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Change log entry 78648
Processed by: richwarm (2023-04-15 03:55:31 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 73746 - submitted by 'tubbums32' >>
top definition in the oxford english-chinese dictionary

Editor: Thanks.
Yes, "persuade" is good.
"prevail" is not good because
a) "prevail" has 4 or 5 senses, most of them not matching 劝服
b) 劝服 means "prevail upon" rather than just "prevail"

though she hasn't yet succeeded in persuading her parents to "ignore social pressures from neighbors" and accept her offer to move back home (with her husband of 13 years and her children) to care for them, they have made big progress: this year her mother-in-law and mother agreed that she would visit her natal home on Lunar New Year's Eve before traveling to her mother-in-law's home on the second day of the Lunar New Year.

Says Kuo, "If Lee Teng-hui is a Taiwanese opera performer, then James Soong is a Peking opera actor-Soong's moves are refined down to the last detail." For example, when the KMT was trying to persuade elder National Assembly members to retire, Soong met with them all individually.

- 勸服 劝服 [quan4 fu2] /prevail/convince/
# + 勸服 劝服 [quan4 fu2] /persuade/prevail/convince/
+ 勸服 劝服 [quan4 fu2] /to persuade; to convince; to win (sb) over/
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