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Change log entry 76218
Processed by: richwarm (2022-11-01 03:35:28 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 70458 - submitted by 'tubbums32' >>
New word not in the system; obtained via Youtube CC

Enno Cheng, an artist herself who releases her own music independently, stands behind the counter, chatting with the customers, as from the sound system float the words of IGU Band:

During that meeting, Hou largely just listened as the girl spoke. At some point in their conversation, they bonded.

Prior to its MOCA Tai­pei exhibition, the FWPG recruited eight artists for a mission to Bai­shu, a community near Qiao­tou. There the artists made a point of first being present in the neighborhood and having heart-to-hearts with residents, before going on to paint their reactions to the experience on the walls of an abandoned building.

而馬英九從去年展開「long stay」、「home stay」,深入綠營票倉,與民眾交心、向民眾學習,也成功拉近了他與中南部基層民眾的距離。
Last year, Ma made his "long stay" and "home stay" trips into pan-green territory, opening dialogue with voters there and bridging the gap between himself and the people of central and southern Taiwan.

But the anonymous nature of the Web provides readers with a way to honestly exchange their feelings.

Chen doesn't complain about having to "watch the store" but rather takes pleasure in what he considers "charging his batteries," as he meets two or three customers every day who sit and exchange ideas with him.

"I became less willing to trust other people," she says, and she had trouble really connecting with others. At some level, she's still afraid that history might repeat itself.
# 交心 交心 [jiao1 xin1] /To lay one's heart bare/open one's heart to/confide one’s thoughts/
+ 交心 交心 [jiao1 xin1] /to open one's heart; to have a heart-to-heart conversation/
By MDBG 2024
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