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Change log entry 78651
Processed by: richwarm (2023-04-15 05:50:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 73494 - submitted by 'tubbums32' >>
from the 牛津英汉汉英词典

1) I see "old news" as different from the sense we already have, so I wouldn't insert it between "old anecdote" and "stories passed on from former times", which are more or less synonymous with each other.

2) I didn't see usage of 旧闻 similar to "old news" in the colloquial sense, as in
A: "Whoa, did you hear that Jake and Jenny are going out?"
B: "Yeah, dude, that's such old news! Where have you been?"

But I did find examples where 旧闻 could be defined as "outdated news".
- 舊聞 旧闻 [jiu4 wen2] /old anecdote/stories passed on from former times/
# + 舊聞 旧闻 [jiu4 wen2] /old anecdote/old news/stories passed on from former times/
+ 舊聞 旧闻 [jiu4 wen2] /outdated news/old anecdote; stories passed on from former times/
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