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Change log entry 73806
Processed by: richwarm (2021-12-03 23:13:10 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69304 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* What are mixed entrails? I'm assuming it is meant as a translation of something like "煮熟切碎可供食用的牛、羊等动物的内脏".
* "Chop suey" is more like a reverse translation, as it is an American(-Chinese) dish, but being such a well-known word and a transcription of 杂碎, it's reasonable to include it here, as long as it is clear this is not a common name for a "real" Chinese dish. More than one Chinese person has told me how they were shocked to see 杂碎 -- offal -- being offered to customers in Chinese restaurants in the West. It seems Chinese people refer to this dish as 李鸿章杂碎, so I'm adding that as well. Is it too mystifying without explaining the story behind the name?
* "trivial matters": I think this is a translation of definitions such as "杂乱琐碎", but 1) it's missing the messy/disorderly sense; and 2) it's usually attributive ("杂碎事").
*Pronunciation: Chinese dictionaries agree on the pronunciation zásui, LAC gives zásuì only as the Tw pronunciation.

① chopped cooked entrails of sheep/oxen
② chop suey
③ trifles
◆attr. complicated and trifling

chopped cooked entrails of sheep or oxen

名 可供食用的牛、羊等动物的内脏。

1. 煮熟切碎可供食用的牛、羊等动物的内脏。
| 牛~
| ~汤。
2. 〈书〉杂乱琐碎。
| 百家~。
3. 骂人的话。
| 烂泥扶不上墙,别再管这~。

1. 煩雜瑣碎。
| 《後漢書.卷四九.仲長統傳》:「叛散五經,滅棄風、雅。百家雜碎,請用從火。」
2. 牛羊的內臟。
| 《西遊記.第七五回》:「哥啊,喫了雜碎也罷,不知在那裡支鍋?」
3. 譏罵沒有用的人。如:「快走吧!別理這雜碎!」

1 杂乱零碎。
| 丁玲《母亲》:说靠人, 就只这一个老妈妈可靠, 可是只能把杂碎事交把她。
2 指煮熟切碎的牛羊等的内脏。有时也指家畜的内脏。如:羊杂碎。也用作詈词。
| 魏巍《东方》:你瞧, 那老地主、恶霸、国民党、帝国主义烂杂碎, 对咱多不满意!

※ 李鸿章杂碎
李鸿章杂碎(英語:chop suey)又稱杂碎,是盛行于北美地区的的美式中国菜。至今已有一百多年的历史,因1896年清末名臣李鸿章游历美国而名声大噪,进而在当地流行,后来还传入加拿大,成为北美一道受人喜欢的華人美食。


“李鸿章杂碎”(Chop Suey)”,把什么肉丝,芹菜丝,绿豆芽,青椒,洋葱什么的混在一起乱炒,有点像中式的“炒三丝”之类的。


Editor: More examples for 杂碎 as a type of person:

Some slime stole it. It wasn't a trophy, it was an urn. It contained my wife's ashes- besides this bar, it was the most important thing in my life.

Dante: Damn it! You guys totally wrecked my shop! And I haven't even named it yet! You're going to pay for that.

If you'd come in friendship, the scum who ruined your daughter would be suffering this very day.
# - 雜碎 杂碎 [za2 sui4] /offal/mixed entrails/trivial matters/
# + 雜碎 杂碎 [za2 sui5] /offal/cooked minced offal/chop suey (American Chinese dish), more commonly known in Chinese as [Li3 Hong2 zhang1 za2 sui5]/messy and trivial/small and disorganized (matters)/(derog.) good-for-nothing/useless/Taiwan pr. [za2 sui4]/
# 李鴻章雜碎 李鸿章杂碎 [Li3 Hong2 zhang1 za2 sui5] /chop suey (American Chinese dish)/
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