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Change log entry 78166
Processed by: richwarm (2023-03-16 04:27:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 73347 - submitted by 'tubbums32' >>
稀土元素 already exists with the same definition. might be good to delineate them

Editor: As far as I can determine, 稀土元素 and 稀土金屬 both mean "rare earth element", so their definitions are fine, and "rare earth metal" is just an alternative term for "rare earth element".

zh ~ 稀土元素(英语:rare-earth element,REE),或称稀土金属,是元素周期表上第Ⅲ族之钪、钇和镧系元素共17种金属化学元素的合称,皆属于副族元素。稀土元素皆为质地较软的银白色金属,彼此之间具有非常相似的化学性质,且总是在矿床中共生,难以分离、提取。

en ~ "The rare-earth elements (REE), also called the rare-earth metals ... are a set of 17 nearly-indistinguishable lustrous silvery-white soft heavy metals."
# - 稀土金屬 稀土金属 [xi1 tu3 jin1 shu3] /rare earth element/
# + 稀土金屬 稀土金属 [xi1 tu3 jin1 shu3] /rare earth element/rare earth metals/
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