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Change log entry 77583
Processed by: richwarm (2023-02-15 09:52:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 73090 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Reviewing the format of entries containing "Tai-lo".
# = A菜 A菜 [A cai4] /(Tw) A-choy, or Taiwanese lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. sativa) (from Taiwanese 萵仔菜, Tai-lo pr. [ue-á-tshài] or [e-á-tshài])/
- 奧客 奥客 [ao4 ke4] /(coll.) (Tw) troublesome customer/obnoxious guest (from Taiwanese 漚客, Tai-lo pr. [àu-kheh])/
+ 奧客 奥客 [ao4 ke4] /(coll.) (Tw) troublesome customer; obnoxious guest (from Taiwanese 漚客, Tai-lo pr. [àu-kheh])/
- 棒賽 棒赛 [bang4 sai4] /(Tw) to defecate/to take a crap (from Taiwanese 放屎, Tai-lo pr. [pàng-sái])/
+ 棒賽 棒赛 [bang4 sai4] /(Tw) to defecate; to take a crap (from Taiwanese 放屎, Tai-lo pr. [pàng-sái])/
= 搏感情 搏感情 [bo2 gan3 qing2] /(Tw) to build up a rapport; to cultivate a warm relationship (from Taiwanese 跋感情, Tai-lo pr. [pua̍h-kám-tsîng])/
= 菜市仔名 菜市仔名 [cai4 shi4 zi3 ming2] /(Tw) popular given name (one that will turn many heads if you shout it at a marketplace) (from Taiwanese 菜市仔名, Tai-lo pr. [tshài-tshī-á-miâ], where 菜市仔 means "marketplace")/
= 踹共 踹共 [chuai4 gong4] /(Tw) (neologism c. 2010) to speak one's mind directly (face to face with the person with whom one has an issue) (from Taiwanese 出來講, Tai-lo pr. [tshut-lâi kóng], with "tshut-lâi" pronounced in contracted form as "tshòai")/
- 大心 大心 [da4 xin1] /(Tw) considerate/thoughtful (from Taiwanese 貼心, Tai-lo pr. [tah-sim])/
+ 大心 大心 [da4 xin1] /(Tw) considerate; thoughtful (from Taiwanese 貼心, Tai-lo pr. [tah-sim])/
- 歹命 歹命 [dai3 ming4] /(Tw) to have been dealt a hard lot in life (Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [pháinn-miā])/
+ 歹命 歹命 [dai3 ming4] /(Tw) to have been dealt a hard lot in life (from Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [pháinn-miā])/
- 歹勢 歹势 [dai3 shi4] /(Tw) excuse me/to be sorry/(Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [pháinn-sè])/
+ 歹勢 歹势 [dai3 shi4] /(Tw) excuse me; to be sorry (from Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [pháinn-sè])/
- 代誌 代志 [dai4 zhi4] /(Tw) (coll.) matter/thing/(Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [tāi-tsì], equivalent to Mandarin 事情[shi4 qing5])/
+ 代誌 代志 [dai4 zhi4] /(Tw) (coll.) matter; thing (from Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [tāi-tsì], equivalent to Mandarin 事情[shi4 qing5])/
= 督龜 督龟 [du1 gui1] /(Tw) to doze off (from Taiwanese 盹龜, Tai-lo pr. [tuh-ku])/
- 賭爛 赌烂 [du3 lan4] /(Tw) (slang) to be ticked off by (sb or sth)/to be pissed at (sb or sth)/to be in a foul mood/down in the dumps/(from Taiwanese 揬𡳞, Tai-lo pr. [tu̍h-lān])/
+ 賭爛 赌烂 [du3 lan4] /(Tw) (slang) to be ticked off by (sb or sth); to be pissed at (sb or sth); to be in a foul mood; down in the dumps (from Taiwanese 揬𡳞, Tai-lo pr. [tu̍h-lān])/
= 肚孤 肚孤 [du4 gu1] /(Tw) to doze off (from Taiwanese 盹龜, Tai-lo pr. [tuh-ku])/
= 度姑 度姑 [du4 gu1] /(Tw) to doze off (from Taiwanese 盹龜, Tai-lo pr. [tuh-ku])/
= 度估 度估 [du4 gu1] /(Tw) to doze off (from Taiwanese 盹龜, Tai-lo pr. [tuh-ku])/
- 蚵 蚵 [e2] /(Tw) oyster (Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [ô])/
+ 蚵 蚵 [e2] /(Tw) oyster (from Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [ô])/
- 蚵仔煎 蚵仔煎 [e2 zi3 jian1] /(Tw) oyster omelette (Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [ô-á-tsian])/
+ 蚵仔煎 蚵仔煎 [e2 zi3 jian1] /(Tw) oyster omelette (from Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [ô-á-tsian])/
- 蚵仔 蚵仔 [e2 zi5] /oyster (Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [ô-á])/
+ 蚵仔 蚵仔 [e2 zi5] /oyster (from Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [ô-á])/
- 番麥 番麦 [fan1 mai4] /corn (Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [huan-be̍h])/
+ 番麥 番麦 [fan1 mai4] /corn (from Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [huan-be̍h])/
- 槓龜 杠龟 [gang4 gui1] /(Tw) to lose one's shirt (gambling)/to meet with failure/(from Taiwanese 摃龜, Tai-lo pr. [kòng-ku])/
+ 槓龜 杠龟 [gang4 gui1] /(Tw) to lose one's shirt (gambling); to meet with failure (from Taiwanese 摃龜, Tai-lo pr. [kòng-ku])/
- 假掰 假掰 [gei1 bai1] /(Tw) affected/pretentious/to put on a display of histrionics/(from Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [ké-pai])/
+ 假掰 假掰 [gei1 bai1] /(Tw) affected; pretentious; to put on a display of histrionics (from Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [ké-pai])/
- □ □ [ging1] /uptight/obstinate/to awkwardly force oneself to do sth/(Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [king], often written as ㄍㄧㄥ, no generally accepted hanzi form)/
+ □ □ [ging1] /uptight; obstinate; to awkwardly force oneself to do sth (from Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [king], often written as ㄍㄧㄥ, no generally accepted hanzi form)/
- 龜毛 龟毛 [gui1 mao2] /(Tw) (coll.) indecisive/fussy/nitpicking/(Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [ku-moo])/
+ 龜毛 龟毛 [gui1 mao2] /(Tw) (coll.) indecisive; fussy; nitpicking (from Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [ku-moo])/
- 好康 好康 [hao3 kang1] /(Tw) benefit/advantage/(from Taiwanese 好空, Tai-lo pr. [hó-khang])/
+ 好康 好康 [hao3 kang1] /(Tw) benefit; advantage (from Taiwanese 好空, Tai-lo pr. [hó-khang])/
= 黑白切 黑白切 [hei1 bai2 qie1] /(Tw) heibaiqie, side dish of ingredients selected from a range on display, sliced up and served together on a plate (from Taiwanese 烏白切, Tai-lo pr. [oo-pe̍h-tshiat], where 烏白 means "as one pleases")/
- 雞掰 鸡掰 [ji1 bai1] /(Tw) (vulgar) cunt (from Taiwanese 膣屄, Tai-lo pr. [tsi-bai])/(slang) to fuck around with/(used as an intensifier) fucking/fucked up/
+ 雞掰 鸡掰 [ji1 bai1] /(Tw) (vulgar) cunt (from Taiwanese 膣屄, Tai-lo pr. [tsi-bai])/(slang) to fuck around with; (used as an intensifier) fucking; fucked up/
- 雞婆 鸡婆 [ji1 po2] /(dialect) hen/prostitute/(Tw) interfering/nosy/busybody (from Taiwanese 家婆, Tai-lo pr. [ke-pô])/
+ 雞婆 鸡婆 [ji1 po2] /(dialect) hen; prostitute/(Tw) interfering; nosy; busybody (from Taiwanese 家婆, Tai-lo pr. [ke-pô])/
- 假仙 假仙 [jia3 xian1] /(Tw) to pretend/to put on a false front/(Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [ké-sian])/
+ 假仙 假仙 [jia3 xian1] /(Tw) to pretend; to put on a false front (from Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [ké-sian])/
- 囝仔 囝仔 [jian3 zi3] /(Tw) child/youngster/(Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [gín-á])/
+ 囝仔 囝仔 [jian3 zi3] /(Tw) child; youngster (Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [gín-á])/
# = K書 K书 [K shu1] /(Tw) to cram (from Taiwanese 齧書, Tai-lo pr. [khè su], lit. to gnaw a book)/to study/see also 啃書|啃书[ken3 shu1]/
- 靠北 靠北 [kao4 bei3] /(lit.) to cry over one's dad's death (from Taiwanese 哭爸, Tai-lo pr. [khàu-pē])/(slang) (Tw) to rattle on/to carp/stop whining!/shut the hell up!/fuck!/damn!/
+ 靠北 靠北 [kao4 bei3] /(lit.) to cry over one's dad's death (from Taiwanese 哭爸, Tai-lo pr. [khàu-pē])/(slang) (Tw) to rattle on; to carp; stop whining!; shut the hell up!; fuck!; damn!/
- 靠腰 靠腰 [kao4 yao1] /(lit.) to cry from hunger (from Taiwanese 哭枵, Tai-lo pr. [khàu-iau])/(slang) (Tw) to whine/shut the hell up!/fuck!/damn!/
+ 靠腰 靠腰 [kao4 yao1] /(lit.) to cry from hunger (from Taiwanese 哭枵, Tai-lo pr. [khàu-iau])/(slang) (Tw) to whine; shut the hell up!; fuck!; damn!/
- 喇賽 喇赛 [la1 sai4] /(slang) (Tw) to chat idly/to gossip/from Taiwanese 抐屎, Tai-lo pr. [lā-sái]/
+ 喇賽 喇赛 [la1 sai4] /(slang) (Tw) to chat idly; to gossip (from Taiwanese 抐屎, Tai-lo pr. [lā-sái])/
- 喇舌 喇舌 [la3 ji1] /(Tw) French kissing/to waggle one's tongue around/(from Taiwanese 抐舌, Tai-lo pr. [lā-tsi̍h])/
+ 喇舌 喇舌 [la3 ji1] /(Tw) French kissing; to waggle one's tongue around (from Taiwanese 抐舌, Tai-lo pr. [lā-tsi̍h])/
- 老神在在 老神在在 [lao3 shen2 zai4 zai4] /calm/unperturbed/(Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [lāu-sîn-tsāi-tsāi])/
+ 老神在在 老神在在 [lao3 shen2 zai4 zai4] /calm; unperturbed (from Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [lāu-sîn-tsāi-tsāi])/
- 母湯 母汤 [mu3 tang1] /(Tw) (slang) don't/must not/won't do/(from Taiwanese 毋通, Tai-lo pr. [m̄-thang], similar to Mandarin 不要[bu4 yao4] or 不行[bu4 xing2])/
+ 母湯 母汤 [mu3 tang1] /(Tw) (slang) don't; must not; won't do (from Taiwanese 毋通, Tai-lo pr. [m̄-thang], similar to Mandarin 不要[bu4 yao4] or 不行[bu4 xing2])/
- 趴趴走 趴趴走 [pa1 pa1 zou3] /(Tw) to wander about/to roam around freely/(from Taiwanese 拋拋走, Tai-lo pr. [pha-pha-tsáu])/
+ 趴趴走 趴趴走 [pa1 pa1 zou3] /(Tw) to wander about; to roam around freely (from Taiwanese 拋拋走, Tai-lo pr. [pha-pha-tsáu])/
- 撇步 撇步 [pie3 bu4] /(Tw) trick (of the trade)/clever move/(Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [phiat-pōo])/
+ 撇步 撇步 [pie3 bu4] /(Tw) trick (of the trade); clever move (from Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [phiat-pōo])/
= 企投 企投 [qi4 tou2] /to have fun (from Taiwanese 𨑨迌, Tai-lo pr. [tshit-thô])/
= 肉圓 肉圆 [rou4 yuan2] /ba-wan, dumpling made of glutinous dough, typically stuffed with minced pork, bamboo shoots etc, and served with a savory sauce (Taiwanese snack) (from Taiwanese 肉圓, Tai-lo pr. [bah-uân])/
= 三小 三小 [san1 xiao3] /(Tw) (vulgar) what the hell? (from Taiwanese 啥潲, Tai-lo pr. [siánn-siâ], equivalent to Mandarin 什麼|什么[shen2 me5])/
- 俗辣 俗辣 [su2 la4] /(slang) (Tw) coward/paper tiger/a nobody (from Taiwanese 卒仔, Tai-lo pr. [tsut-á])/
+ 俗辣 俗辣 [su2 la4] /(slang) (Tw) coward; paper tiger; a nobody (from Taiwanese 卒仔, Tai-lo pr. [tsut-á])/
- 鐵齒 铁齿 [tie3 chi3] /(Tw) obstinate/argumentative/opinionated/skeptical of superstitions/(Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [thih-khí])/
+ 鐵齒 铁齿 [tie3 chi3] /(Tw) obstinate; argumentative; opinionated; skeptical of superstitions (from Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [thih-khí])/
= 脫窗 脱窗 [tuo1 chuang1] /cross-eyed (Tw) (from Taiwanese 挩窗, Tai-lo pr. [thuah-thang])/
- 哇靠 哇靠 [wa1 kao4] /(lit.) I cry!/Oh, bosh!/Shoot!/(from Taiwanese 我哭, Tai-lo pr. [goá khàu])/
+ 哇靠 哇靠 [wa1 kao4] /(lit.) I cry!; Oh, bosh!; Shoot! (from Taiwanese 我哭, Tai-lo pr. [goá khàu])/
= 嘸蝦米 呒虾米 [Wu2 xia1 mi3] /Boshiamy, input method editor for Chinese (from Taiwanese 無啥物, Tai-lo pr. [bô-siánn-mih] "it's nothing")/
- 蝦米 虾米 [xia1 mi3] /small shrimp/dried, shelled shrimps/(Tw) (coll.) what (from Taiwanese 啥物, Tai-lo pr. [siánn-mih], equivalent to Mandarin 什麼|什么[shen2 me5])/
+ 蝦米 虾米 [xia1 mi3] /small shrimp; dried, shelled shrimps/(Tw) (coll.) what (from Taiwanese 啥物, Tai-lo pr. [siánn-mih], equivalent to Mandarin 什麼|什么[shen2 me5])/
= 嚇嚇叫 吓吓叫 [xia4 xia4 jiao4] /(Tw) impressive (from Taiwanese 削削叫, Tai-lo pr. [siah-siah-kiò])/
- 洨 洨 [xiao2] /(Tw) (vulgar) semen, from Taiwanese 潲, Tai-lo pr. [siâu]/
+ 洨 洨 [xiao2] /(Tw) (vulgar) semen (from Taiwanese 潲, Tai-lo pr. [siâu])/
- 肖想 肖想 [xiao4 xiang3] /(Tw) to dream of having (sth one cannot possibly have)/to covet (sth beyond one's grasp)/(from Taiwanese 數想, Tai-lo pr. [siàu-siūnn])/
+ 肖想 肖想 [xiao4 xiang3] /(Tw) to dream of having (sth one cannot possibly have); to covet (sth beyond one's grasp) (from Taiwanese 數想, Tai-lo pr. [siàu-siūnn])/
- 硬拗 硬拗 [ying4 ao4] /(coll.) (Tw) to defend an untenable position with ridiculous arguments (Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [ngē-áu])/Taiwan pr. [ying4 ao1]/
+ 硬拗 硬拗 [ying4 ao4] /(coll.) (Tw) to defend an untenable position with ridiculous arguments (from Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [ngē-áu])/Taiwan pr. [ying4 ao1]/
- 幼齒 幼齿 [you4 chi3] /(Tw) naive and innocent (girl or boy)/underage prostitute/(Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [iù-khí])/
+ 幼齒 幼齿 [you4 chi3] /(Tw) naive and innocent (girl or boy); underage prostitute (from Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [iù-khí])/
- 鬱卒 郁卒 [yu4 zu2] /depressed and frustrated (Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [ut-tsut])/
+ 鬱卒 郁卒 [yu4 zu2] /depressed and frustrated (from Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [ut-tsut])/
- 正港 正港 [zheng4 gang3] /(Tw) (slang) authentic/genuine/(Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [tsiànn-káng])/
+ 正港 正港 [zheng4 gang3] /(Tw) (slang) authentic; genuine (from Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [tsiànn-káng])/
= 抓猴 抓猴 [zhua1 hou2] /(Tw) to catch an adulterous man in the act (from Taiwanese 掠猴, Tai-lo pr. [lia̍h-kâu])/
By MDBG 2024
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