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Change log entry 75689
Processed by: richwarm (2022-09-03 12:13:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 71491 >>

Editor: So, you are taking the title of a Chinese Wikipedia article and matching it with the description in the matching English Wikipedia article, copying that description, and submitting it to us as a proposed entry.

Wouldn't it make more sense to create a big file of all the Chinese Wikipedia article titles and their matching English descriptions *automatically*, using a script? It would save us from doing it slowly, laboriously, manually, one entry at a time. I have no doubt that this will happen – someone is going to create such a file of Chinese Wikipedia article titles. (Pleco, for one, intends to do it.)

That's why I discourage people who are thinking of submitting proper nouns to cc-cedict. I don't want to spend my time manually creating a smattering of entries of this type if a comprehensive file with many thousands of entries is going to be created.
# 新疆生(產|産)建設兵團 新疆生产建设兵团 [Xin1 jiang1 Sheng1 chan3 Jian4 she4 Bing1 tuan2] /The Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, also known as XPCC or Bingtuan ("The Corps"), a state-owned economic and paramilitary organization in China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region./
+ 新疆生產建設兵團 新疆生产建设兵团 [Xin1 jiang1 Sheng1 chan3 Jian4 she4 Bing1 tuan2] /Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, also known as XPCC or Bingtuan ("the Corps"), a state-owned economic and paramilitary organization in China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region/
By MDBG 2024
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