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Change log entry 75893
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2022-09-28 20:09:58 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 71659 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
For millennia, parents and teachers have seen sexual knowledge as "forbidden fruit." They have been deeply afraid that once their children know about sex, they will become over-stimulated and seek to try it.

8.5% of high school students had engaged in sexual behavior.

In early September, a mother and daughter quietly slipped into a clinic on Taipei's Neichiang Street, known as "abortion road." The daughter had just taken her entrance exams for university, but she hadn't been able to wait for the carefree days of college before tasting the forbidden fruit.

And so, when discovering that their kids have had sex, many parents' first reaction is to become furious. "Have you no self-respect?" they'll scold their daughters.
- 禁果 禁果 [jin4 guo3] /forbidden fruit/
# + 禁果 禁果 [jin4 guo3] /forbidden fruit/premarital sex/
+ 禁果 禁果 [jin4 guo3] /forbidden fruit (esp. premarital sex)/
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