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Change log entry 73608
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-10-13 08:43:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69344 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
1) The URL www.witkey.com doesn't seem to work anymore.

2) "question-and-answer website" makes it sound like Quora, but that doesn't match what Wp and LA say.

3) Rather than being a specific website ("Witkey"), 威客 refers to a type of *person*, according to LA and Wp.
Wp ~ 主要指一群通過網絡平台將自己的知識、技能、專長、經驗等等提供給別人並且換取實際的經濟收益的人。
LA ~ 指運用自己的智慧、知識、能力和經驗,在網際網路上為他人解決工作、學習、生活等方面問題而換取經濟收益的人。

4) LA says this sort of person is called a "witkey" in English, but that's not a word I ever hear used, nor is it a word in Merriam-Webster, American Heritage, or Oxford dictionaries.

5) Usage where 威客 refers to a person:
- 任務允許多位威客同時完成任務,
- 我是一位威客,入驻的是一品威客网。
- 僱主指定某一位或多位威客進行任務,
- 无论是设计写作,还是软件开发、营销推广等,每一位威客都能在智慧的创造中发挥才能、创造价值,为有需求的企业或个人服务。

This article refers to 威客's as people:
e.g. "...said they would consider working either part-time or full-time as a Witkey."

Other articles:
"Twenty months after he fired his boss on April 6 last year, Gao, 24, earns more than 60,000 yuan ($8,823) - three times his previous white-collar salary - as what Chinese call a "witkey" or wei ke in pinyin."

"Witkey refers to a person who relies on his ability (wisdom and creativity) in the Internet age to sell his wealthy working hours and labor results on the Internet and get paid. [...] If you want to become a freelancer, you have to register an account on a freelancer-related website and start your own freelance journey."

6) "Originated in China in 2005."
- 威客 威客 [Wei1 ke4] /Witkey, question-and-answer website www.witkey.com/
+ 威客 威客 [wei1 ke4] /(neologism c. 2005) freelancer/
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