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Change log entry 73767
Processed by: richwarm (2021-11-23 10:52:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69517 - submitted by 'xyz' >>
Missing pinyins

1) 荀子 is also the name of a book: the Xunzi.

2) 勸學 is not a book; it's the title of a *chapter* of the Xunzi.
Probably doesn't merit an entry.
- 荀子 荀子 [Xun2 zi3] /Xun Zi or Hsun Tzu (c. 310-237 BC), Confucian philosopher and author of On learning 勸學|劝学/
# +荀子 荀子 [Xun2 zi3] /Xun Zi or Hsun Tzu (c. 310-237 BC), Confucian philosopher and author of On learning 勸學|劝学[quan4 xue2]/
+ 荀子 荀子 [Xun2 zi3] /Xunzi, (c. 310-237 BC), Confucian philosopher/the Xunzi, a collection of philosophical writings attributed to Xunzi/
- 勸學 劝学 [quan4 xue2] /On learning, classic book by Confucian philosopher Xun Zi 荀子 (c. 310-237 BC)/
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