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Change log entry 76729
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2023-01-01 21:13:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 72583 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
It looks like 蹦达 is just a variant of 蹦跶:

1) Pronunciation.
Some sources say 蹦达 is actually [beng4 da5].

- 蹦達 bèngda。漢語拼音:bèngda。意為奔跑跳動;活躍。
- [蹦达] ( - da )跳。比喻挣扎:秋后的蚂蚱,蹦达不了几天了。

2) Meaning.
蹦达 seems to mean the same thing as 蹦跶.

- 美国在台海蹦达不了多久了,当中美势均力敌时,竞争就结束
- 七老八十的人了,沒幾天蹦達了
- 某人说看你还能蹦达几年,本姑娘三十己过四十又还早,只要心态好,老娘可以蹦哒到老,
- 尤齐奥们心理灰暗,多愁善感,孩子气十足,脱离主流社会,视社会的规训手段为劫持和囚禁,不过不必担心,几番蹦达之后,他们终究会明白锅是铁打的道理,终究会被社会所驯服,
- 不过不着急,还年轻,路且长着呢,脚底下稳固了,怎么蹦达都塌不了,

3) “蹦跶”一词,.... 本义指跳跃、蹦跳,亦作“ 蹦搭”或“ 蹦达”。

* * *

I have also tried to improve the wording of the 蹦跶 def.
- 蹦達 蹦达 [beng4 da2] /active/still bouncy (esp. of old person)/
+ 蹦達 蹦达 [beng4 da5] /variant of 蹦躂|蹦跶[beng4 da5]/
- 蹦躂 蹦跶 [beng4 da5] /(coll.) to jump about/(coll.) (fig.) to struggle desperately; to make a last-ditch effort/
+ 蹦躂 蹦跶 [beng4 da5] /(coll.) to jump about; to be active; to be lively/(coll.) (fig.) to struggle (before succumbing); to be alive and kicking (esp. toward the end of one's life)/
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