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Change log entry 75688
Processed by: richwarm (2022-09-03 07:29:24 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 71485 - submitted by 'lite3000' >>
I found the word in an ad.

Meaning can be found on Baidu Baike and context.reverso.net.

Privatization is not simply selling stock, like some kind of going-out-of-business sale of government assets,

[If someone tells you about an opportunity to invest in an unlisted stock or a piece of property,] you'd better think real hard before throwing your money around because you may not be able to get your cash back out for the next ten years.

Art is probably not as good an investment as real estate, stocks, and other financial instruments because it is less liquid -- you may have to hold onto a work for years or even decades before you can sell it at a profit.
# 變現 变现 [bian4 xian4] /realization / to cash in / to realize / to monetize / to liquidate/
+ 變現 变现 [bian4 xian4] /to realize (an asset); to liquidate; to sell for cash; to monetize/
# Extra:
+ 變現能力 变现能力 [bian4 xian4 neng2 li4] /liquidity; marketability/
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