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Change log entry 76413
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2022-11-28 07:06:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 72275 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
booby prize:
- "an award for the poorest performance in a game or competition"
- "a prize given as a joke to the person who is last in a race or competition."

That's not what people say 安慰奖 means.
- 安慰奖跟参与奖的性质差不多
- 大概就是:虽然不是最好的,但还是不错的,给个奖,安慰安慰
- 用来看看 毕竟没奖励不好看
- 给面子

No mention of "booby prize" in Wiktionary, ABC, PLC, K or NA.
They all say "consolation prize", which is what you'd expect from the word's composition: 安慰 + 奖.
- 安慰獎 安慰奖 [an1 wei4 jiang3] /consolation prize/booby prize/
+ 安慰獎 安慰奖 [an1 wei4 jiang3] /consolation prize/
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