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Change log entry 73778
Processed by: richwarm (2021-11-27 06:58:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69317 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
f[ixed].e[xpression]. in a dilemma/predicament

in a dilemma; in an awkward predicament
| 我想去看看她, 可是不是时候。不去吧, 又不放心。真是左右为难。
| I’d like to go and see her, but the time is not right, yet I keep worrying about her. What a dilemma!

| 法理情不能兼顾,使他~。

| 《紅樓夢.第一二○回》:「千思萬想,左右為難。」
| 《文明小史.第五回》:「真正弄得他左右為難,進退維谷,心上又氣又急。」

左也不是, 右也不是。形容无论怎样做都有难处。

Faced with difficulties from both families, when Hung-chien and Jou-chia had taken all the frustration they could hold, they just had to take out their frustration on each other.

His experience has been that many factories are demanding high service fees to take back their software, and continually hint that the only real guarantee is to replace the whole machine. He is stuck between a rock and a hard place.

They couldn't afford to leave, however, and decided to renovate the house instead, but the government said that would be against the law. It was a real Catch-22.

The question of whether to remove vendors presents police with a real dilemma.
# 左右為難 左右为难 [zuo3 you4 wei2 nan2] /(idiom) faced with a difficult situation no matter what you do/between a rock and a hard place/dilemma/
+ 左右為難 左右为难 [zuo3 you4 wei2 nan2] /(idiom) between a rock and a hard place/in a dilemma/
# Editor: adding ~
- 左右兩難 左右两难 [zuo3 you4 liang3 nan2] /dilemma/quandary/Scylla and Charybdis/between the devil and the deep blue sea (idiom)/
+ 左右兩難 左右两难 [zuo3 you4 liang3 nan2] /(idiom) between a rock and a hard place/in a dilemma/
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