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Change log entry 75274
Processed by: richwarm (2022-07-18 04:22:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 71159 - submitted by 'hanpingchinese' >>
Usually when the simplified and traditional differ, both are included. Presumably the simplified has been omitted because of the explicit context of Japanese, but it's not clear what the CC-CEDICT standard is in this scenario.

Editor: Only Chinese words are presented in the format "(trad)|(simp)[pinyin]".
In this entry, "断捨離" is a Japanese word, presented in standard Japanese orthography.

In your proposal (i.e. 断捨離|断舍离), 断 appears in the traditional part. But 断 is not a traditional character, so "断捨離" is not the correct traditional form. If we "corrected" it by changing it to 斷捨離, then the result, namely 斷捨離|断舍离, would be a self-reference, i.e. an entry referring to itself.

Moreover, neither 斷捨離 nor 断舍离 is the orthographically correct Japanese form. The correct form is 断捨離, which is what the current version of our entry says.

When we have, within a definition, the string "from Japanese " followed a hanzi, you can assume that the text that starts with that hanzi and ends with the character before the following ascii character (usually a space character), is a Japanese word.

Apart from 斷捨離, we have the following entries:

- 腐女 腐女 [fu3 nu:3] /fujoshi (woman who likes manga about male homosexual love) (derived from Japanese 腐女子 "fujoshi")/
- 感性工學 感性工学 [gan3 xing4 gong1 xue2] /kansei engineering (product design that aims to engender specific subjective responses in the consumer) (orthographic borrowing from Japanese 感性工学 "kansei kougaku")/
- 結界 结界 [jie2 jie4] /(Buddhism) to designate the boundaries of a sacred place within which monks are to be trained; a place so designated/(fantasy fiction) force field; invisible barrier (orthographic borrowing from Japanese 結界 "kekkai")/
- 凱林賽 凯林赛 [kai3 lin2 sai4] /keirin cycle race (paced stadium event) (loanword from Japanese 競輪 "keirin"/
- 裏番 里番 [li3 fan1] /erotic animation/hentai/(loanword from Japanese 裏番組 "ura bangumi")/
- 萌 萌 [meng2] /to sprout/to bud/to have a strong affection for (slang)/adorable (loanword from Japanese 萌え moe, slang describing affection for a cute character)/
- 納尼 纳尼 [na4 ni2] /(Internet slang) what? (loanword from Japanese 何 なに nani)/
- 社畜 社畜 [she4 chu4] /(coll.) corporate drone (orthographic borrowing from Japanese 社畜 "shachiku")/
- 聲優 声优 [sheng1 you1] /voice actor (loanword from Japanese 声優 seiyū)/
- 視姦 视奸 [shi4 jian1] /(neologism) to leer/to stare lecherously/to follow the social media posts of sb who would rather you stay out of their life/(orthographic borrowing from Japanese 視姦 "shikan")/
- 手裡劍 手里剑 [shou3 li3 jian4] /straight or circular throwing-knife used by ninja and samurai (loanword from Japanese 手裏剣 shuriken)/
- 湯種 汤种 [tang1 zhong3] /water roux (aka tangzhong), a gelatinous paste made by heating a mixture of flour and water, used in breadmaking to produce a softer, fluffier loaf (loanword from Japanese 湯種 yudane)/
- UP主 UP主 [U P zhu3] /(Internet slang) uploader (person who uploads a video or other content to the Internet)/pronounced [a4 pu5 zhu3]/(loanword from Japanese うp主, "upunushi")/
- 一級棒 一级棒 [yi1 ji2 bang4] /first-rate/excellent (loanword from Japanese 一番, ichiban)/
# - 斷捨離 断舍离 [duan4 she3 li2] /(neologism c. 2012) decluttering; minimalism (orthographic borrowing from Japanese 断捨離 "danshari", lit. "forgoing, discarding and letting go")/
# + 斷捨離 断舍离 [duan4 she3 li2] /(neologism c. 2012) decluttering; minimalism (orthographic borrowing from Japanese 断捨離|断舍离 "danshari", lit. "forgoing, discarding and letting go")/
By MDBG 2024
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