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Change log entry 75063
Processed by: richwarm (2022-06-22 09:05:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 71010 - submitted by 'sykul' >>

Editor: Most or all of those Reverso examples are either
- irrelevant to this submission (e.g. because 哀婉 is not used as a noun) or
- translated into Chinese from text originally written in English (translations are often unreliable)

There are 22 sentences on that Reverso page:
#1 is an example of 哀婉动人, not 哀婉.
#2 ditto.
In #3, #4 and #5, 哀婉 is an adjective, not a noun.
Also, #5 is from a Chinese translation of a D. H. Lawrence novel:
(In #5, "poignant" is rendered as 辛辣, which makes me wonder about the translator's qualifications.)
... and so on.

My dictionaries indicate that 哀婉
a) is an adjective
b) describes something that is both melancholy and *graceful* (it's often used to describe a melody or a voice).
This suggests to me that 哀婉 probably does not mean "pathos", which is "a quality that evokes pity or compassion".
That's because
a) "pathos" is not an adjective, and
b) 哀婉 implies gracefulness (according to dictionaries), whereas "pathos" does not.

Generally speaking, if you have a Chinese word that you think means X, but you can't find it defined as X in any dictionary, then you probably need to provide plenty of evidence, not just a link to a Reverso Context page.

Where did you get the notion that 哀婉 means "pathos"?
Did you see it used that way somewhere?
Why not include that usage in your submission? (as long as it wasn't a translation from English)
- 哀婉 哀婉 [ai1 wan3] /melancholy/sad and moving/
# + 哀婉 哀婉 [ai1 wan3] /melancholy/sad and moving/pathos/
+ 哀婉 哀婉 [ai1 wan3] /(of poetry, music etc) melancholy; sad and moving/
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