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Change log entry 87108
Processed by: richwarm (2024-11-03 06:44:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 79016 - submitted by 'encn' >>

坒,比也。// 比bi4 in 比邻
- 坒 坒 [bi4] /to compare/to match/to equal/
+ 坒 坒 [[bi4]] /(literary) to adjoin/

Change log entry 87107
Processed by: richwarm (2024-11-03 06:38:12 GMT)
- 外勤 外勤 [wai4 qin2] /field work/field personnel/any occupation that involves a great deal of field work/
+ 外勤 外勤 [[wai4qin2]] /work done in the field (rather than in the office or at the headquarters); fieldwork/field personnel; fieldworker/

Change log entry 87106
Processed by: richwarm (2024-11-03 06:31:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80126 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
# 內勤 内勤 [[nei4qin2]] /internal office work; back office/office worker; office staff/
+ 內勤 内勤 [[nei4qin2]] /clerical work in the office; office work/office staff; clerk/

Change log entry 87105
Processed by: richwarm (2024-11-03 06:26:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 79396 - submitted by 'polaris' >>
现今全球市值最高的公司,且Google搜索一直位居首页,虽然是专有名词(proper name),个人觉得值得记录。



# 蘋果 苹果 [[Ping2guo3]] /Apple Inc./
+ 蘋果 苹果 [[Ping2guo3]] /Apple (American tech company)/

Change log entry 87104
Processed by: richwarm (2024-11-03 06:19:19 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80125 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
synonymous with 小夜班
+ 中班 中班 [[zhong1ban1]] /middle shift; swing shift; early night shift/middle class in kindergarten (4-5 year olds)/

Change log entry 87103
Processed by: richwarm (2024-11-03 05:58:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80124 - submitted by 'polaris' >>
It seems that the sense of "atom bomb" exist in Japanese, not in Chinese.

Editor: In that case, why retain the entry for 原爆 at all, with its definition as "contraction of 原子爆彈", which is defined as "atom bomb"?

"原子爆弹" - 5370
"原子弹" - 6,490,000
- 原爆 原爆 [yuan2 bao4] /atom bomb/contraction of 原子爆彈|原子爆弹[yuan2 zi3 bao4 dan4]/
# + 原爆 原爆 [[yuan2bao4]] /contraction of 原子爆彈|原子爆弹[yuan2 zi3 bao4 dan4]/
# Editor:
- 原子爆彈 原子爆弹 [yuan2 zi3 bao4 dan4] /atom bomb/

Change log entry 87102
Processed by: richwarm (2024-11-03 05:51:40 GMT)
Comment: HDC ~ 炸彈
- 爆彈 爆弹 [bao4 dan4] /bomb/explosion/
+ 爆彈 爆弹 [[bao4dan4]] /bomb/

Change log entry 87101
Processed by: richwarm (2024-11-03 05:46:55 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 原子彈 原子弹 [yuan2 zi3 dan4] /atom bomb/atomic bomb/A-bomb/
+ 原子彈 原子弹 [[yuan2zi3dan4]] /atomic bomb; A-bomb/

Change log entry 87100
Processed by: richwarm (2024-11-03 05:02:03 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 達姆彈 达姆弹 [da2 mu3 dan4] /dumdum bullet (loanword)/expanding bullet/
+ 達姆彈 达姆弹 [[da2mu3dan4]] /(loanword) dumdum bullet; expanding bullet/

Change log entry 87099
Processed by: richwarm (2024-11-03 04:59:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 79995 >>
I found that this word wasn't it, it has a more specific meaning to "burst", but I can't really explain it well



爆 1.猛然炸裂或迸發。[例]車胎~了|火山~發|保溫瓶~了。[...]


# 炸裂 炸裂 [[zha4 lie4]] /burst/
+ 炸裂 炸裂 [[zha4lie4]] /to burst; to explode; to rupture/

Change log entry 87098
Processed by: richwarm (2024-11-03 02:10:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 79702 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
- 懸崖峭壁 悬崖峭壁 [xuan2 ya2 qiao4 bi4] /sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces (idiom)/
+ 懸崖峭壁 悬崖峭壁 [[xuan2ya2-qiao4bi4]] /(idiom) sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces/

Change log entry 87097
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-11-03 00:24:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80225 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
post 2024-04
- 塗污 涂污 [tu2 wu1] /to smear; to deface/
+ 塗污 涂污 [[tu2wu1]] /to smear; to deface/
- 天生一對 天生一对 [tian1 sheng1 yi1 dui4] /a match made in heaven; a perfect couple/
+ 天生一對 天生一对 [[tian1sheng1 yi1dui4]] /a match made in heaven; a perfect couple/
- 如皋市 如皋市 [Ru2 gao1 shi4] /Rugao, county-level city in Nantong 南通[Nan2 tong1], Jiangsu/
+ 如皋市 如皋市 [[Ru2gao1 Shi4]] /Rugao, county-level city in Nantong 南通市[Nan2tong1 Shi4], Jiangsu/
- 嬌豔 娇艳 [jiao1 yan4] /tender and beautiful/
+ 嬌豔 娇艳 [[jiao1yan4]] /tender and beautiful/
- 學名藥 学名药 [xue2 ming2 yao4] /generic drug; generic medicine/
+ 學名藥 学名药 [[xue2ming2yao4]] /generic drug; generic medicine/

Change log entry 87096
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-11-03 00:22:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80226 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
post 2024-04
- 安寧市 安宁市 [An1 ning2 shi4] /Anning, county-level city in Kunming 昆明[Kun1 ming2], Yunnan/
+ 安寧市 安宁市 [[An1ning2 Shi4]] /Anning, county-level city in Kunming 昆明市[Kun1ming2 Shi4], Yunnan/
- 安寧 安宁 [An1 ning2] /Anning District of Lanzhou City 蘭州市|兰州市[Lan2 zhou1 Shi4], Gansu/Anning City, to the west of Kunming 昆明[Kun1 ming2], Yunnan/
+ 安寧 安宁 [[An1ning2]] /Anning, a district of Lanzhou 蘭州市|兰州市[Lan2zhou1 Shi4], Gansu/see 安寧市|安宁市[An1ning2 Shi4]/
- 彙總表 汇总表 [hui4 zong3 biao3] /summary table/
+ 彙總表 汇总表 [[hui4zong3biao3]] /summary table/
- 必經之路 必经之路 [bi4 jing1 zhi1 lu4] /(idiom) the road one must follow; the only way/
+ 必經之路 必经之路 [[bi4jing1 zhi1 lu4]] /(idiom) the road one must follow; the only way/
- 手寫體 手写体 [shou3 xie3 ti3] /handwritten form; cursive/
+ 手寫體 手写体 [[shou3xie3ti3]] /handwritten form; cursive/
- 按部就班 按部就班 [an4 bu4 jiu4 ban1] /(idiom) to follow the prescribed order; to keep to the working routine/
+ 按部就班 按部就班 [[an4bu4-jiu4ban1]] /(idiom) to follow the prescribed order; to keep to the working routine/

Change log entry 87095
Processed by: richwarm (2024-11-02 22:24:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80219 - submitted by 'polaris' >>
簽證/签证 visa

Ex. ~ 台灣民眾手中的「中華民國護照」越來越有價值,至今提供台灣民眾免簽、落地簽通行的國家與地區已達129個,
- 落地籤 落地签 [luo4 di4 qian1] /landing visa; visa on arrival/
+ 落地簽 落地签 [[luo4di4qian1]] /landing visa; visa on arrival/

Change log entry 87094
Processed by: richwarm (2024-11-02 22:17:49 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80098 - submitted by 'polaris' >>

SUBMITTER TO EDITOR - polaris (2024-10-20 05:53:52)
拼音应该是 Zhan1cheng2

Editor: already fixed - thanks
# - 佔城 占城 [Zhan4 cheng2] /Champa (Sanskrit: Campapura or Campanagara), ancient kingdom in the South of Vietnam c. 200-1693/
# + 占城 占城 [[Zhan4cheng2]] /Champa (Sanskrit: Campapura or Campanagara), ancient kingdom in the South of Vietnam c. 200-1693/

Change log entry 87093
Processed by: richwarm (2024-11-02 22:15:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80197 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
LA: 毛筆行筆手法之一。筆鋒均保持在筆畫的中間,不偏不倚。也作「正鋒」。


- 中鋒 中锋 [zhong1 feng1] /midfielder/center (basketball)/center forward (hockey, football)/
# + 中鋒 中锋 [[zhong1feng1]] /(sports) midfielder; (basketball) center; (hockey, soccer) center forward/(calligraphy) vertical brush position/
# Editor: following discussion ...
+ 中鋒 中锋 [[zhong1feng1]] /(sports) midfielder; (basketball) center; (hockey, soccer) center forward/see 正鋒|正锋[zheng4feng1]/
- 正鋒 正锋 [zheng4 feng1] /frontal attack (brush movement in painting)/
+ 正鋒 正锋 [[zheng4feng1]] /(calligraphy) technique in which the shaft of the brush is kept upright, so that the tip of the brush runs along the center of the stroke (cf. 側鋒|侧锋[ce4feng1] and 偏鋒|偏锋[pian1feng1])/
- 側鋒 侧锋 [ce4 feng1] /oblique attack (brush movement in painting)/
+ 側鋒 侧锋 [[ce4feng1]] /(calligraphy) technique in which the shaft of the brush is held at an oblique angle, so that the tip of the brush runs near the edge of the stroke (cf. 正鋒|正锋[zheng4feng1] and 偏鋒|偏锋[pian1feng1])/
- 偏鋒 偏锋 [pian1 feng1] /brush stroke to the side (calligraphy)/fig. side stroke/lateral thinking/
+ 偏鋒 偏锋 [[pian1feng1]] /(calligraphy) technique in which the shaft of the brush is held at a low angle, so that the tip of the brush runs along the edge of the stroke (cf. 正鋒|正锋[zheng4feng1] and 側鋒|侧锋[ce4feng1])/(fig.) unorthodox or improper way of doing things/

Change log entry 87092
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-11-02 12:12:24 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80132 - submitted by 'encn' >>
originally a dialectal word, now widely understandable and used on the internet.

call for backup


#小狗机智摇人及时处理机器故障# 10月23日,广东东莞一制作铆钉的五金店铺机器突发故障,发出异响并冒白烟,“巡逻”的狗子发现异常,狂叫“报警”,通知值班人员出来检查机器。




call buddies over for some fun

每天就是定时八点半起床 九点到图书馆 学到晚上九点半 学累了就摇人出去吃好吃的 回到寝室和我的室友们八卦吐槽




"to use one's phone" - is this accurate? Your 2nd example is about a dog that
alerted people to a disturbance. Your 3rd example has a nurse calling for help,
but I find it unlikely they were using their phone.
I guess it comes from 摇电话? But usage would indicate the meaning has evolved.
And I think the two senses can be combined into one
# 搖人 摇人 [[yao2ren2]] /to use one's phone to call for backup/to call one's friends over for an activity/
# Editor:
+ 搖人 摇人 [[yao2ren2]] /to call people over; to rally people together/

Change log entry 87091
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-11-02 11:49:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 79014 - submitted by 'encn' >>
- 謪 謪 [shang1] /to consult/to deliberate/commerce/
+ 謪 謪 [[shang1]] /to discuss (old variant of 商[shang1])/

Change log entry 87090
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-11-02 11:36:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80220 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
"pen-holder" usually means something other that what is intended here. What is intended is "the handle or holder into which a pen point fits", but I think it usually means "a container or rack for a pen or pens". I think "shaft" is enough for this sense.

" He speaks in a slow, measured cadence, and has the air of a schoolteacher or writer. He is, in short, an archetypal Chinese literatus."



BB ~ 耍笔杆,读音为shuǎ bǐ gǎn,汉语词语,用笔写文章。多含贬义。
- 筆桿 笔杆 [bi3 gan3] /the shaft of a pen or writing brush/pen-holder/pen/
+ 筆桿 笔杆 [[bi3gan3]] /the shaft of a pen or writing brush/(metonym) pen (as in 耍筆桿|耍笔杆[shua3 bi3gan3] and 搖筆桿|摇笔杆[yao2 bi3gan3])/
+ 搖筆桿 摇笔杆 [[yao2 bi3gan3]] /to write for a living/
+ 耍筆桿 耍笔杆 [[shua3 bi3gan3]] /to craft facile prose; to play around with words/

Change log entry 87089
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-11-02 10:37:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80221 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
<< follow-up of change log entry 87088 >>
We already had 录供 - removing duplicate

This is the v1 entry:
109945 錄供 录供 [lu4 gong4] /to take down a confession/Taiwan pr. [lu4gong1]/to take down a confession/

<< review queue entry 80218 - submitted by 'polaris' >>
# 錄供 录供 [[lu4gong4]] /to take down a confession/Taiwan pr. [lu4gong1]/
- 錄供 录供 [lu4 gong4] /to take down a confession/

Change log entry 87088
Processed by: richwarm (2024-11-02 07:50:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80218 - submitted by 'polaris' >>
- 錄共 录共 [lu4 gong4] /to take down a confession/
# + 錄供 录供 [[lu4gong4]] /to take down a confession/
+ 錄供 录供 [[lu4gong4]] /to take down a confession/Taiwan pr. [lu4gong1]/

Change log entry 87087
Processed by: richwarm (2024-11-02 05:00:28 GMT)
Comment: v2
Zhan2 >> Zhan1
佔 >> 占 (per Wikt, Wp & GR)
Tweaked the definition

Note: GR corroborates 1st tone for 占 in 占城, and Wiktionary has 1st tone for 占 in 占族 (Cham ethnic group).
- 佔婆 占婆 [Zhan4 po2] /Champa (Sanskrit: Campapura or Campanagara), ancient kingdom in the South of Vietnam c. 200-1693/
+ 占婆 占婆 [[Zhan1po2]] /Champa, ancient Indochinese kingdom lasting from the 2nd to the 17th century, located in what is now central and southern Vietnam/
- 佔城 占城 [Zhan4 cheng2] /Champa (Sanskrit: Campapura or Campanagara), ancient kingdom in the South of Vietnam c. 200-1693/
+ 占城 占城 [[Zhan1cheng2]] /see 占婆[Zhan1po2]/

Change log entry 87086
Processed by: richwarm (2024-11-02 04:43:31 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 79982 - submitted by 'polaris' >>
同 「占婆」
- 佔族 占族 [Zhan4 zu2] /Cham ethnic group/
+ 占族 占族 [[Zhan1zu2]] /Cham ethnic group/

Change log entry 87085
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-11-01 23:57:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80214 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
post April 2022
- 一家之主 一家之主 [yi1 jia1 zhi1 zhu3] /master of the house; head of the family/
+ 一家之主 一家之主 [[yi1jia1 zhi1 zhu3]] /master of the house; head of the family/
- 中財 中财 [Zhong1 Cai2] /Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing (abbr. for 中央財經大學|中央财经大学[Zhong1 yang1 Cai2 jing1 Da4 xue2])/
+ 中財 中财 [[Zhong1-Cai2]] /Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing (abbr. for 中央財經大學|中央财经大学[Zhong1yang1 Cai2jing1 Da4xue2])/
- 亂七八糟 乱七八糟 [luan4 qi1 ba1 zao1] /(idiom) chaotic; in disorder; muddled/
# + 亂七八糟 乱七八糟 [[luan4qi1-ba1zao1]] /(idiom) chaotic; in disorder; muddled/
- 二湯 二汤 [er4 tang1] /second bouillon, a light broth obtained by reboiling ingredients that were previously used to make a full-strength first bouillon 頭湯|头汤[tou2 tang1]/
+ 二湯 二汤 [[er4tang1]] /second bouillon, a light broth obtained by reboiling ingredients that were previously used to make a full-strength first bouillon 頭湯|头汤[tou2tang1]/
- 交通堵塞 交通堵塞 [jiao1 tong1 du3 se4] /road congestion; traffic jam/
+ 交通堵塞 交通堵塞 [[jiao1tong1 du3se4]] /road congestion; traffic jam/
- 信州 信州 [Xin4 zhou1] /Xinzhou district of Shangrao, prefecture-level city 上饒市|上饶市, Jiangxi/
# + 信州 信州 [[Xin4zhou1]] /Xinzhou, a district of Shangrao 上饒市|上饶市, Jiangxi/
- 全身鏡 全身镜 [quan2 shen1 jing4] /full-length mirror/
+ 全身鏡 全身镜 [[quan2shen1jing4]] /full-length mirror/
# Editor:
+ 亂七八糟 乱七八糟 [[luan4qi1ba1zao1]] /(idiom) chaotic; in disorder; muddled/
+ 信州 信州 [[Xin4zhou1]] /Xinzhou, a district of Shangrao 上饒市|上饶市[Shang4rao2 Shi4], Jiangxi/

Change log entry 87084
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-11-01 21:02:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80212 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
品嚐 is significantly more common.
(In TP articles, 160 vs 28)

(品嘗 may be preferred over 品嚐 when it's an *experience* rather than *food* that one is sampling.)


- 品嘗 品尝 [[pin3chang2]] /to taste a small amount/to sample/
+ 品嘗 品尝 [[pin3chang2]] /variant of 品嚐|品尝[pin3chang2]/
+ 品嚐 品尝 [[pin3chang2]] /to have a taste of; to sample/

Change log entry 87083
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-11-01 15:15:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80193 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
1) As a trad form, 來台 is far more common.
site:.taiwan-panorama.com "來台" - 4,570
site:.taiwan-panorama.com "來臺" - 119

2) "visit"?
Not necessarily. They may come for an official posting or other long-term stay.
- 丁日昌,是接續沈葆楨來台辦理「船政」的福建巡撫,他於光緒二年(一八七六年)來台後,立即開始調查全島情勢,
- 九七大限將屆,據說香港毒梟有意轉移陣地來台,情勢仍然詭譎。
- 海洛因從金三角出來後,多半經過泰國曼谷,由當地的大盤商接洽台灣買主後,以漁船走私的方式,將巨量毒品藏在漁船上特製的夾層、鍋爐等處所,走私闖關來台。

In addition, 來台 is specifically something that Taiwanese people say, whereas "visit Taiwan" can be said by anyone anywhere.

3) "esp. PRC?"
Of course, many do come from the PRC, but in many cases, they come from other places.
- 國際媒體來台,
- 去年立委選舉,來台觀察選情的加州大學柏克萊分校教授高棣民,就注意到海外歸國人士在選戰中扮演的核心角色。
- 這次來台採訪的各路媒體,
- 法國亞維儂藝術節執行長費弗爾.達爾西伉儷,日前應邀來台參加文建會會慶。
- 因為日本來台的官員多半也能做漢詩,所以對詩社比較鬆,
- 來臺 来台 [lai2 Tai2] /to visit Taiwan (esp. from PRC)/
+ 來台 来台 [[lai2-Tai2]] /to come to Taiwan/
+ 來臺 来台 [[lai2-Tai2]] /variant of 來台|来台[lai2-Tai2]/

Change log entry 87082
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-11-01 15:14:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80173 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 瞠目結舌 瞠目结舌 [cheng1 mu4 jie2 she2] /stupefied/flabbergasted/
+ 瞠目結舌 瞠目结舌 [[cheng1mu4-jie2she2]] /(idiom) dumbfounded; flabbergasted; stunned/

Change log entry 87081
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-11-01 15:12:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80207 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>


Also used as noun, for example

- 網語 网语 [wang3 yu3] /netspeak/cyberspeak/
+ 網語 网语 [[wang3yu3]] /Internet slang; netspeak; cyberspeak/
- 妄語 妄语 [wang4 yu3] /to tell lies/to talk nonsense/
# + 妄語 妄语 [[wang4yu3]] /to tell lies; to talk nonsense/
# Editor:
+ 妄語 妄语 [[wang4yu3]] /to tell lies; to talk nonsense/lies; nonsense/

Change log entry 87080
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-11-01 15:09:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80209 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
1) "video *images*"?
It's usually continuous video (or film) *recordings* rather than static images extracted from a video.
(I think "video footage" was probably intended.)

2) It can also be audio material:

3) 剪輯 also has the following noun sense, according to dictionaries:
例 「電影剪輯」、「音樂剪輯」。
- 剪輯 剪辑 [jian3 ji2] /to edit (video images, film)/
+ 剪輯 剪辑 [[jian3ji2]] /to edit (raw footage: film, video, audio etc)/edited version/

Change log entry 87079
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-11-01 15:09:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80210 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
It's usually film/video, but ...

It can also be audio material:

Or static images:
"The most difficult thing about composite photography is not the trimming, though that takes a great deal of precision, but the composition of the image and the reconciling of light and shadow."

Or genetic material
"Genetic engineering refers to "cutting and pasting" of genetic material."

剪接体(英语:Spliceosome)是主要在真核细胞的细胞核内发现的大型的和复杂的分子机器。剪接体由小核核糖核酸(snRNA)和大约80种蛋白质(snRNP)组装而成。剪接体从转录的前mRNA(一种初级转录)中去除内含子。 此过程通常称为RNA剪接[1]。
- 剪接 剪接 [jian3 jie1] /film-editing/montage/to cut or edit film/
+ 剪接 剪接 [[jian3jie1]] /to edit (raw footage: film, video, audio etc)/(genetics) to splice/
+ 剪接體 剪接体 [[jian3jie1ti3]] /(genetics) spliceosome/

Change log entry 87078
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-11-01 15:03:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80206 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 網絡俚語 网络俚语 [wang3 luo4 li3 yu3] /Internet slang/netspeak/cyberspeak/
+ 網絡俚語 网络俚语 [[wang3luo4 li3yu3]] /Internet slang; netspeak; cyberspeak/
- 網絡用語 网络用语 [wang3 luo4 yong4 yu3] /see 網絡語言|网络语言[wang3 luo4 yu3 yan2]/
+ 網絡用語 网络用语 [[wang3luo4 yong4yu3]] /see 網絡語言|网络语言[wang3luo4 yu3yan2]/
- 網絡語言 网络语言 [wang3 luo4 yu3 yan2] /Internet language/Internet slang/netspeak/cyberspeak/
+ 網絡語言 网络语言 [[wang3luo4 yu3yan2]] /Internet slang; netspeak; cyberspeak/

Change log entry 87077
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-11-01 14:51:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80215 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Submitting following encn's suggestion.

"In the Dominican Republic, a slip of the tongue by the speaker of that country's parliament raised clouds of suspicion about "covert financial assistance.""

例 「發言人因口誤向大眾致歉」、「他面試時因心情緊張而口誤」。

例 「口試時他出現兩處口誤」。
+ 口誤 口误 [[kou3wu4]] /to misspeak; to get one's words mixed up/a slip of the tongue/

Change log entry 87076
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-11-01 14:49:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80216 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
post 2022-04
- 公佈 公布 [gong1 bu4] /to announce; to make public; to publish/
+ 公布 公布 [[gong1bu4]] /to announce; to make public; to publish/
+ 公佈 公布 [[gong1bu4]] /variant of 公布[gong1bu4]/
- 冰排 冰排 [bing1 pai2] /ice raft; ice floe/
+ 冰排 冰排 [[bing1pai2]] /ice raft; ice floe/
- 分門別類 分门别类 [fen1 men2 bie2 lei4] /(idiom) to organize by categories; to classify/
+ 分門別類 分门别类 [[fen1men2-bie2lei4]] /(idiom) to organize by categories; to classify/
- 半馬 半马 [ban4 ma3] /half-marathon (abbr. for 半程馬拉松|半程马拉松[ban4 cheng2 ma3 la1 song1])/
+ 半馬 半马 [[ban4ma3]] /half-marathon (abbr. for 半程馬拉松|半程马拉松[ban4cheng2 ma3la1song1])/
- 卜占 卜占 [bu3 zhan1] /to divine; to prophesy; to foretell the future/
+ 卜占 卜占 [[bu3zhan1]] /to divine; to prophesy; to foretell the future/

Change log entry 87075
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-11-01 14:47:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80217 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Based on LA, Wp and NA

NA says it's *assistant* producer and Wp says
1) mainland version
电影制作人(英语:Film producer,日语:映画プロデューサー),又称电影制片人,是管理整部电影、电视电影或电视连续剧拍片的专案管理工作[1]。

2) Tw version
電影製作人(英語:Film producer,日語:映画プロデューサー),又稱電影製片,是管理整部電影、電視電影或電視連續劇拍片的專案管理工作[1]。

例 「電影製片廠」。

2. 籌措資金、組織團隊以製作電影的總負責人。也作「製片人」。
例 「他是知名的電影製片」。

3. (陸) 特指負責監督電影製作的人,主導影片拍攝與製作過程的各種事務,幾乎是專案中的最高決策者。也作「製片人」、「監製」。臺 即「監製」。
例 「他是這部武俠片的製片」。

4. (陸) 特指電視劇的製作人。負責策劃、籌資、組織或提供技術等工作,甚至直接出資。也作「製片人」。臺 即「製作人」。
例 「他是這部古裝劇的製片」。
- 製片 制片 [zhi4 pian4] /moviemaking/
+ 製片 制片 [[zhi4pian4]] /to produce a film; to make a movie/assistant producer/(Tw) film producer/

Change log entry 87074
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-11-01 13:16:08 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80211 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
1) Both trad forms are pretty common.
But 驚豔 is more common in TP articles and is also the form favored by LA & M.

2) It's typically "stunned" rather than "stunning".






3) to astonish; to impress greatly


- 驚艷 惊艳 [jing1 yan4] /stunning/breathtaking/
+ 驚豔 惊艳 [[jing1yan4]] /very impressed; stunned; amazed/to astonish; to impress greatly/
+ 驚艷 惊艳 [[jing1yan4]] /variant of 驚豔|惊艳[jing1yan4]/
# Editor:
- 豔 艳 [yan4] /variant of 艷|艳[yan4]/
+ 豔 艳 [[yan4]] /variant of 艷|艳[yan4]/
- 豓 艳 [yan4] /old variant of 豔|艳[yan4]/
+ 豓 艳 [[yan4]] /old variant of 豔|艳[yan4]/

Change log entry 87073
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-11-01 13:07:15 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80196 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
溼地 is the form given in LA, it's used a fair bit in TP articles, and it's the form used as the title of the Tw version of the Wp article:
- 濕地 湿地 [shi1 di4] /wetland/
+ 濕地 湿地 [[shi1di4]] /wetland/
+ 溼地 湿地 [[shi1di4]] /variant of 濕地|湿地[shi1di4]/
# Editor:
- 溼 湿 [shi1] /variant of 濕|湿[shi1]/
+ 溼 湿 [[shi1]] /variant of 濕|湿[shi1]/

Change log entry 87072
Processed by: richwarm (2024-11-01 04:52:12 GMT)
Comment: 認識林正盛十多年的電影製片人徐立功形容林正盛夫妻是「影展候鳥」。
Hsu Li-kung, a movie producer who has known Lin for 10 years, describes Lin and his wife as "film festival migratory birds."

When Farewell to My Concubine-backed by a Taiwanese producer-won the Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival,

Independent producer Tsai Teng-shan, who previously filmed Authors' Silhouettes, has in the wake of The Humanity of April's popularity published ...

NA ~ a producer
- 製片人 制片人 [zhi4 pian4 ren2] /moviemaker/filmmaker/producer/
+ 製片人 制片人 [[zhi4pian4ren2]] /film producer/

Change log entry 87071
Processed by: richwarm (2024-11-01 04:33:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80104 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
# 製作人 制作人 [[zhi4zuo4ren2]] /producer/
+ 製作人 制作人 [[zhi4zuo4ren2]] /(entertainment industry) producer/

Change log entry 87070
Processed by: richwarm (2024-11-01 04:05:46 GMT)
Comment: Wp ~ 剪切 (地质) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

剪切(英語:shear)是岩石對壓縮應力引起的變形的反應,並形成特定的紋理。 剪切可以是均質的或非均質的,並且可分爲純剪切或簡單剪切。 在地質科學的剪切研究與構造地質學、岩石微觀結構或岩石質地和斷層力學的研究有關。
- 剪切 剪切 [jian3 qie1] /to shear/shearing (force)/(computing) to cut (as in "cut-and-paste")/
+ 剪切 剪切 [[jian3qie1]] /to cut (with scissors or similar tool); to shear/(geology) shear/(computing) to cut (as in "cut-and-paste")/

Change log entry 87069
Processed by: richwarm (2024-11-01 03:38:56 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 四仰八叉 四仰八叉 [si4 yang3 ba1 cha1] /sprawled out on one's back (idiom)/
+ 四仰八叉 四仰八叉 [[si4yang3-ba1cha1]] /(idiom) sprawled out on one's back/

Change log entry 87068
Processed by: richwarm (2024-11-01 03:27:56 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80105 - submitted by 'encn' >>

烦死了 一面试就嘴瓢脑子空白 这谁敢让我去


I mean…
Or, should I say…

Would've & Should've如何不念到嘴瓢


A: 你会不会有时候说错话?
B: 当然会。昨天下午我男朋友看足球比赛,从冰箱里拿出一罐啤酒,我忍不住说他,结果就嘴瓢了。我说:“为什么看酒时一定要喝球呢?”
# 嘴瓢 嘴瓢 [[zui3piao2]] /to misspeak; to make a slip of the tongue/
+ 嘴瓢 嘴瓢 [[zui3piao2]] /(coll.) to get one's words mixed up; to misspeak/

Change log entry 87067
Processed by: richwarm (2024-11-01 00:02:40 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 寫字板 写字板 [xie3 zi4 ban3] /writing tablet/clipboard/
+ 寫字板 写字板 [[xie3zi4ban3]] /writing tablet/clipboard/

Change log entry 87066
Processed by: richwarm (2024-10-31 23:39:50 GMT)
- 喬戈里峰 乔戈里峰 [Qiao2 ge1 li3 Feng1] /K2, Mt Qogir or Chogori in Karakorum section of Himalayas/
+ 喬戈里峰 乔戈里峰 [[Qiao2ge1li3 Feng1]] /K2, aka Mt. Chogir, the world's second highest peak, located in the Karakoram Range 喀喇崑崙山脈|喀喇昆仑山脉[Ka1la3kun1lun2 Shan1mai4]/

Change log entry 87065
Processed by: richwarm (2024-10-31 23:38:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80089 - submitted by 'polaris' >>
《中国大百科全书》- 乔戈里峰
- 喬格里峰 乔格里峰 [Qiao2 ge2 li3 Feng1] /K2, Mt Qogir or Chogori in Karakorum section of Himalayas/also written 喬戈里峰|乔戈里峰/
# + 喬格里峰 乔格里峰 [[Qiao2ge2li3Feng1]] /see 喬戈里峰|乔戈里峰[Qiao2ge1li3Feng1]/
+ 喬格里峰 乔格里峰 [[Qiao2ge2li3 Feng1]] /see 喬戈里峰|乔戈里峰[Qiao2ge1li3 Feng1]/

Change log entry 87064
Processed by: richwarm (2024-10-31 23:00:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80102 - submitted by 'polaris' >>

參 《现代汉语规范词典》、《新世纪汉英大词典》
- 沙坪壩 沙坪坝 [[Sha1ping2ba4]] /Shapingba, a district of Chongqing 重慶|重庆[Chong2qing4]/
+ 沙坪垻 沙坪坝 [[Sha1ping2ba4]] /Shapingba, a district of Chongqing 重慶|重庆[Chong2qing4]/
# + 垻 坝 [[ba4]] /plain; flatland/(dialect) sandbar; sandbank/
+ 垻 坝 [[ba4]] /(used in place names) plain; flatland/(dialect) sandbar; shoal/

Change log entry 87063
Processed by: richwarm (2024-10-31 21:18:10 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80208 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>

例 「為節約電話費,打電話要長話短說」、「咱們長話短說,說完後各人忙各人的事情去」。
- 長話短說 长话短说 [chang2 hua4 duan3 shuo1] /to make a long story short (idiom)/
# + 長話短說 长话短说 [[chang2hua4-duan3shuo1]] /(idiom) to make a long story short/
+ 長話短說 长话短说 [[chang2hua4-duan3shuo1]] /(idiom) to make a long story short; to keep it brief/

Change log entry 87062
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-10-31 13:12:57 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80178 - submitted by 'encn' >>



+ 足控 足控 [[zu2kong4]] /(slang) foot fetishist/

Change log entry 87061
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-10-31 12:55:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80189 - submitted by 'encn' >>


+ 看片 看片 [[kan4pian4]] /to watch a movie/

Change log entry 87060
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-10-31 12:30:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80200 - submitted by 'encn' >>

+ 逐夢 逐梦 [[zhu2meng4]] /to chase a dream; to pursue one's dreams/

Change log entry 87059
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-10-31 12:30:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80199 - submitted by 'encn' >>

+ 追夢 追梦 [[zhui1meng4]] /to chase a dream; to pursue one's dreams/

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