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Change log entry 73638
Processed by: richwarm (2021-10-15 23:36:07 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69241 - submitted by 'aaronwong' >>
- 彼此彼此 彼此彼此 [bi3 ci3 bi3 ci3] /no better (or worse) than each other/both in the same boat/
# + 彼此彼此 彼此彼此 [bi3 ci3 bi3 ci3] /no better (or worse) than each other/both in the same boat/That makes two of us./
+ 彼此彼此 彼此彼此 [bi3 ci3 bi3 ci3] /you and me both/that makes two of us/
By MDBG 2024
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