省 [[Shan1xi1 Sheng3]] /Shanxi Province, capital Taiyuan 太原市[Tai4yuan2 Shi4] (abbr. to 晉|晋[Jin4])/
- 遼寧省 辽宁省 [[Liao2ning2 Sheng3]] /Liaoning Province, capital Shenyang 瀋陽|沈阳[Shen3yang2] (abbr. to 遼|辽[Liao2])/
+ 遼寧省 辽宁省 [[Liao2ning2 Sheng3]] /Liaoning Province, capital Shenyang 瀋陽市|沈阳市[Shen3yang2 Shi4] (abbr. to 遼|辽[Liao2])/
- 吉林省 吉林省 [[Ji2lin2 Sheng3]] /Jilin Province, capital Changchun 長春|长春[Chang2chun1] (abbr. to 吉[Ji2])/
+ 吉林省 吉林省 [[Ji2lin2 Sheng3]] /Jilin Province, capital Changchun 長春市|长春市[Chang2chun1 Shi4] (abbr. to 吉[Ji2])/
- 黑龍江省 黑龙江省 [[Hei1long2jiang1 Sheng3]] /Heilongjiang Province, capital Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha1er3bin1] (abbr. to 黑[Hei1])/
+ 黑龍江省 黑龙江省 [[Hei1long2jiang1 Sheng3]] /Heilongjiang Province, capital Harbin 哈爾濱市|哈尔滨市[Ha1er3bin1 Shi4] (abbr. to 黑[Hei1])/
- 江蘇省 江苏省 [[Jiang1su1 Sheng3]] /Jiangsu Province, capital Nanjing 南京[Nan2jing1] (abbr. to 蘇|苏[Su1])/
+ 江蘇省 江苏省 [[Jiang1su1 Sheng3]] /Jiangsu Province, capital Nanjing 南京市[Nan2jing1 Shi4] (abbr. to 蘇|苏[Su1])/
- 浙江省 浙江省 [[Zhe4jiang1 Sheng3]] /Zhejiang Province, capital Hangzhou 杭州[Hang2zhou1] (abbr. to 浙[Zhe4])/
+ 浙江省 浙江省 [[Zhe4jiang1 Sheng3]] /Zhejiang Province, capital Hangzhou 杭州市[Hang2zhou1 Shi4] (abbr. to 浙[Zhe4])/
- 安徽省 安徽省 [[An1hui1 Sheng3]] /Anhui Province, capital Hefei 合肥[He2fei2] (abbr. to 皖[Wan3])/
+ 安徽省 安徽省 [[An1hui1 Sheng3]] /Anhui Province, capital Hefei 合肥市[He2fei2 Shi4] (abbr. to 皖[Wan3])/
- 福建省 福建省 [[Fu2jian4 Sheng3]] /Fujian Province, capital Fuzhou 福州[Fu2zhou1] (abbr. to 閩|闽[Min3])/Fujian Province, Taiwan/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 87507
Processed by: richwarm (2024-12-03 00:12:15 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80558 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
In some names, maybe japanese influence
火球祭 FireBall Fest. https://m.facebook.com/fireballfest/

Editor: It wouldn't surprise me if it was influenced by Japanese usage like
体育祭 high school sports festival
独立祭 (US) Independence Day
文化祭 a school's cultural festival (students showcase various projects, host performances, and set up booths offering food, games, and exhibitions)

On the mainland, I think the character 節(节) is more likely to be used (as in 音乐节).
In simplified characters, according to Google (verbatim option), 音乐节 is about 51 times as common as 音乐祭.
In trad characters, 音樂節 is only about twice as common as 音樂祭.
In Taiwan Panorama articles, the proportion is even lower, 92:77.
- 祭 祭 [ji4] /to offer a sacrifice to (gods or ancestors)/memorial ceremony/(in classical novels) to recite an incantation to activate a magic weapon/(lit. and fig.) to wield/
# + 祭 祭 [[ji4]] /to offer a sacrifice to (gods or ancestors)/memorial ceremony/(in classical novels) to recite an incantation to activate a magic weapon/(lit. and fig.) to wield/festival/
+ 祭 祭 [[ji4]] /to offer a sacrifice to (gods or ancestors)/(in classical novels) to recite an incantation to activate a magic weapon; to wield (sth magic)/(bound form) ceremony/(Tw) (bound form) (celebratory) festival/

Change log entry 87506
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-12-03 00:01:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80559 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 市場 市场 [shi4 chang3] /marketplace/market (also in abstract)/
+ 市場 市场 [[shi4chang3]] /marketplace; market; bazaar/(economics) market/

Change log entry 87505
Processed by: richwarm (2024-12-02 23:34:09 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 祭出 祭出 [ji4 chu1] /to brandish (a figurative weapon, i.e. some measure intended to deal with the situation)/to resort to (some tactic)/
+ 祭出 祭出 [[ji4chu1]] /to brandish (a figurative weapon, i.e. some measure intended to deal with the situation); to resort to (some tactic)/

Change log entry 87504
Processed by: richwarm (2024-12-02 20:57:05 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 縣級 县级 [xian4 ji2] /county level/
+ 縣級 县级 [[xian4ji2]] /county level/

Change log entry 87503
Processed by: richwarm (2024-12-02 20:54:32 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 星巴克 星巴克 [Xing1 ba1 ke4] /Starbucks, US coffee shop chain/
+ 星巴克 星巴克 [[Xing1ba1ke4]] /Starbucks, US coffee shop chain/

Change log entry 87502
Processed by: richwarm (2024-12-02 20:17:53 GMT)
Comment: tweak the wording
- 吃乾抹淨 吃干抹净 [[chi1gan1-ma1jing4]] /(idiom) to devour (food)/(idiom) to exploit to the full; to shamelessly take advantage/
+ 吃乾抹淨 吃干抹净 [[chi1gan1-ma1jing4]] /(idiom) to devour (food)/(idiom) to shamelessly take advantage; to ruthlessly exploit/

Change log entry 87501
Processed by: richwarm (2024-12-02 20:00:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80555 - submitted by 'encn' >>
as of pinyin of 抹, baike says mo3 but i chose the colloquial one ma1 which i heard in film 唐伯虎点秋香


国产动画公司套路 把一个人气角色吃干抹净以后 再弃如敝履 马上去捧下一个







# 吃乾抹淨 吃干抹净 [[chi1gan1-ma1jing4]] /to completely exploit; to take full advantage of/
+ 吃乾抹淨 吃干抹净 [[chi1gan1-ma1jing4]] /(idiom) to devour (food)/(idiom) to exploit to the full; to shamelessly take advantage/

Change log entry 87500
Processed by: richwarm (2024-12-02 19:05:35 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 晃動 晃动 [huang4 dong4] /to sway/to rock/
+ 晃動 晃动 [[huang4dong4]] /to shake; to sway; to rock/

Change log entry 87499
Processed by: richwarm (2024-12-02 18:44:26 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 協助 协助 [xie2 zhu4] /to provide assistance/to aid/
+ 協助 协助 [[xie2zhu4]] /to provide assistance; to aid/

Change log entry 87498
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-12-02 14:13:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80535 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
v2, post 2022-04
- 勞動者 劳动者 [lao2 dong4 zhe3] /worker; laborer/
+ 勞動者 劳动者 [[lao2dong4zhe3]] /worker; laborer/
- 包漿 包浆 [bao1 jiang1] /patina (sheen on the surface of an antique)/
+ 包漿 包浆 [[bao1jiang1]] /patina (sheen on the surface of an antique)/
- 區塊鏈 区块链 [qu1 kuai4 lian4] /(computing) blockchain/
+ 區塊鏈 区块链 [[qu1kuai4lian4]] /(computing) blockchain/
- 各族人民 各族人民 [ge4 zu2 ren2 min2] /people of all ethnic groups; the peoples (of a nation)/
+ 各族人民 各族人民 [[ge4zu2ren2min2]] /people of all ethnic groups; the peoples (of a nation)/
- 大眼瞪小眼 大眼瞪小眼 [da4 yan3 deng4 xiao3 yan3] /(idiom) to look at each other, not knowing what to do/
+ 大眼瞪小眼 大眼瞪小眼 [[da4yan3 deng4 xiao3yan3]] /(idiom) to look at each other, not knowing what to do/
- 嬌妻 娇妻 [jiao1 qi1] /lovely wife/
+ 嬌妻 娇妻 [[jiao1qi1]] /lovely wife/
- 守規矩 守规矩 [shou3 gui1 ju5] /to behave oneself; to abide by the rules/
+ 守規矩 守规矩 [[shou3 gui1ju5]] /to behave oneself; to abide by the rules/
- 年少無知 年少无知 [nian2 shao4 wu2 zhi1] /young and inexperienced; unsophisticated/
+ 年少無知 年少无知 [[nian2shao4-wu2zhi1]] /(idiom) young and inexperienced; unsophisticated/

Change log entry 87497
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-12-02 13:59:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80531 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Not in dictionaries, it seems.
But it's in my IME.


客服态度奇差 。

脑力透支写着写着睡着了 。 。 。 睡醒看到那么多还没写心情奇差

gt2 Pro 5g信号奇差无比!

Everyday life and sanitary conditions were a far cry from anything he had seen before.

Without much to occupy him, Chiang found himself meandering about the lab. One day, when he chanced upon a postdoctoral researcher coping with an extremely murky slide of a Drosophila mushroom body, he couldn’t resist coming to the rescue by unleashing his magic formula ­- FocusClear.
+ 奇差 奇差 [[qi2cha4]] /(coll.) extremely poor (in quality); shockingly bad/

Change log entry 87496
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-12-02 13:47:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80546 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
例 「用圖示的方式呈現會比文字敘述更清楚」。

In schematic form, with explanatory texts,

ATM leader Shen Twan-len is the one [in the photo] explaining the project.

Division of fractions is the main theme in sixth grade. Old textbooks just stated the formula for doing the operation. But the new textbooks use a graph,

One page of this section has a detailed diagram outlining the production processes of different sparkling wines.


As your karma rises, you gain access to new emoticons or pet icons.

Editor: Seems like it's the Taiwan form of 图标
For example, https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/圖示
- 圖示 图示 [tu2 shi4] /icon (computing)/
# + 圖示 图示 [[tu2shi4]] /graphic representation; diagram/
# Editor:
+ 圖示 图示 [[tu2shi4]] /graphic representation; diagram/(Tw) (computing) icon/

Change log entry 87495
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-12-02 13:44:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80545 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>



BB ~ 图标指具有指代意义的图形符号,具有高度浓缩并快捷传达信息、便于记忆的特性。

1. 指具有指示作用的圖形標誌。如男、女廁所標誌和各種交通標誌等。
2. 特指用來指示電腦用戶執行各種操作的圖像。其中桌面上的圖標是軟體標誌,介面中的圖標是功能標誌。
- 圖標 图标 [tu2 biao1] /icon (computing)/
+ 圖標 图标 [[tu2biao1]] /graphic symbol/(computing) icon/

Change log entry 87494
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-12-02 13:17:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80548 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
1. 指孔子像。孔子曾被尊稱為「聖人」,故稱。
2. 各種宗教或民間信仰所崇奉神祇的雕像或畫像。如佛教的佛像、天主教的耶穌像等。
- 聖像 圣像 [sheng4 xiang4] /icon/iconic/religious image/figure (of Confucius, Buddha, Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary etc)/CL:張|张[zhang1]/
+ 聖像 圣像 [[sheng4xiang4]] /(old) image of Confucius/holy image (of Buddha or Jesus Christ etc)/

Change log entry 87493
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-12-02 13:12:10 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80554 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Is 只 normally used as a classifier for 西红柿?

➊ ​用於計算動物(多指飛禽、走獸)​。
例 「一隻羊」、「兩隻雞」、「五隻老鼠」。
➋ ​用於計算人或動物的某些器官。
例 「一隻手」、「兩隻眼睛」、「一隻角」、「四隻蹄子」。
➌ ​用於計算船或某些器物。
例 「兩隻小船」、「一隻雪橇」、「三隻箱子」、「一隻手套」。
- 西紅柿 西红柿 [xi1 hong2 shi4] /tomato/CL:隻|只[zhi1]/
+ 西紅柿 西红柿 [[xi1hong2shi4]] /tomato/

Change log entry 87492
Processed by: richwarm (2024-12-02 04:09:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80552 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>

Editor: Grand Ricci has it: "(Pathol.) Pus."

- 脓液可通过以下 3 种方式排出
- 例如,伤口的脓液较多、臭味较大,每日换 1 ~ 2 次;
- 脓液从右耳内流出
+ 膿液 脓液 [[nong2ye4]] /pus/

Change log entry 87491
Processed by: richwarm (2024-12-02 03:45:08 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 集成電路 集成电路 [ji2 cheng2 dian4 lu4] /integrated circuit/IC/
+ 集成電路 集成电路 [[ji2cheng2 dian4lu4]] /integrated circuit/

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