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Change log entry 77212
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2023-01-26 09:02:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 72860 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
10 random
- 不朽 不朽 [bu4 xiu3] /immortal/immortality/
+ 不朽 不朽 [bu4 xiu3] /to last forever; eternal; enduring/
- 優勝 优胜 [you1 sheng4] /winning/superior/
+ 優勝 优胜 [you1 sheng4] /(of a contestant) winning; superior; excellent/
- 糯米 糯米 [nuo4 mi3] /glutinous rice/Oryza sativa var. glutinosa/
+ 糯米 糯米 [nuo4 mi3] /glutinous rice (Oryza sativa var. glutinosa)/
- 設立 设立 [she4 li4] /to set up/to establish/
+ 設立 设立 [she4 li4] /to set up; to establish/
- 離家別井 离家别井 [li2 jia1 bie2 jing3] /to leave home/to abandon one's family/
+ 離家別井 离家别井 [li2 jia1 bie2 jing3] /to leave home; to abandon one's family/
- 血腸 血肠 [xue4 chang2] /blood sausage/blutwurst/black pudding/
+ 血腸 血肠 [xie3 chang2] /blood sausage/
# GR
- 雍閼 雍阏 [yong1 e4] /to block/to stop up/to obstruct/
+ 雍閼 雍阏 [yong1 e4] /to intercept; to prevent the arrival of sth/
- 多種 多种 [duo1 zhong3] /many kinds of/multiple/diverse/multi-/
+ 多種 多种 [duo1 zhong3] /many kinds of; multiple; diverse; multi-/
# not in many dicts, and the dicts differ somewhat from each other
# best to delete, I think
- 束帶 束带 [shu4 dai4] /band/belt/loincloth/cummerbund/
- 疙瘩 疙瘩 [ge1 da5] /swelling or lump on skin/pimple/knot/preoccupation/problem/
+ 疙瘩 疙瘩 [ge1 da5] /swelling or lump on skin; pimple/knot; lump/preoccupation; problem/
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