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Change log entry 76442
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2022-12-01 06:28:31 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 72337 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
0. Almost always a verb -- that sense should come first.

1. "sum" and "total" are the same sense, so why is a different sense ("addition") inserted between them?

2. "aggregation" would be a better word than "addition", but anyway, that sense follows from the verb definition "to aggregate", so it's superfluous.

3. "to aggregate" matches the meaning of 加总 much better than "to accumulate".

4. It appears to be a common term in Tw, but not nearly so common in PRC.
"加总" - 728,000 results
"加總" - 2,370,000 results

5. Ex.
The money in the Tax Redistribution Fund actually comes from tax revenues collected by local governments in the first place. These governments take taxes that they collect and forward a fixed percentage of certain categories to the central government. The latter then turns around and redistributes these funds to the various local governments. So why is all this rigmarole necessary?


The total investment for all that machinery must been NT$10 million.

In fact, for various geographical and seasonal reasons, the water actually available for other users is only the irrigation water coming from the Shihmen, Tsengwen and Wushantou reservoirs. This comprises only about 11 MCM per year.

When you add up the site's leading 100 songs, they only account for 20% of consumption. Everything else accounts for 80%. And 90% of the music on the website has been listened to "at least once."

Wu feels strongly positive about the group's style. He says that each member has his own favorite type of music, and Sodagreen is the natural sum of all of its parts.

The total workforce of Known-You is no greater than 300, including its headquarters and overseas branches.

The area near the famous Zhiben Hot Springs in Taitung is sparsely populated, and the whole area only has a total of 1007 students at all levels.





They proceed to add up the totals with calculators,

Tsai has seven years of magic practice under his belt, but explains that this was acquired “in stages.”
- 加總 加总 [jia1 zong3] /sum (result of addition)/addition/total/to add up a number of items/to accumulate/
+ 加總 加总 [jia1 zong3] /to aggregate; to calculate the total/aggregate; total/
By MDBG 2024
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