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Change log entry 76753
Processed by: richwarm (2023-01-09 09:55:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 72591 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
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Editor: antonomasia is not an alternative name.
It's not any kind of name.
It's a *behavior* -- the act of referring to sth by a certain kind of name. So it's closer to the verb sense. In a case like this, it's reasonable to put the 2 glosses together (antonomasia & to refer to sth by another name), even tho one is a verb gloss and the other a noun gloss. The noun gloss here is basically 'the act of doing what the verb gloss says'.

At any rate, "alternative name" and "antonomasia" can not be considered to be 2 glosses for the same sense -- they are far from being synonyms.
- 分贓 分赃 [fen1 zang1] /to share the booty/to divide ill-gotten gains/
+ 分贓 分赃 [fen1 zang1] /to share the booty; to divide ill-gotten gains/
- 失陪 失陪 [shi1 pei2] /goodbye (modest formula)/Excuse me, I must leave./
+ 失陪 失陪 [shi1 pei2] /Excuse me, I must be leaving now./
= 泊 泊 [po1] /lake/Taiwan pr. [bo2]/
- 法令 法令 [fa3 ling4] /decree/ordinance/
+ 法令 法令 [fa3 ling4] /decree; ordinance/
- 節疤 节疤 [jie2 ba1] /gnarl/knot/
+ 節疤 节疤 [jie2 ba1] /gnarl; knot/
= 超博士 超博士 [chao1 bo2 shi4] /postdoc/postdoctoral student/
- 代稱 代称 [dai4 cheng1] /alternative name/to refer to sth by another name/antonomasia/
# + 代稱 代称 [dai4 cheng1] /alternative name; antonomasia/to refer to sth by another name/
+ 代稱 代称 [dai4 cheng1] /alternative name/to refer to sth by another name; antonomasia/
- 校徽 校徽 [xiao4 hui1] /school badge/college insignia/university crest/
+ 校徽 校徽 [xiao4 hui1] /school badge; college insignia; university crest/
- 本錢 本钱 [ben3 qian2] /capital/(fig.) asset/advantage/the means (to do sth)/
+ 本錢 本钱 [ben3 qian2] /capital/(fig.) asset; advantage; the means (to do sth)/
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