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Change log entry 77179
Processed by: richwarm (2023-01-25 09:47:27 GMT)
Comment: I felt the 2nd gloss isn't quite right, and wrote this def after looking at examples in TP.

Frustratingly, owing to its special diplomatic circumstances, Taiwan is excluded by all these organizations.

"High-tech industries are built on specialized technology and huge capital investments. Barriers to entry are high, so not many people can get a slice of the cake. It's not at all like the traditional labor-intensive industries, where everyone could get a piece of the action." Hence all those workers who were let go when the shoe factories, garment factories and lamp factories closed down find no openings here.

Chu says that math teachers have long been like the "Buddha," sitting serenely above the crowd, letting students grope their way to enlightenment as best they can. Except for those few students with a knack for math, most never get anywhere.

Yes, it is true that our prosecuting and investigative agencies have come up empty-handed on a few raids. Our raids on the Legislative Yuan's Ta-an Complex and Chenlan Taoist Temple, for example, didn't yield much evidence of wrongdoing, but with regard to the raid on the Ta-an Complex, that doesn't mean that the search itself was uncalled for. If we had been able to get into all the rooms we had targeted, we might have found something.

For many readers who wish to get to know modern poetry but find it difficult to get an entree into this field,

Actually, the authorities had received complaints about this residence before. The owner had cut several old trees from a height of 15 meters, or approximately five stories high, to only one story high. Upon hearing these reports, the Department of Cultural Affairs went to investigate but could not enter, and could only issue a letter to the owner of the house requesting that he grant permission to the proper authorities to enter the property and inspect it.
- 不得其門而入 不得其门而入 [bu4 de2 qi2 men2 er2 ru4] /to be unable to get in/to fail to find a proper approach to handling sth/
+ 不得其門而入 不得其门而入 [bu4 de2 qi2 men2 er2 ru4] /to find it impossible to get into (a house, an organization, a field of study, a particular type of career etc)/
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