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Change log entry 76357
Processed by: richwarm (2022-11-21 00:19:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 72237 - submitted by 'hanpingchinese' >>
In Wenlin's ABC dictionary, the second traditional character is 升. This would also be consistent with CC-CEDICT's existing entry for 升. Furthermore, CC-CEDICT does not have an entry for 升 [昇]

Editor: There are no errors in this entry.
提昇 is a correct traditional form (used on millions of webpages, according to Google).
So is 提升.
Both 提昇 and 提升 are correct ways of writing this word.
Of the two, 提升 is more commonly used, but 提昇 is no less correct.

Here are just a few examples of usage of 提昇 in "Taiwan Panorama" magazine articles:
- 1990年代以降,民眾對於環境品質的要求普遍提昇,...
- 林劭錡一方面經由破紀錄提昇國際能見度,...
- 不過,台灣女性在政府決策體系內的地位提昇,相對緩慢。
- ...重新找回溫暖人心及向上提昇的力量。
- 因為實施PACS系統,X光片判讀的精準度得以大幅提昇,...
- ...提昇知名度,...
- ...決定要提昇產品的附加價值。

Taiwan dictionaries have 提昇 as a headword.
For example,

* * *

In ABC, until Jan 2021, the second traditional character was indeed 升, as you say.
The entry used to read as follows:
¹tíshēng* ​提​升 ...

But not anymore. They finally fixed it, on the same day Trump supporters attacked the Capitol — Jan. 6, 2021.
The entry now reads as follows:
tíshēng ​提​升[--/​昇/​陞] ...

You can check that at their wiki:
(if you are a registered user)

I pointed out various deficiencies in ABC's traditional forms to Wenlin folk more than five years ago. However, they do not act on these suggestions unless you actually do the work yourself, individually rewriting each entry and submitting it on their wiki. In the past few years, a volunteer with username "Gregb" (not an ABC team member, I believe) has finally done so for thousands of entries, and 提​升 is one of the ones he fixed.

* * *

昇 and 升 are both traditional forms that share the meaning "to rise; to raise", and they are pronounced the same as well (shēng). In other words, they are variants of each other.

In CC-CEDICT, we document that in the following entries:
升 升 [sheng1] /to ascend .../
昇 昇 [sheng1] /variant of 升[sheng1] .../
陞 升 [sheng1] /variant of 升[sheng1]/
曻 曻 [sheng1] /variant of 昇|升[sheng1]/

(In other words, 升, 昇, 陞 and 曻 are all traditional forms, and are variants of each other.)

If we translated our current entry
提昇 提升 [ti2 sheng1] /to promote/to upgrade/
to ABC's format, incorporating the above information about 升's variants, we would get
tíshēng ​提​升[--/​昇/​陞/曻] ...
... which is almost exactly what ABC now says. (ABC just lacks that last variant, 曻.)

So if a user looks up 提​升 or 提​昇 or 提​陞 or 提​曻 in a dictionary app that uses CC-CEDICT, the app should identify *any* of those four forms as matching our current entry for 提​昇|提​升[ti2 sheng1], and therefore display that entry.

Does Hanping do that sort of variant matching?

Even though our present entry contains no errors, I will accept the proposed change because we try to provide the most common traditional variant at the head of an entry.

Note, however, that this probably a retrograde step for some users.
Why do I say that?
Because until now, if a user searched for either 提升 or 提昇, their dictionary app would find our current entry:
提昇 提升 [ti2 sheng1] /to promote/to upgrade/
But from now on, if they search for 提昇, their app will NOT find a matching entry unless it does variant matching.
The Zhongwen Chrome extension, for example, will no longer display a definition for 提昇.
I hope variant matching becomes more common in future. It's an option in Wenlin, and it's the default for Google. (Googling 提昇 yields results for both 提昇 and 提升 unless you specify verbatim matching).

* * *

> "CC-CEDICT does not have an entry for 升 [昇]."
No, it doesn't, but it *should*, because the 通用规范汉字表* says 昇 should be simplified as 升 (except when 昇 is used in a personal name, in which case 昇 is both the trad and the simp form.)

* https://zh.wikisource.org/wiki/通用规范汉字表
- 提昇 提升 [ti2 sheng1] /to promote/to upgrade/
+ 提升 提升 [ti2 sheng1] /to promote/to upgrade/
# Editor:
- 昇 昇 [sheng1] /variant of 升[sheng1] (used as a surname and in given names)/
+ 昇 升 [sheng1] /variant of 升[sheng1]/
+ 昇 昇 [sheng1] /(used as a surname and in given names)/
By MDBG 2024
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