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Change log entry 79547
Processed by: richwarm (2023-09-18 22:06:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 73991 - submitted by 'hanpingchinese' >>
remove rogue comma in quoted term

Editor: Those commas are rogue in the sense that they should, according to cc-cedict style, go *after* the quoted text.

Not rogue in the sense that they shouldn't be there at all.

But in any case, I've decided we can do without the quote marks in these three entries.

I've made a few other changes as well..
- 八段錦 八段锦 [ba1 duan4 jin3] /"eight pieces of brocade," a set of qigong exercises with assumed medical benefits/
# + 八段錦 八段锦 [ba1 duan4 jin3] /"eight pieces of brocade" a set of qigong exercises with assumed medical benefits/
- 八綱 八纲 [ba1 gang1] /"eight principles," a method of giving a general description and syndrome differentiation (TCM)/
# + 八綱 八纲 [ba1 gang1] /"eight principles" a method of giving a general description and syndrome differentiation (TCM)/
- 老虎菜 老虎菜 [lao3 hu3 cai4] /"Tiger Vegetable Salad," Northeast China dish usually consisting of hot pepper, cucumber, cilantro and leek/
# + 老虎菜 老虎菜 [lao3 hu3 cai4] /"Tiger Vegetable Salad" Northeast China dish usually consisting of hot pepper, cucumber, cilantro and leek/
+ 八段錦 八段锦 [ba1 duan4 jin3] /eight-section brocade, a traditional eight-part sequence of qigong exercises/
+ 八綱 八纲 [ba1 gang1] /(TCM) the eight principal syndromes (used to differentiate pathological conditions): yin and yang, exterior and interior, cold and heat, hypofunction and hyperfunction/
+ 老虎菜 老虎菜 [lao3 hu3 cai4] /tiger salad, a northeast China dish usually consisting of hot pepper, cucumber, cilantro and leek/
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