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Change log entry 78988
Processed by: richwarm (2023-07-31 01:16:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 74054 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
https://www.zdic.net/hans/%E4%BC%81, https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E4%BC%81

According to these sources, the "stand on tiptoe" definition is old and the modern sense means "to hope for" or "to expect"

1) I'm not interested in adding rare surnames, and 企 appears to be one of those.

2) Does 企 really mean "to plan"?
Wiktionary says it does, and gives 企劃 as an example.
But if it's true, why doesn't zdic (and various other sources) say so?
In zdic*, 企 in 企图 is said to mean 盼望.
Can't 企 in 企劃 likewise be understood as "look forward to"?

* First section of the zdic webpage:
1. 踮着脚看,今用为盼望的意思:... ~图(图谋)。

3) > [T]he "stand on tiptoe" definition is old and the modern sense means "to hope for" or "to expect".
The first section of zdic treats all these as a single sense rather than as distinct senses. Similarly, the main sense of 企 in New Century, for example, is defined as "1. to stand on tiptoe; to look forward to; to expect".

I think "(old)" is a label reserved for *words* (words that are no longer in common use). I don't think it's a label we use for *bound forms* (like 企). In 企鹅 (penguin), 企 does actually mean "stand on tiptoe" and 企鹅 is just the usual word for "penguin"; it's not "old".
- 企 企 [qi3] /to plan a project/to stand on tiptoe/Taiwan pr. [qi4]/abbr. for 企業|企业[qi3 ye4]/
# + 企 企 [qi3] /surname Qi/
# + 企 企 [qi3] /(bound form) to plan/(bound form) to hope for/(old) to stand on tiptoe/Taiwan pr. [qi4]/abbr. for 企業|企业[qi3 ye4]/
+ 企 企 [qi3] /(bound form) to stand on tiptoe and look; to anticipate; to look forward to/abbr. for 企業|企业[qi3 ye4]/Taiwan pr. [qi4]/
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