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Change log entry 75049
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2022-06-18 12:35:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 70994 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
別著急 is a construct, and our entry for it only covers one of the two senses of 著急.

"Don't worry" doesn't seem to be appropriate in the following example.
(The English translation is Howard Goldblatt's, not mine.)

"Take your time, think things through," the cop said. "You're probably just a little confused."
# 著急 着急 [zhao2 ji2] /to worry; to feel anxious/to feel a sense of urgency; to be in a hurry/Taiwan pr. [zhao1 ji2]/
- 別著急 别着急 [bie2 zhao2 ji2] /Don't worry!/
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