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Change log entry 75179
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2022-07-12 06:57:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 71077 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>

1) As dicts say, it's an adjective, so it's not "a thriller" -- that would be 惊险片, not 惊险.

2) "thrilling" strongly suggests that it's something enjoyable, but some of the examples below show that 惊险 can describe very stressful situations in which someone could easily die -- in real life, not fiction.

1) 附近的動物保護警察立刻跑過來將獵槍上膛保護她,因為這代表大象即將發怒,不知情的她卻驚險中按下快門,留下珍貴的照片。

2) 最驚險的則是1997年的林肯大郡大樓倒塌慘劇。當時中華搜救總隊划著橡皮艇進入汐止,林肯大郡地基還在滑動中,冒險進入的隊員,因為房子嚴重傾斜,視覺變得完全錯亂,進入現場連站都站不住。原本應該留在外面指揮的呂正宗,面臨如此險境,心想要是弟兄們有什麼閃失,如何向他們的家小交代?
The most dangerous and spectacular IHSART rescue operation was carried out during the Lincoln Mansions disaster. Under heavy rains brought by Typhoon Winnie, IHSART rescuers reached the building complex, which was still sliding down a hillside, on rubber dinghies. Rescuers took a big risk once they reached the buildings, because they were tilting heavily, making it difficult for them to keep their balance and see straight. Lu Cheng-tsung was originally supposed to direct rescue operations from outside. He was very worried about how he would break the news to family members if any member of his team should have an accident.

3) 最驚險的是,一位婚姻數度失敗、育有6個孩子的父親,因故破產,同居人帶走其中2個孩子,他在灰心喪志下,有企圖燒碳自殺的紀錄。
A father with a history of failed marriages went bankrupt and his live-in girlfriend left, taking two of his six children with her. In his desperation, he attempted to commit suicide by inhaling carbon monoxide.

4) 不過,殷乃平強調,三十多年來,國內房地產市場總是難逃「大起大落」的驚險宿命,顯見在制度、法規及管理上有很大的缺失。而這次的一千五百億元只不過是稍解眼前的燃眉之急,可以替房市「延續半年壽命」罷了。
But Yin emphasizes that the local property market has cycled between boom and bust for the last 30 years. Clearly the present system has some serious flaws, and this NT$150 billion is just an emergency measure which will give the market six months of breathing room.

5) 卡車司機為了能在凌晨三點趕到台北縣果菜市場,一人一路加足馬力超車,另一人還得向車後沿路噴水,好讓車上的豬散熱,可以想像那驚險的景象。
... included a vivid sequence with one driver throttling up the freeway through the night, hurrying to deliver a cargo of pigs to market in Taipei County by 3 a.m., with his partner spraying water on the pigs in the back to prevent them from over-heating.

6) 由李瑞宗歷經十數次颱風、缺水等驚險狀況摸索而來的人文、史蹟、植被及林相等資訊,從此讓中橫路段的旅遊者,也可走下公路,循著稜線、懸崖、峽谷等高高低低的路線,連結成為廣大的面像觀點,從不同的角度來深入太魯閣、進入中央山脈,體會與自然脈搏合一的感受。
The information about culture, historical relics, flora and fauna gathered by Lee Jui-tsung on expeditions plagued by typhoons, running out of water and other perils, can allow future travelers on the Central Cross-Island Highway to leave the road and follow the various routes high and low towards the ridges, cliffs and gorges, to see Taroko and the Central Range from many different perspectives and get in tune with the pulse of nature.

7) 合歡越古道上的畢祿斷崖,其中許多路段只能凌空於凸出的植物矮灌上,或攀附枯禿的裸岩上,始能通行,萬分驚險。
Many parts of the Pilu Cliff section of the Old Hohuan Trail are nowadays only passable by clinging to bushes and scrambling over rocks. This is not a journey for the faint-hearted.

8) 就連手腳並用也還是處處驚險,
with parts of the route so precipitous it is still very dangerous even if you use both your hands and feet.
- 驚險 惊险 [jing1 xian3] /thrilling/a thriller/
+ 驚險 惊险 [jing1 xian3] /perilous; touch-and-go; nerve-racking; suspenseful/
+ 驚險片 惊险片 [jing1 xian3 pian4] /thriller (movie)/
By MDBG 2024
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