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Change log entry 76801
Processed by: richwarm (2023-01-13 02:24:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 70386 - submitted by 'tubbums32' >>
New word not in the system; obtained via Youtube CC

1) 一顆握在手裡的蛋,會讓人深恐一不小心滑落或捏碎,可以想像,要在蛋殼上雕刻,是需要何等精絕的技藝?
When you hold an egg in your hand, you're afraid you might drop it or crush it. Imagine the concentrated skill needed to carve on that thin shell.

2) 到市場買菜,他捏碎人家的豆腐、砸爛人家的西瓜……,
# 捏碎 捏碎 [nie1 sui4] /To crumble (something into small pieces)/
+ 捏碎 捏碎 [nie1 sui4] /to crush (sth) in one's hand/
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