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Change log entry 76422
Processed by: richwarm (2022-11-29 02:28:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 72061 >>
动 逆向逼迫;反向推动:以生态文明建设~产业转型。



- 互联网技术和应用模式的发展倒逼着出版行业改变原有的服务模式,
- 大家都以开放的心态来推动自由贸易,会使消费者有更多的选择,也会倒逼本国的企业创新升级。
- 面对雾霾肆虐,空气质量变差的严峻局面,加快大气污染治理,促进绿色消费与节能减排已经刻不容缓,而越来越多的汽车尾气污染也倒逼发展新能源汽车产业,提倡消费新能源汽车。
- 美联储宣布再加息75个基点倒逼民众降低家庭开支?
- 数字教育时代逐渐占据教育的大半壁江山,尤其此次我国令人痛心的疫情发生后,急速促使全民进入网课时代,这对尚未步入成熟期的线上教学起到了倒逼的作用。

Further trade liberalization will apply external pressure on China in a similar manner to its admission to the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001, and become a driving force for domestic economic structural reform.

The market competition that results would motivate SOEs to improve their corporate governance, productivity, and competitiveness.

Amazon's game rules are in fact forcing publishers to think how to make prices and how to better cooperate with channels.

The growing new business models have also created pressure on the government to enhance its capability, because after all, many of the forms of business are new things.

He pointed out that by increasing the use of third-party agencies and other services to indirectly reduce the amount, forcing consumers to find ways to save money, such as virtual points, such as sesame credit, so that indirect consumers diverted to other services

Opening-up, being one kind of reform itself, will in turn spur reform efforts.

First of all, promote reform and opening-up from a higher starting point with higher goals, and better understand the systematic problems in reform. Reform came from the urge to solve the problem, and has been bolstered in the process of solving the problem.

培育好铸牢中华民族共同体意识“金课”,以“科研+教学+田野”的叠加路径丰富课程内容,突破传统课堂教学中的知识局限,倒逼教学课程在内容和方式上不断创新和改革; Creating a good curriculum of forging a sense of community for the Chinese nation, on the one hand, will help us to follow the all-important path of “scientific research + teaching + field,” enrich course content, smash the knowledge ceiling of traditional classroom teaching, and stimulate continuous innovation and reform in teaching content and methods.
# 倒逼 倒逼 [dao4 bi1] /to bring about a bottom-up revolution/
+ 倒逼 倒逼 [dao4 bi1] /(of circumstances) to stimulate (change, esp. innovation, reform etc)/
By MDBG 2024
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