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Change log entry 73611
Processed by: richwarm (2021-10-13 22:15:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69263 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* “bumps and bruises everywhere”: “bumps and bruises” generally indicates something small, unimportant, but this expression describes a scene of utter devastation, often as a result of war or a natural disaster;
* “an ugly shambles”: I know the expression “ugly shambles” has real native usage (chiefly British, it seems) but the vast majority of Google hits for “ugly shambles” is CEDICT hosted on different sites. Also, “shambles” now mostly refers to a mess, often as a result of negligence.
* “devastated”: also used as an adjective: 满目疮痍的城市, 满目疮痍的国家, 满目疮痍的大地, 满目疮痍的景象…

※ 满目疮痍

f[ixed].e[xpression]. Devastation is everywhere.

Everywhere a scene of devastation meets the eye.


| 《清史稿.卷四一八.毛昶熙傳》:「今日巨寇甫平,兵戈未息,滇、黔、秦、隴,烽火驚心;皖、豫、直、東,瘡痍滿目。」

| 战乱之后,~。

《十月》1981年第6期:汽车在阴雨连绵的路上不住地颠簸, 满目疮痍的地震残景迎面而来。

Although the bloody civil war ended more than two years ago, scars still mark the African nation.

Power is still out to many homes and businesses, and flood waters are just beginning to recede leaving behind massive damage and debris.

The widespread destruction from this typhoon will be in the annals of the nation's history.

Kosovo was a society of widespread suffering and destruction for all communities.

The process of reconstruction in the region, which was devastated in 1998 by Hurricane Mitch, has made progress, although many obstacles remain to be surmounted.

At that time, Taiwan, in the wake of the end of Japanese colonialism, was also badly scarred and materially bereft.

So this is Fengshan Village, hemmed in by mountains and scene of some of the worst damage from Typhoon Herb. Although the typhoon hit a full six months ago, there is still extensive damage all around, and the riverbed is filled with huge boulders washed down from upstream.

Editor: Yes, "bumps and bruises" is cringeworthy. It doesn't help with either the literal or figurative meaning. It sounds like the condition of a child who has been out all day getting up to mischief with his friends, like in the movie "Stand by Me".

"ugly shambles" is also out of place here. It's the sort of expression you'd use to describe a football team's poor performance, or an untidy, overgrown garden.

"wounds and damage" seems incongruous to me – a combination of the literal meaning "wounds" and the figurative "damage".

I don't think it's necessary to provide a literal translation in this entry; it's clear enough from our entries for 满目 and 疮痍.
- 瘡痍滿目 疮痍满目 [chuang1 yi2 man3 mu4] /lit. bumps and bruises everywhere (idiom); fig. an ugly shambles/devastation everywhere/
# + 瘡痍滿目 疮痍满目 [chuang1 yi2 man3 mu4] /wounds or damage everywhere one looks (idiom)/a scene of complete devastation/devastated/
# + 滿目瘡痍 满目疮痍 [man3 mu4 chuang1 yi2] /wounds or damage everywhere one looks (idiom)/a scene of complete devastation/devastated/
+ 瘡痍滿目 疮痍满目 [chuang1 yi2 man3 mu4] /a scene of devastation meets the eye everywhere one looks (idiom)/
+ 滿目瘡痍 满目疮痍 [man3 mu4 chuang1 yi2] /a scene of devastation meets the eye everywhere one looks (idiom)/
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