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Change log entry 73714
Processed by: richwarm (2021-11-04 06:07:04 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69301 - submitted by 'garbaz' >>

There might be a better English term which I can't think of right now. It's those small decorations to put on cupboards and stuff with no practical purpose other than to look nice.

However, in Costa Rica the elegant orchid is an upper-grade flower. To rent a pot of orchids for decoration costs 5000 colon

In the same room, several large glass cabinets contain all kinds of lion artifacts in jade, three-color glaze pottery, bronze and other materials. The smaller ones include badges and chops, and the larger ones such things as furniture items and altar decorations.

Further investigation reveals that insufficient supplies from the central bank were not to blame for the NT$1 coin shortage. The most likely explanation is that the government had been preaching the importance of savings to primary and secondary students for many years; inexpensive plastic piggy banks of all kinds could be found on the market and parents urged children to "feed" their pet swine change. The porkiest plastic pigs could ingest in excess of 1,000 NT$1 coins. Once full, most children couldn't bring themselves to break open their piggy banks, preferring rather to keep them as knickknacks, thus creating a steadily worsening dearth of coinage.
# 擺飾 摆饰 [bai3 shi4] /ornament, table decoration/
+ 擺飾 摆饰 [bai3 shi4] /knickknack/ornament/decorative item/
By MDBG 2024
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