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Change log entry 74867
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2022-05-19 06:33:29 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 70903 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
1) /to transfer (duties to sb else)/
I'm passing the baton to my colleagues

2) /to give instructions; to tell (sb to do sth)/
LA ~ 囑咐;叮嚀。例 「老師再三交代他不可魯莽行事」。

"Ask them to go clean out the spiders in the corner, and when you come back you'll find the spiders have gone but the cobwebs are still hanging there!"

Our feet got really dirty when we went into the attic, so we were always being told to make sure to wear the sandals we use to go out onto the veranda, but I was too impatient to fetch them. I just took off my socks before stepping into the darkness.

Would you like to give them some instructions?

3) /to explain; to give an account; to brief/
解釋;說明。例 「我向父母交代晚歸的原因」。

In so doing, they hoped to give a full explanation to the audience members not so familiar with the complete version of the old drama.

But neither on the jacket nor in the CD liner notes was the origin of the human voices explained clearly.

Otherwise, if they lose money speculating, how will they explain that to their investors?

4) /to confess; to account for oneself/
[This sense is a special case of sense #3, I'd say. In LA, for example, it's included in sense #3.]
So you admit it? No wonder you've been so hard to find lately! I had no idea you would put your love life so far ahead of your friends. Come on, give me the straight dope. Who's the Prince Charming who swept you off your feet?

5) /(jocular) to come to a bad end/
See GF.
Our present def "(coll.) to finish" doesn't seem to convey the meaning well.
This sense is in other dicts, but they say it's written 交待 rather than 交代.
- 交代 交代 [jiao1 dai4] /to hand over/to explain/to make clear/to brief (sb)/to account for/to justify oneself/to confess/(coll.) to finish/
+ 交代 交代 [jiao1 dai4] /to transfer (duties to sb else)/to give instructions; to tell (sb to do sth)/to explain; to give an account; to brief/to confess; to account for oneself/(jocular) to come to a bad end/
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