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Change log entry 73845
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-12-12 08:20:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69300 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
f[ixed].e[xpression]. like confronting a mortal enemy

as if faced with a formidable foe

| 考试将近,本班同学个个~,全力准备。

| 《舊唐書.卷一七八.鄭畋傳》:「畋還鎮,蒐乘補卒,繕修戎仗,濬飾城壘。盡出家財以散士卒。晝夜如臨大敵。」
| 《二十年目睹之怪現狀.第五八回》:「到了撫院,又碰了止轅,衙門裡劄了許多兵,如臨大敵。」

好像面对着强大的敌人。形容把面对的情况看得过于严重, 气氛紧张。

面對如此的結構性赤字,實在無須視為洪 水猛獸,如臨大敵般, 動輒引入一項每年新增兩百多億元的稅項,或大力削 減政府開支。
In the face of such a structural deficit, it is unnecessary for us to regard it as great scourges as if we are faced with a formidable enemy and easily introduce a new tax that would generate over $20 billion in revenue a year or largely reduce government expenditure.

對於這個一直 以來也很開放的地方,突然變得很緊張 和 如臨大敵 般 , 就像美國在九一 一後收緊所有入境政策,把所有中東籍、印巴籍的人士,甚至任何回教 徒均當成大賊一樣,在現時這個恐怖的世界,這種作風是可以理解的。
This is well-known to all Members. It has been so open all along, but it has suddenly turned so tense and wary that it is just like the United States after the 911 attack, which immediately tightened its entry policy, treating all Middle East, Indian and Pakistani people as thugs.

Since no one would want to take three weeks vacation just to participate in the election, the airlines immediately had to begin arranging additional flights and changing schedules.

The problem of exotic species is a worldwide one, and those nations which take it seriously approach it as if confronting a formidable enemy, not only stepping up their monitoring of farm products, but also imposing ever stricter limits on the introduction of all kinds of organisms.

Concerns that the epidemic could have a negative impact on the entire economy and society mean that all the government's ministries, and not only the DOH, are girding for battle.

As for the exams themselves, the questions were formulated with extreme care, and the security measures surrounding the printing of the exam sheets went beyond what anyone not involved could imagine. The windows at the printing plant were all papered over, while guards patrolled outside. Some commented that it was like "preparing for battle."
# 如臨大敵 如临大敌 [ru2 lin2 da4 di2] /lit. as if meeting a great enemy/cautious/with great preoccupation/with strict precaution/
+ 如臨大敵 如临大敌 [ru2 lin2 da4 di2] /lit. as if meeting a great enemy (idiom)/fig. cautious/with great preoccupation/with strict precaution/
By MDBG 2024
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