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Change log entry 75089
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2022-06-25 20:02:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 71011 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Casting his memory back to a time more than 70 years ago, Chou recalled that his formal education was "fragmentary." Living through the chaos of war, his family fallen on hard times and himself reticent from childhood, he argued that he was "born an old man."


Verny admits, however, “Learning Taiwanese was ­really hard!” He says that this is perhaps the greatest challenge God has presented him with in his time in Taiwan.

They quote from, and refer to, "mainstream science" publications as their basis for ridiculing my beliefs, and write that they are seeking the opinions of "mainstream" scientists.
+ 自言 自言 [zi4 yan2] /to say (sth that relates to oneself)/
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