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Change log entry 76390
Processed by: richwarm (2022-11-25 00:38:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 72268 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
caps, short description

Re "i kept jiang3 without caps, but not 100% sure"

I would say 奖 is like "man" — it is a free word, but it is also used like a suffix, as in 'policeman', 'chairman' etc.

i.e. I think the pinyin you submitted is the best way to do it
- 評審團特別獎 评审团特别奖 [ping2 shen3 tuan2 te4 bie2 jiang3] /Special Jury Prize/
+ 評審團特別獎 评审团特别奖 [Ping2 shen3 tuan2 Te4 bie2 jiang3] /Special Jury Prize, award at the Venice Film Festival/
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