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Change log entry 76387
Processed by: richwarm (2022-11-24 23:21:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 72274 - submitted by 'lite3000' >>
Definition found on Yellowbridge and Zdic


Editor: We already have this word implicitly, since we have
黏稠 黏稠 [nian2 chou2] /viscous/thick/
粘 粘 [nian2] /variant of 黏[nian2]/

If 粘稠 doesn't show up in your dictionary app, it's a deficiency of the app, since it doesn't recognize that these two entries imply that 粘稠 is a variant of 黏稠.

In fact, we used to have exactly the entry you have submitted:
粘稠 粘稠 [nian2 chou2] /thick/viscous/sticky/
... but deleted it as redundant:

- it appears that 粘稠 is the more common variant, and
- 粘稠 is the form given in HDC, GR and M
so I'm replacing our existing 黏稠 entry with an entry for 粘稠.

* * *

粘稠 doesn't mean "thick" or "sticky", but rather "thick and sticky".
# 粘稠 粘稠 [nian2 chou2] /thick/viscous/sticky/
- 黏稠 黏稠 [nian2 chou2] /viscous/thick/
+ 粘稠 粘稠 [nian2 chou2] /viscous; thick and sticky/
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