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Change log entry 76799
Processed by: richwarm (2023-01-12 22:51:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 70392 - submitted by 'tubbums32' >>
New word not in the system; obtained via Youtube CC



It was also during his graduate study in the UK that Lin discovered the love of his life: Barbie dolls. Lin found himself captivated by the dolls' myriad expressions and every aspect of their designs when he stumbled across an exhibition at Harrods of Barbies made to look like the world's top three models.

Margaret can't really explain it herself. "Everybody says that after they took a bite, they just couldn't stop eating them!" she says.

In a long line of people waiting for taxis outside Shanghai's Pudong International Airport are crowded people from all countries of the world as well as from all parts of China. They come with different emotions and different dreams to throw themselves into this bustling, vibrant and fascinating city.
# 風情萬種 风情万种 [feng1 qing2 wan4 zhong3] /A variety of styles/
+ 風情萬種 风情万种 [feng1 qing2 wan4 zhong3] /(idiom) captivating; charming/
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