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Change log entry 73626
Processed by: richwarm (2021-10-15 20:29:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69363 - submitted by 'colepelt93' >>
A variant shouldn't list the simplified form as the modern form that it's a variant of (which is listed in the definition already).

Editor: Never heard that rule before.

The simplified form of 叚 is 假.
That's based on the 第一批异体字整理表, which groups 假 and 叚 together.
Meaning that the traditional characters 假 and 叚 both have the same simplified form, namely 假.
# - 叚 假 [jia3] /variant of 假[jia3]/to borrow/
# + 叚 叚 [jia3] /variant of 假[jia3]/to borrow/
By MDBG 2024
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