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Change log entry 75463
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2022-08-05 10:51:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 71297 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>


For example, if Li-wei restrains himself from hitting his brother, but instead runs to Mom to complain, he gets points for "thinking before doing." She also will give him points for "paying attention" if he can sit and watch TV for a while. When Li-wei accumulates enough points, he gets a prize of his own choosing.

Once set in place, these three measures would relieve the pressure students have graduating to higher levels. He also recommended doing away with early-morning study hour, "brutal cramming" and physical fitness requirements on entrance exams, in hopes of "giving students back to their families, giving youth back to students."

When newspaper headlines revealed that passing physical fitness tests would add points to students' entrance exam scores, the reaction of many parents was, if even physical fitness is part of the exam, "should everyone send their children to a buxiban to bone up on phys. ed.?"

What's more, Minister of Education Wu Ching has proposed an idea of allowing points to be added to the joint entrance exams based on level of physical fitness. This proposal has been applauded by many people who work in education.

Su makes an interesting point with regard to the standard of a good woman: The current unequal distribution of labor in society can be illustrated by setting men and women at two extremes on a continuum, with men (who do less) at point zero and women (who do more) at 100, with 50 each being a perfect balance of labor. The man only needs to do a little and he "gets points," whereas if the woman seeks equality then she is considered to "lose points." Men are praised for any change (thus the appearance of the "new good man"), while women are blamed for the same thing (thus no talk of a "new good woman").

To aid in the preservation of aboriginal culture, the Ministry of Education has recently considered introducing rules which would require that aboriginal children pass an examination in their mother tongue in order to receive extra points on the university entrance exam. The more highly educated aborigines of all the tribes have opposed such rules, however, for the surprising reason that their own children have no grasp of their mother tongue.

I wouldn't say that I'm especially good-looking, but giving people a strong first impression certainly has been extra effective.

Take, for instance, the "self-study" track in which admissions are entirely based upon one's grades. Striving for higher "group spirit" grades, students have been known to take clothing to the dean of students that had been left by their classmates in the school yard. The idea was to show the dean how they would never consider taking an object that wasn't theirs. The dean, however, thought that since these pieces of clothing all bore name tags, it would make more sense just to take them to their owners. Then the students starting pulling the name tags off the clothing they found.
- 加分 加分 [jia1 fen1] /extra credit (on a test)/bonus point/
+ 加分 加分 [jia1 fen1] /bonus point; extra credit/to award bonus points; to earn extra points/
+ 減分 减分 [jian3 fen1] /to deduct points; to lose points/
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