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Change log entry 75092
Processed by: richwarm (2022-06-26 00:02:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 70693 - submitted by 'tubbums32' >>
New word not in the system; obtained via Youtube CC

Editor: What you propose is actually a definition of 非...莫属, not 莫属.

If the subject is "the natural location in Taiwan most qualified to be listed as a world asset," there's really only one answer: Taroko Gorge.

In recent years, the "Taike" have been a hot topic in the media.

If 15 years ago you had asked Americans about their favorite foods, Chinese food would almost certainly have been mentioned

Jogging and marathon running are without a doubt the loneliest of all recreational activities.

So many channels need a great deal more programs. To feed this 'program-eating monster,' spending money to import foreign programs has become unavoidable. And the main supplier of such programs is, naturally, none other than the USA.
# 莫屬 莫属 [mo4 shu3] /None other than/There is no other except/
+ 莫屬 莫属 [mo4 shu3] /(the 3rd part of a 3-part construction: 非[fei1] + (noun) + 莫屬|莫属, meaning "to be none other than (noun); would have to be (noun)") (this construction comes after a description of a person or thing that has a certain attribute)/
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