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Change log entry 78344
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2023-03-27 05:39:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 73563 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
A "bell canopy" is the decorative fabric cover that hangs from the ceiling over a bed.

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Since summer, the tree-lined boulevard of Taipei's Tunhwa Road has been home to nine striking new works of public art. "Droning Scenery," an installation by artist Ku Shih-yung, features six bell shapes made of resin and mounted high above the ground. Walk underneath and you hear a droning sound which blankets out the roar of the traffic.

vertical bell-type furnace ==> 立式钟罩炉
vacuum bell jar ==> 真空钟罩

dome (used to enclose or protect sth); bell jar

Cantonese Wp ~ 鐘形罩(英文:bell jar)係物理學上有陣時喺實驗嗰陣會用到嘅架生

(includes pic)
- 鐘罩 钟罩 [zhong1 zhao4] /bell canopy/
+ 鐘罩 钟罩 [zhong1 zhao4] /bell jar; dome (used to enclose or protect sth)/
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