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Change log entry 73574
Processed by: richwarm (2021-10-06 20:46:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69324 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* 现代汉语大词典 has the definition under 箭毒树. I'm not suggesting adding this variant since it seems to have little to no usage, while 箭毒木 is relatively common.
* c.f. 见血封喉, already in the dictionary

即箭毒树。[箭毒树:也称箭毒木、见血封喉。落叶乔木。高20米~25米。有板状根。树皮厚。叶互生, 长椭圆形。果实肉质, 梨形。产于我国广东、海南、广西、云南。印度和印度尼西亚也有分布。树液有剧毒, 涂于箭头, 可用来狩猎。树皮纤维可制绳索。]

【Wikipedia: 见血封喉】
見血封喉树(學名:Antiaris toxicaria),又稱箭毒木或毒箭木,為木本植物桑科見血封喉屬植物,是世界上最毒的植物、樹之一。
[Wikipedia redirects 箭毒木 to this page.]

Antiaris toxicaria is a tree in the mulberry and fig family, Moraceae. It is the only species currently recognized in the genus Antiaris. The genus Antiaris was at one time considered to consist of several species, but is now regarded as just one variable species which can be further divided into five subspecies.
In English it may be called bark cloth tree, antiaris, false iroko, false mvule or upas tree, and in the Javanese language it is known as the upas or ancar.[...] The Chinese of Hainan Island, refer to the tree as the "Poison Arrow Tree" (Chinese: 箭毒木; pinyin: Jiàndú Mù — "Arrow Poison Wood,") because its latex was smeared on arrowheads in ancient times by the Li people for use in hunting and warfare.

见血封喉(Antiaristoxicaria),又名箭毒木 ,为桑科见血封喉属植物。这一植物共有4种,生长在亚洲和非洲的热带地区。

从古远的年代起,他们便一代又一代用箭毒木 身上插着的毒箭射死了数不清的猛虎。

这里引进、培育了各种名贵木材,有飞机上需要的轻木,有在海水中经久不腐、适合造船和做高级家具的柚木,有坚硬似铁、见水沉底的铁刀木,有树液巨毒,可立即致动物于死命的箭毒木 。
# 箭毒木 箭毒木 [jian4 du2 mu4] /antiaris/Antiaris toxicaria/
+ 箭毒木 箭毒木 [jian4 du2 mu4] /antiaris, aka upas tree (Antiaris toxicaria)/
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