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Change log entry 78664
Processed by: richwarm (2023-04-19 03:30:41 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 73679 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
sinesis —> sinensis

please check trad/simp character

1) I left a comment.
2) Sources say it's high mallow or Chinese mallow, depending on the source, but I'll leave it as common mallow for now.
- 荍 荞 [qiao2] /common mallow (Malva sinesis)/variant of 蕎|荞[qiao2]/
+ 荍 荞 [qiao2] /common mallow (Malva sinensis)/variant of 蕎|荞[qiao2]/
# Editor: adding
- 蕎 荞 [qiao2] /buckwheat/
+ 蕎 荞 [qiao2] /used in 蕎麥|荞麦[qiao2 mai4]/
= 蕎麥 荞麦 [qiao2 mai4] /buckwheat/
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