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Change log entry 81964
Processed by: richwarm (2024-02-14 22:33:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75687 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
Just want to confirm this... is the first one supposed to be de5 and the second di4?

My physical dictionaries say 蓦地 is di4, same with online sources
- https://baike.baidu.com/item/蓦地 (di4)
- https://www.zdic.net/hans/蓦地 (has both)
- https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/蓦地#Chinese (has both)

Some online explanation
- http://www.jiaodui.com/bbs/simple/?t30666.html

网友问:“蓦地”的“地”怎么读? “猛地”的“地”读 de,“蓦地”的“地”却读 dì(见《现代汉语词典》),为什么?

中国社会科学院语言研究所词典编辑室晁继周先生答: 现代汉语里助词“地”表示它前面的词或词组是状语,“地”读作轻声 de。“他听到枪声,猛地从屋里跳出来”,这句话里,“地”读 de,表示“猛”(忽然、突然义)在句子中是状语。“蓦”是不成词语素,“蓦地”是一个词,“地”在这里也不是独立的词,它和“蓦”在一起组成一个词。“蓦地”这个词出现较早,《汉语大词典》提供的书证最早见于宋代的《朱子语类》。“蓦地”看成一个词,“地”在这里不注 de 而注 dì,是有一定道理的。以上意见仅供参考。

Also see https://cc-cedict.org/editor/editor.php?log_id=30665&popup=1&handler=ViewLogEntry

Editor: Both entries were processed by the same editor just a few minutes apart, first 蓦地[mo4de5], then 蓦地里[mo4di4li3]. From his comments on 蓦地[mo4de5], it's clear that he intended de5. As for 蓦地里[mo4di4li3], there are no comments, but I can only assume that di4 was deliberate. Many dictionaries don't include 蓦地里, so I suppose it's a less common form, perhaps one that the editor had no direct experience of and therefore accepted [mo4di4li3] (indicated by the zdic reference provided by the submitter) as the pronunciation of what he regarded as an emphatic or literary form. In any case, when that particular editor makes an unequivocal statement, as in "地 is de5 [in 蓦地], unless strongly or jokingly emphasized", I take it pretty seriously.

It's no good relying on published dictionaries: some have de5, some have di4, some have both.

两岸词典 says it's de5 for mainland and di4 in Taiwan*. Certainly, Tw dicts do say di4 (GR, MOE, Dr.eye). Recent editions of mainland dicts vary: GF says de5, while NA and NC say di4.

* https://www.moedict.tw/~%E9%A9%80%E5%9C%B0
Note that 两岸词典 indicates the same split for 忽地: de5 for mainland, di4 for Taiwan.

My answer to your question is "I guess so." At any rate, I am not confident enough to change anything, except to put the entries in v2 format.
# 驀地 蓦地 [mo4 de5] /suddenly/unexpectedly/
# 驀地裡 蓦地里 [mo4 di4 li3] /suddenly/unexpectedly/
- 驀地 蓦地 [mo4 de5] /suddenly/unexpectedly/
- 驀地裡 蓦地里 [mo4 di4 li3] /suddenly/unexpectedly/
+ 驀地 蓦地 [[mo4de5]] /suddenly; unexpectedly/
+ 驀地裡 蓦地里 [[mo4di4li3]] /suddenly; unexpectedly/
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