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Change log entry 78654
Processed by: richwarm (2023-04-16 01:18:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 73748 - submitted by 'tubbums32' >>
Again, straight from Oxford dictionary. I'd personally remove the hackles one but that's your call

> "remove the hackles one"
If you are suggesting that "raise people's hackles" is too mild to convey the abhorrence that 令人发指 implies, then I agree with you.

But "make one's blood boil" also can apply to relatively trivial matters:
- "It still makes my blood boil to think of all the time we wasted on this."
- "Because I like you, Breeze, and it makes my blood boil to think of you slaving away as you do."
- "It was an infuriating trait, and it made her blood boil every time he came near."

令人发指, on the other hand, tends to relate to acts of depravity, as in the examples below.

As for "make one's hair stand up in anger", that was probably intended as a literal translation.
But in my opinion, it's a distraction, and can be deleted.
We define 指 as "(of hair) to stand on end" if users want to analyze the literal meaning of the phrase.





- 令人髮指 令人发指 [ling4 ren2 fa4 zhi3] /to make one's hair stand up in anger (idiom); to raise people's hackles/
# + 令人髮指 令人发指 [ling4 ren2 fa4 zhi3] /to make one's hair stand up in anger (idiom); to raise people's hackles/make one's blood boil/
+ 令人髮指 令人发指 [ling4 ren2 fa4 zhi3] /(idiom) to make one feel a sense of abhorrence and revulsion; to outrage; to deeply disturb/
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