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Change log entry 74863
Processed by: richwarm (2022-05-19 04:35:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 70338 - submitted by 'tubbums32' >>
New word not in the system; obtained via Youtube CC

骷髅头、 十字架 、 棺材等等是心理战术,用来吓贼
The skulls are to scare us. The crosses, the coffin, all of it.

如果你慢慢退后从远处看的话你能看到这是梵高的一幅作品 名叫"叼香烟的骷髅头"
And, as you slowly step back, you see that it's a painting by Van Gogh, called "Skull with Cigarette."

made a treasure chest with skull and crossbones painted on it

She even drew a warning skull on the container, placing it on the piano as a reminder.

News stories can also increase collecting value. Chen has found in her research that the most popular and highest valued figures in Europe and North America are those depicting skulls, fierce expressions or villains. For instance, toy building block company Lego once sold toy figures based on Osama bin Laden, George W. Bush, Kim Jong Il, and Mu­am­mar Gaddafi. The political satire is palpable.
# 骷髏頭 骷髅头 [[ku1 lou2 tou2]] /Skull(s)/
+ 骷髏頭 骷髅头 [ku1 lou2 tou2] /a death's-head; depiction of a dead person's skull/
By MDBG 2024
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