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Change log entry 75048
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2022-06-18 09:37:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 70997 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
1. 她心底暗恼,以往的新人被她打骂都不敢出声回嘴,这个尹夏沫好大的胆子。

2. 台中市警局交通大隊的員警去年底處理車禍事故,稱呼50多歲婦人是「阿嬤」,卻被這名婦人回嘴「我很時尚,怎麼叫我阿嬤」,台中市警局近期援用企業界的「顧客分析管理」,發文給所有下屬單位,要求不要再稱「阿嬤、阿公、歐吉桑、歐巴桑、大叔、大姊或阿姨」等,一律只能用「同學、小姐、女士、先生」4種稱謂稱呼民眾,「以免造成民眾不良觀感,以維護警察形象」。

3. 四十多歲的陳宜方,原本在超市工作,去年因工作受傷,休息一陣子。去年11月開始擔任照顧服務員,目前一星期服務7~8位案主,雖然工作時間彈性,但有時被情緒不佳、愛碎碎唸的失能老人無故責罵,卻又依規定「絕不能回嘴」,常有欲哭無淚的感覺。
In her 40s, Yifang worked at a supermarket until she got injured last year and decided to take a break. She began working in home care in November of last year, and is now handling seven or eight cases. The flexible work schedule is nice, but she sometimes has to endure complaints and even verbal abuse from her moody, functionally impaired charges. The rules of her job absolutely prohibit "talking back" to the old folks in such situations, so the work is often emotionally draining.

4. 為了建立施暴者自我覺察的能力,每位施暴者開始回溯自己的憤怒過程,有位施暴者回想時發現,每次他和太太吵架,一開始太太回嘴時,他都還能理性溝通,接著慢慢失去耐性,先是坐不住,接著會焦躁得走來走去,然後「氣到腦中一片空白」,不論拿起什麼都往太太身上砸過去。
To teach them to be more self-aware, they are asked to retrace the steps that led to their violence. One of them realizes that in the early stages of each fight with his wife, he is still capable of communicating rationally. Gradually, however, he loses patience, becomes restless, starts pacing. He eventually becomes so angry that he "sees red" and starts hurling anything and everything at her.
+ 回嘴 回嘴 [hui2 zui3] /to answer back; to retort/
By MDBG 2024
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