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Change log entry 75489
Processed by: richwarm (2022-08-10 02:12:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 71313 >>
You can use the noun lycanthrope as a fancy way to talk about a werewolf or wolfman, or any other kind of mythical human-wolf creature.

Editor: Yeah, well, we could add "necropolis" to our definition of 墓地, since that's a "fancy way to talk about" a cemetery. But I'd regard it as gratuitous.

There are other synonyms for "werewolf", such as "loup-garou", but the more synonyms you add, the less succinct the definition will be. People who want "fancy" synonyms can always google "werewolf synonyms".
# - 狼人 狼人 [lang2 ren2] /werewolf/
# + 狼人 狼人 [lang2 ren2] /werewolf; lycanthrope/
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